News from TUHH computer center

Update vom 23.02. 17:25 Uhr


Die Verbindung der Sync-Clients sollte nun wieder stabil hergestellt und dauerhaft gehalten werden können.

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Geräte mit veralteter eduroam Konfiguration können ab heute eduroam nicht mehr nutzen.

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The update of the TU-Cloud service to 28.0.1 has been carried out as announced.

Unfortunately, there is still a bug in this version that prevents uploading via drag & drop. Alternatively, you can upload via "+ New" => "Upload files" via a file selection window or use the sync client.


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TUHH GitLab ( will be not available on 21.12. between 5:00 PM and 6:00 PM.

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TUHH GitLab ( will be not available on 18.10 between 5:00 PM and 6:00 PM.

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Starting next week the printing center will have new opening hours:

Wednesday 13:00-17:00
Friday 13:00-17:00

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Geräte mit mit veralteter eduroam Konfiguration

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