Laukotka, Fabian N.; Moenck, Keno; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten; Krause, Dieter
Graph-based information management for retrofitting long-living assets
Cambridge University Press 5: e46 (2024)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Schmiech, Jonte; Wegner, Marie; Wortmann, Nadine; Sobirey, Eve; De Sousa Guerreiro, Helena I.; Kyselyova, Anna; Ramdani, Nora; Krause, Dieter
HANNES: A Modular Neurointerventional Training Model
Journal of Engineering and Science in Medical Diagnostics and Therapy 8 (3): JESMDT-24-1026 (2024)
Publisher DOI
Küchenhof, Jan; Breimann, Richard; Kirchner, Eckhard; Gomberg, Ilja; Trieu, Hoc Khiem; Alamsha, Kamal; Knoll, Erich; Stahl, Karsten; Menning, Johannes; Wallmersperger, Thomas; Ewert, Arthur; Schlecht, Berthold; Prokopchuk, Artem; Henke, E. F.Markus; Seltmann, Stephanie; Hasse, Alexander; Chen, Chen; Drossel, Welf-Guntram; Krause, Dieter
Development of a model-based modular building kit for sensor-integrating machine elements—Theory and application
Forschung im Ingenieurwesen/Engineering Research 88 (1): 40 (2024)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Berschik, Markus Christian; Züfle, Marc; Laukotka, Fabian N.; Krause, Dieter
Product family engineering along the life cycle – research aspects to cope with variability in advanced systems
Design Science 10: e27 (2024)
Publisher DOI
Mei, Yikun; Lakotsenina, Elena; Wegner, Marie; Hehne, Timon; Krause, Dieter; Hakimeh, Dani; Wu, Dongwei; Schültke, Elisabeth; Hausmann, Franziska; Kurreck, Jens; Tolksdorf, Beatrice
Three-Dimensional-Bioprinted Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Models in a Mouse Phantom for Radiotherapy Research
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (19): 10268 (2024)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Sobirey, Eve; Schmiech, Jonte; Wegner, Marie; Flottmann, Fabian; Bechstein, Matthias; Jungnitz, Maximilian; Oertel, Martin; Fiehler, Jens; Krause, Dieter
Developing and testing of a 3D printed middle meningeal artery model for training in interventional neuroradiology
Transactions on Additive Manufacturing Meets Medicine 6 (1): 1784 (2024)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Wegner, Marie; Krause, Dieter
3D printed phantoms for medical imaging : recent developments and challenges
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 38 (9): 4537-4543 (2024)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Schmiech, Jonte; De Sousa Guerreiro, Helena I.; Sobirey, Eve; Wegner, Marie; Belakhal, Besma; Ramdani, Nora; Fiehler, Jens; Krause, Dieter
A Novel Vessel Rupture Model for Neurointerventional Training
Additive Manufacturing Meets Medicine, AMMM 2024
Publisher DOI
Wegner, Marie; Rosendal, Maike; Hinrichsen, Nina; Krause, Dieter; Gargioni, Elisabetta
Creation and analysis of additive-manufactured CT-equivalent phantom tissue surrogates
Additive Manufacturing Meets Medicine, AMMM 2024
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Wegner, Marie; Alizadeh Azbari, Niusha; Krause, Dieter; Gargioni, Elisabetta
Development and Evaluation of a 3D Printed Modular Phantom of the Lower Extremities for Optimization and Evaluation of TBI Technique
5th European Congress of Medical Physics (ECMP 2024)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Schmiech, Jonte; Sobirey, Eve; Wegner, Marie; Krause, Dieter; Arulrajah, Kugarajah
Development and Evaluation of a Modular EVAR Training Model for the Simulator HANNES
Additive Manufacturing Meets Medicine, AMMM 2024
Publisher DOI
Wegner, Marie; Stölzel, Katharina; Breitsprecher, Tabita; Krause, Dieter; Praetorius, Mark
Development of a 3D printed paranasal sinus system prototype for endoscopic surgery training
Additive Manufacturing Meets Medicine, AMMM 2024
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Wegner, Marie; Rosendahl, Maike; Krause, Dieter; Gargioni, Elisabetta
Development of an Additive Manufactured Anthropomorphic CBCT Imaging Head Phantom
European Congress of Medical Physics (2024)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Berschik, Markus Christian; Christiansen, Finn Hendrik; Krause, Dieter
Entwicklung von neuartigen gewichtsoptimierten Kabinenmonumenten
73. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, DLRK 2024
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Hüttich, Philipp; Krause, Dieter
Holistic approach to vibration characterization of large structural components in thermal environment
31st International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, ISMA 2024
Christiansen, Finn Hendrik; Laukotka, Fabian N.; Krause, Dieter
Modellbasierte Dokumentation der Flugzeugkabine im Kontext des Retrofits
73. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, DLRK 2024
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Wehrend, Sven; Schwan, Lukas; Zumach, Katharina; Krause, Dieter
Potenziale zur Steigerung der Nachhaltigkeit in der Flugzeugkabine
73. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, DLRK 2024
Publisher DOI
Rosendahl, Maike; Wegner, Marie; Krause, Dieter; Gargioni, Elisabetta
Simulation Of A Clinical Cbct Imaging System With The Monte Carlo Method
5th European Congress of Medical Physics (ECMP 2024)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Inselmann, Pascal; Wöller, Lea-Nadine; Krause, Dieter
Standardized vs integrated interfaces - assessment of different perspectives to improve aircraft cabin design
73. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, DLRK 2024
Publisher DOI
Ridder, Maximilian; Wöller, Lea-Nadine; Krause, Dieter
Towards a Framework for the Continuous Decision-Making Concerning Variety-Induced Cost of Complexity in the Product Generation Development Process
26th International DSM Conference, DSM 2024
Publisher DOI
Wöller, Lea-Nadine; Ridder, Maximilian; Krause, Dieter
Towards an approach for the target-size-oriented selection and adaptation of methods for the development of modular product families
26th International DSM Conference, DSM 2024
Publisher DOI
Reuter, Niklas; Panek, Stefan; Kriegesmann, Benedikt; Balokas, Georgios; Hartwich, Tobias S.; Krause, Dieter
Experimental investigation and probabilistic analysis of the buckling load of isotropic cylinders under multiaxial loading
Thin-Walled Structures 205: 112379 (2024)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Laukotka, Fabian N.; Krause, Dieter
Improving Knowledge Capture, Access, and Reuse by a Model-Based and Data-Driven Management Using the Example of Aviation’s Retrofit
ASME 2024 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC-CIE 2024
Publisher DOI
Wegner, Marie; Schmiech, Jonte; Sobirey, Eve; Krause, Dieter; Gargioni, Elisabetta
Requirement analysis in medical phantom development : a survey tool approach with an illustrative example of a multimodal deformable pelvic phantom
Frontiers in Physics 12 (2024)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Kilian, Leonie; Fehn, Patrick; Bischop, Floyd; Brouschkin, Alexander; Dege, Jan Hendrik; Krause, Dieter; Weigold, Matthias
High-Precision Functional Surfaces on CFRP Components Investigation of Grinding Processes, Tribological Behavior, and the Service Life Based on the Example of Motor Spindle Components Made of Carbon Fiberreinforced Polymer (CFRP)
ZWF Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 119 (7/8): 553-557 (2024)
Publisher DOI
Hartwich, Tobias S.; Panek, Stefan; Wilckens, Dirk; Wille, Tobias; Krause, Dieter
The influence of R/t-ratio on the imperfection sensitivity of the buckling load of thin-walled CFRP cylindrical shells
Composite Structures 341: 118216 (2024)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Beibl, Julia; Krause, Dieter
Comparison of Product Concepts in Terms of Modularity and Flexibility in the Automotive Industry
NordDesign Conference 2024
Publisher DOI
Berschik, Markus Christian; Krause, Dieter
Towards Model-Based Modular Product Families in the Context of Systems Engineering
NordDesign Conference 2024
Publisher DOI
Beibl, Julia; Zumach, Katharina; Wehrend, Sven; Züfle, Marc; Hein, Eugen; Plaumann, Benedikt; Krause, Dieter
Applying a product modularization approach on the case of a battery pack
18th International Design Conference, DESIGN 2024
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Laukotka, Fabian N.; Berschik, Markus Christian; Krause, Dieter
Enhancing design representations of information and knowledge of complex and long-living assets by applying system modelling techniques
18th International Design Conference, DESIGN 2024
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Schellhorn, Johann Christoph; Schwan, Lukas; Krause, Dieter
Optimization of the potting design using an approach for load path optimized designs of sandwich structures
18th International Design Conference, DESIGN 2024
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Sobirey, Eve; Wegner, Marie; Laukotka, Fabian N.; Krause, Dieter
Printing study and design guideline for small hollow structures in medical technology
18th International Design Conference, DESIGN 2024
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Beibl, Julia; Krause, Dieter
Product changes from various viewpoints along the product lifecycle – an empirical study
18th International Design Conference, DESIGN 2024
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Berschik, Markus Christian; Laukotka, Fabian N.; Züfle, Marc; Krause, Dieter
Supporting modular product family representations by methodically utilising meta-models
18th International Design Conference, DESIGN 2024
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Sankowski, Olga; Krause, Dieter
Towards a method for human-centred analysis of external variety
18th International Design Conference, DESIGN 2024
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Vogt, Juliane; Wöller, Lea-Nadine; Krause, Dieter
Effects of product personalization : considering personalizability in the product architecture of modular product families
Journal of Mechanical Design 146 (4): 041402 (2024)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Kruse, Felix; Küchenhof, Jan; Gomberg, Ilja; Breimann, Richard; Krause, Dieter; Kirchner, Eckhard; Trieu, Hoc Khiem
Identification of parameter sets for the selection of microelectronic components for sensor-integrating machine elements
IEEE Sensors Journal 24 (7): 11174-11183 (2024)
Publisher DOI
Kriegesmann, Benedikt; Reuter, Niklas; Panek, Stefan; Hartwich, Tobias S.; Krause, Dieter
Streuung der Traglast von Kreiszylinderschalen unter kombinierter Belastung
15. Fachtagung Baustatik - Baupraxis, 2024
Open Access
Kirchner, Eckhard; Wallmersperger, Thomas; Gwosch, Thomas; Menning, Johannes D. M.; Petersen, Julian; Breimann, Richard; Kraus, Benjamin; Welzbacher, Peter; Küchenhof, Jan; Krause, Dieter; Knoll, Erich; Otto, Michael; Hasse, Alexander; Muhammedi, Benjamin; Seltmann, Stephanie; Schäfer, Günter; Lohrengel, Armin; Thielen, Stefan; Stiemcke, Yvo; Koch, Oliver; Ewert, Arthur; Rosenlöcher, Thomas; Schlecht, Berthold; Prokopchuk, Artem; Henke, Ernst-Friedrich Markus; Herbst, Felix; Matthiesen, Sven; Riehl, Daniel; Keil, Ferdinand; Hofmann, Klaus; Pape, Florian; Konopka, Dennis; Poll, Gerhard; Steppeler, Tobias; Ottermann, Rico; Dencker, Folke; Wurz, Marc C.; Puchtler, Steffen; Baszenski, Julian Thao; Winnertz, Martin; Jacobs, Georg; Lehmann, Benajmin; Stahl, Karsten
A review on sensor‐integrating machine elements
Advanced Sensor Research 3 (4): 2300113 (2024)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Inselmann, Pascal; Berschik, Markus Christian; Brahm, Michael; Krause, Dieter
Approach for model-based test specifications in the context of space engineering
Workshop on Model-Based Space Systems and Software Engineering, MBSE 2024
Beibl, Julia; Krause, Dieter
Assessment scheme for product and production flexibility – An industrial case study
Entwerfen Entwickeln Erleben: Menschen Technik und Methoden in Produktentwicklung und Design, EEE 2024
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Laukotka, Fabian N.; Krause, Dieter
Combining system modelling and graph databases to improve access and analysis in data-intensive engineering tasks
18th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference, SysCon 2024
Publisher DOI
Streckenbach, Anna; Schubert, Niklas; Streckenbach, Felix; Dust, Tobias; Ngo, Ngoc Tuan; Fiehler, Jens; Munz, Martin; Hueners, Ida; Schneider, Philipp; Frenzel, Thorsten; Gargioni, Elisabetta; Wegner, Marie; Chin, Shih-Jan; Well, Lennart; Adam, Gerhard; Meyer, Mathias
Current state and outlook in medical 3D printing and the role of radiology
RöFo Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Rontgenstrahlen und der Bildgebenden Verfahren (in Press): (2024)
Publisher DOI
Spallek, Johanna
Design for Mass Adaptation: Methodische Unterstützung zur massenhaften Produktindividualisierung
Springer Vieweg 978-3-662-69589-0: (2024)
Deutschmann, Torben; Gadinger, Marc; Wartzack, Sandro; Krause, Dieter
Design of the load introduction of continuous fibre-reinforced components for cyclic loading
35th Design for X Symposium, DfX 2024
Publisher DOI
Christiansen, Finn Hendrik; Hartwich, Tobias S.; Schellhorn, Johann Christoph; Schwan, Lukas; Krause, Dieter
Design optimization of aircraft cabin panels by additive manufacturing
20th Munich Symposium on Lightweight Design 2023
Publisher DOI
Berschik, Markus Christian; Wehrend, Sven; Laukotka, Fabian N.; Krause, Dieter
Digitalisation and Sustainability in Cabin Design : Synergies and Dependencies
34th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, ICAS 2024
Open Access
Bock, Katrin; Dublasky, Stephan; Dürkop, Axel; Guglielmi, Paula O.; Panke, Jana; Schielein, Dorothee; Beck, Katharina; Frey, Mascha-Josephine; Hernacki, Katharina; Jäger, Ineke; Küchenhof, Jan; Lüssenhop, Phillipp; Olberg, Nina; Schaldach, Ruth; Wichmann, Stephanie
HOOU an der TU Hamburg : Jahresbericht 2023
Technische Universität Hamburg (2024)
Open Access
Sankowski, Olga; Heyden, Emil; Krause, Dieter
Integrating variety, assembly, and lightweight design in product architecture of cabin monument
34th CIRP Design Conference, CIRP 2024
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Christiansen, Finn Hendrik; Inselmann, Pascal; Krause, Dieter
Lightweight design and variety: A multi-model optimization approach in product development
35th Design for X Symposium, DfX 2024
Publisher DOI
Beibl, Julia; Disselkamp, Jan Philipp; Dumitrescu, Roman; Krause, Dieter
Product and production design - rethinking views on flexibility
34th CIRP Design Conference, CIRP 2024
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Wehrend, Sven; Krause, Dieter; Frischkorn, Konrad; Eickhoff, Thomas; Reißmann, Jan; May, Marvin Carl; Lanza, Gisela; Hasse, Alexander; Stark, Rainer; Göbel, Jens C.; Jacobs, Georg; Schleich, Benjamin
Product production ecosystems for the reuse of modules in the extended product life cycle
35th Design for X Symposium, DfX 2024
Publisher DOI
Wehrend, Sven; Schwan, Lukas; Zumach, Katharina; Krause, Dieter
Towards a holistic approach to increase sustainability in aircraft cabin design
34th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, ICAS 2024
Open Access
Züfle, Marc; Rennpferdt, Christoph; Batora, Mona; Bursac, Nikola; Krause, Dieter
Complexity Coping by Methodical Agile and Modular Product Development - A Bibliometric Review
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2023)
Publisher DOI
Sankowski, Olga; Krause, Dieter
The Human-centredness metric : early assessment of the quality of human-centred design activities
Applied Sciences 13 (21): 12090 (2023)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Röver, Tim; Kuehne, Maxim; Bischop, Floyd; Clague, Leighton; Bossen, Bastian; Emmelmann, Claus
Design and numerical assessment of an additively manufactured Schwarz diamond triply periodic minimal surface fluid-fluid heat exchanger
Journal of Laser Applications 35 (4): 042071 (2023)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Züfle, Marc; Berschik, Markus Christian; Birk, Clemens; Geiger, Daniel; Krause, Dieter
Transparency by mapping of solution variety in modular mechatronic systems architecture
Tag des Systems Engineering (TdSE 2023)
Gomberg, Ilja; Breimann, Richard; Kirchner, Eckhard; Küchenhof, Jan; Krause, Dieter; Trieu, Hoc Khiem
Evaluation of a modular microsystem structure for sensor-integrating machine elements
Tagungsband MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2023, Dresden, 23. - 25. Oktober 2023. - Berlin, 2023.
Züfle, Marc; Küchenhof, Jan; Berschik, Markus Christian; Krause, Dieter
Enhancing Collaborative Modular Product Development: Interface Allocation and Associated Responsibilities
25th International Dependency and Structure Modelling Conference (DSM 2023)
Publisher DOI
Ridder, Maximilian; Rennpferdt, Christoph; Wöller, Lea-Nadine; Krause, Dieter
Development of a dynamic complexity costs assessment approach in aviation development
34th Symposium Design for X (DFX 2023)
Publisher DOI
Pähler, Lukas; Sankowski, Olga; Üreten, Selin; Eisenmann, Matthias; Krause, Dieter; Matthiesen, Sven
Impact of method users on the application of design methods : assessing the role of method-related background knowledge
34th Symposium Design for X (DFX 2023)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Schmiech, Jonte; Wortmann, Nadine; De Sousa Guerreiro, Helena I.; Sobirey, Eve; Wegner, Marie; Kyselyova, Anna; Fiehler, Jens; Krause, Dieter
Development of an additively manufactured skull model for the neurointerventional simulator HANNES
Transactions on additive manufacturing meets medicine 5 (1): 816 (2023)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Sobirey, Eve; Schmiech, Jonte; Wegner, Marie; Flottmann, Fabian; Fiehler, Jens; Krause, Dieter
Influence of additive manufacturing parameters on patient-specific small vessel models based on the neurointerventional simulator HANNES
Transactions on additive manufacturing meets medicine 5 (1): 810 (2023)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Rennpferdt, Christoph; Züfle, Marc; Bagusat, Marco; Bender, Dennis; Krause, Dieter
Development of Modular Architectures for Product–Service Systems
Sustainability 15 (18): 14001 (2023)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Luxbacher, Günther; Krause, Dieter
From Engineering to Product Design. Solutions as Signs of the Times and the Corresponding Institutional Progress during 75 years of WiGeP
34th Symposium Design for X (DFX 2023)
Publisher DOI
Hanna, Michael; Wöller, Lea-Nadine; Dambietz, Florian; Krause, Dieter
A model-based approach for the methodical development and configuration of modular product families
Systems 11 (9): 449 (2023-08-31)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Ramdani, Nora; Kyselyova, Anna; Ngo, Ngoc Tuan; Schmiech, Jonte; Krause, Dieter; Flottmann, Fabian; Meyer, Lukas; Fiehler, Jens; Bester, Maxim; De Sousa Guerreiro, Helena I.
P165/237 Development and Validation of a novel stenosis model for percutaneous transluminal angioplasty training
15th Congress of the European Society of Minimally Invasive Neurological Therapy (ESMINT 2023)
Publisher DOI
Panek, Stefan; Hartwich, Tobias S.; Kriegesmann, Benedikt; Krause, Dieter
Guidelines for test conditions and documentation of buckling experiments with cylindrical CFRP shells
23rd International Conference on Composites Materials (ICCM 2023)
Kuechenhof, Jan; Krause, Dieter
Experimental validation of a method for systematic new development
24th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 2023)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Breimann, Richard; Rennpferdt, Christoph; Wehrend, Sven; Kirchner, Eckhard; Krause, Dieter
Exploiting the sustainability potential of modular products by integrating R-imperatives into product life phases
24th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 2023)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Kuechenhof, Jan; Berschik, Markus C.; Beibl, Julia; Alonso Fernández, Iñigo; Otto, Kevin; Krause, Dieter; Isaksson, Ola
Incorporating field effects into the design of modular product families
24th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 2023)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Berschik, Markus Christian; Schumacher, Thomas; Laukotka, Fabian N.; Krause, Dieter; Inkermann, David
MBSE within the engineering design community - an exploratory study
24th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 2023)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Breslin, Thomas; Paino, Jason; Wegner, Marie; Engels, Elette; Fiedler, Stefan; Forrester, Helen; Rennau, Hannes; Bustillo, John Paul; Cameron, Matthew; Häusermann, Daniel; Hall, Christopher; Krause, Dieter; Hildebrandt, Guido; Lerch, Michael; Schültke, Elisabeth
A novel anthropomorphic phantom composed of tissue-equivalent materials for use in experimental radiotherapy : design, dosimetry and biological pilot study
Biomimetics 8 (2): 230 (2023)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Wegner, Marie; Frenzel, Thorsten; Krause, Dieter; Gargioni, Elisabetta
Development and characterization of modular mouse phantoms for end-to-end testing and training in radiobiology experiments
Physics in Medicine and Biology 68 (8): 085009 (2023-04-05)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Laukotka, Fabian N.; Krause, Dieter
Supporting digital twins for the retrofit in aviation by a model-driven data handling
Systems 11 (3): 142 (2023)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Züfle, Marc; Berschik, Markus Christian; Rennpferdt, Christoph; Krause, Dieter
Zielgerichtete Gestaltung modularer Maschinen-Architekturen: Ermöglichen digitaler Fabriken durch die Entwicklung digitalfähiger Systeme
ZWF Zeitschrift fuer Wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 118 (3): 144-148 (2023-03)
Publisher DOI
Krause, Dieter; Gebhardt, Nicolas
Methodical development of modular product families: Developing high product diversity in a manageable way
Berlin, Heidelberg, 1-261 Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany (2023-02-01)
Publisher DOI
Hartwich, Tobias S.; Panek, Stefan; Wilckens, Dirk; Bock, Matthias; Krause, Dieter
The influence of the manufacturing process and test boundary conditions on the buckling load of thin-walled cylindrical CFRP shells
Composite Structures 308: 116674 (2023-03-15)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Mertens, Kai Gustav; Rennpferdt, Christoph; Greve, Erik; Krause, Dieter; Meyer, Matthias
Reviewing the intellectual structure of product modularization: Toward a common view and future research agenda
Journal of Product Innovation Management 40 (1): 86-119 (2023-01)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Heyden, Emil; Hofmann, Urs; Meboldt, Mirko; Krause, Dieter
A compact adjustable hydraulic damper with symmetric high load behavior enabled by selective laser melting
Journal of Low Frequency Noise Vibration and Active Control 42 (4): 1699-1717 (2023)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Breimann, Richard; Fett, Michel; Küchenhof, Jan; Gomberg, Ilja; Kirchner, Eckhard; Krause, Dieter; Trieu, Hoc Khiem
A method for optimizing product architectures for the management of disturbance factors
33rd CIRP Design Conference - Procedia CIRP 119: 1041-1046 (2023)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Krause, Dieter; Heyden, Emil
Anpassbare Impedanzelemente zur Schwingungsreduzierung von Flugzeugstrukturen : Nachweis und Anwendung auf Schwingungsprüfständen
Konstruktion 75 (11-12): 59 (2023)
Publisher DOI
Wegner, Marie; Gargioni, Elisabetta; Krause, Dieter
Classification of phantoms for medical imaging
33rd CIRP Design Conference - Procedia CIRP 119: 1140-1145 (2023)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Schwan, Lukas; Schellhorn, Johann Christoph; Krause, Dieter
Component testing of sandwich structures with more realistic boundary conditions
In: Brian Falzon, Conor McCarthy (Eds.): ICCM23: proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Composite Materials (2023)
Wagenmann, Steffen; Züfle, Marc; Weidinger, Felicia; Heinzelmann, Lisa; Rapp, Simon; Bursac, Nikola; Krause, Dieter; Albers, Albert
Data-driven modelling of the functional level in model-based systems engineering : optimization of module scopes in modular development
33rd CIRP Design Conference - Procedia CIRP 119: 1047-1052 (2023)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Malone, Karen
Experimental investigation of deep-sea oil spills in a high-pressure laboratory environmen
Springer Vieweg 978-3-031-25544-1: (2023)
Publisher DOI
Hölttä-Otto, Katja; Björklund, Tua; Otto, Kevin; Klippert, Monika; Krause, Dieter; Eckert, Claudia; Nespoli, Oscar; Albers, Albert
Facing extreme uncertainty–how the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic influenced product development
International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation 11 (2): 117 - 137 (2023)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Beibl, Julia; Lee, Jongsuk; Krause, Dieter; Moon, Seung Ki
Flexibility - grand challenge for product design and production : review and status
33rd CIRP Design Conference - Procedia CIRP 119: 91-96 (2023)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Greve, Erik
Methode zur Gestaltung zukunftsrobuster modularer Produktstrukturen aus Markt- und Produktionssicht
Technische Universität Hamburg (2023)
Publisher DOI
Zumach, Katharina; Berschik, Markus Christian; Hanna, Michael; Gebhardt, Nicolas; Krause, Dieter
Modellierungskonzept für Lösungsalternativen in der frühen Phase der Produktentwicklung von Marineschiffen
Tag des Systems Engineering 2023, Tagungsband Würzburg, 15.-17. November 2023. - Bremen, 2023. - Seite 251 - 257
Züfle, Marc; Krause, Dieter
Multi-disciplinary product design and modularization : concept introduction of the Module Harmonization Chart (MHC)
33rd CIRP Design Conference - Procedia CIRP 119: 938–943 (2023)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Laukotka, Fabian N.; Krause, Dieter
Virtual representations of physical assets : a literature study about digital twins from the perspective of application in aviation's retrofit
33rd CIRP Design Conference - Procedia CIRP 119: 926-931 (2023)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Schültke, Elisabeth; Fiedler, Stefan; Mewes, Catharina; Gargioni, Elisabetta; Klingenberg, Johannes; Abreu Faria, Guilherme; Lerch, Michael; Petasecca, Marco; Prehn, Franziska; Wegner, Marie; Scholz, Marten; Jaekel, Felix; Hildebrandt, Guido
The Microbeam insert at the white beam beamline P61A at the synchrotron PETRA III/DESY : a new tool for high dose rate irradiation research
Cancers 14 (20): 5137 (2022)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Züfle, Marc; Küchenhof, Jan; Hanna, Michael; Krause, Dieter
Assessing the influence of digital innovations on the organizational design of product family generations
24th International Dependency and Structure Modeling Conference (DSM 2022)
Guerreiro, Helena; Wortmann, Nadine; Andersek, Thomas; Ngo, Ngoc Tuan; Frölich, Andreas M.; Krause, Dieter; Fiehler, Jens; Kyselyova, Anna A.; Flottmann, Fabian
Novel synthetic clot analogs for in-vitro stroke modelling
PLoS ONE 17 (9): e0274211 (2022-09)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Berschik, Markus Christian; Blecken, Marvin; Kumawat, Hiteshkumar; Rath, Jan-Erik; Krause, Dieter; God, Ralf; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
A holistic aircraft cabin metamodel as an approach towards an interconnected digitised cabin lifecycle
33rd Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS 2022)
Open Access
Züfle, Marc; Rennpferdt, Christoph; Kuhl, Juliane; Schwede, Lea-Nadine; Krause, Dieter
Analyzing Dependencies between Product Architecture and Module Drivers
33rd Symposium Design for X (DFX 2022)
Publisher DOI
Schwenke, Johann; Schwan, Lukas; Hanna, Michael; Krause, Dieter
Ansatz zur lastpfadoptimierten Gestaltung von Sandwichstrukturen mithilfe virtueller Tests und realitätsnahen Testaufbauten
33rd Symposium Design for X (DFX 2022)
Publisher DOI
Hüttich, Philipp; Panek, Stefan; Krause, Dieter
Combined environments - challenges and potentials in the realistic component testing
33rd Symposium Design for X (DFX 2022)
Publisher DOI
Rennpferdt, Christoph; Bagusat, Marco; Bender, Dennis; Krause, Dieter
Development of Business Model Families for Product-Service Systems
33rd Symposium Design for X (DFX 2022)
Publisher DOI
Panek, Stefan; Hartwich, Tobias S.; Krause, Dieter
Directional Effects of Load Deviations on the Buckling of Cylindrical Shells in Experiment and Design
33rd Symposium Design for X (DFX 2022)
Publisher DOI
Schwan, Lukas; Hanna, Michael; Hartwich, Tobias S.; Heyden, Emil; Hüttich, Philipp; Sankowski, Olga; Schwenke, Johann; Wehrend, Sven; Krause, Dieter
Neue Ansätze zur Entwicklung innovativer und nachhaltiger Bauweisen in der Flugzeugkabine
71. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, (DLRK 2022): (2022)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Kuhl, Juliane; Krause, Dieter
Identifying potentials of product personalization
ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC-CIE 2022)
Publisher DOI
Züfle, Marc; Rennpferdt, Christoph; Krause, Dieter
Increasing Transparency for Novel and Existing Complex Systems Development - Modular Design in an Agile Context
How Product and Manufacturing Design Enable Sustainable Companies and Societies (NordDesign 2022)
Schwede, Lea-Nadine; Greve, Erik; Krause, Dieter; Otto, Kevin N.; Moon, Seung Ki; Albers, Albert; Kirchner, Eckhard; Lachmayer, Roland; Bursac, Nikola; Inkermann, David; Rapp, Simon; Hausmann, Maximilian; Schneider, Jannik Alexander
How to Use the Levers of Modularity Properly-Linking Modularization to Economic Targets
Journal of Mechanical Design 144 (7): 071401 (2022-07)
Publisher DOI
Wegner, Marie; Hartwich, Tobias S.; Heyden, Emil; Schwan, Lukas; Schwenke, Johann; Wortmann, Nadine; Krause, Dieter
New trends in aviation and medical technology enabled by additive manufacturing
Frontiers in Manufacturing Technology 2 (): 919738 (2022)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Hüttich, Philipp; Heyden, Emil; Krause, Dieter
A numerical model for vibration analyses of an aircraft partition with parameterized interface properties
20th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM 2022) 5: 702-709 (2022)
Open Access
Hartwich, Tobias S.; Schwenke, Johann; Schwan, Lukas; Krause, Dieter
Classification and development of new component tests for aircraft cabin interior
20th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM 2022) 5: 25-32 (2022)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Schwan, Lukas; Schwenke, Johann; Hartwich, Tobias S.; Krause, Dieter
Virtual testing of honeycomb sandwich structures with multiple load introduction points
20th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM 2022) 5: 81-88 (2022)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Kuhl, Juliane; Hauschild, Johann; Krause, Dieter
Comparing friction of additively manufactured materials with animal blood vessels
Annals of 3D Printed Medicine 7: 100061 (2022-08)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Züfle, Marc; Muschik, Sabine; Bursac, Nikola; Krause, Dieter
Coping asynchronous modular product design by modelling a systems-in-system
Proceedings of the Design Society 2: 2553-2562 (2022-05)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Rennpferdt, Christoph; Schneider, Jannik Alexander; Lachmayer, Roland; Krause, Dieter
Designing PSS fleets - consideration of the product architecture
Proceedings of the Design Society 2: 1109-1118 (2022-05)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Laukotka, Fabian; Rennpferdt, Christoph; Krause, Dieter
Digital twins and product-service systems: a synergy with challenges and opportunities
Proceedings of the Design Society 2: 1639-1648 (2022-05)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Hanna, Michael; Schwenke, Johann; Schwan, Lukas; Krause, Dieter
Methodical approach for the model-based development of aircraft cabin product families under consideration of lightweight and cost-based design
Proceedings of the Design Society 2: 435-444 (2022-05)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Küchenhof, Jan; Berschik, Markus Christian; Heyden, Emil; Krause, Dieter
Methodical support for the new development of cyber-physical product families
Proceedings of the Design Society 2: 495-504 (2022-05)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Schwan, Lukas; Hanna, Michael; Schwenke, Johann; Krause, Dieter
Modeling of an interface between system models and FEM models for the support of model-based development in modular lightweight design for aircraft cabins
Proceedings of the Design Society 2: 1965-1974 (2022-05)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Schmidt, Rene; Kessler, Marc; Bohne, Sven; Trieu, Hoc Khiem; Kalaydzhyan, Karen
Vaporiser unit for an inhaler, and method for controlling a vaporiser unit
Moenck, Keno H. W.; Laukotka, Fabian; Deneke, Constantin; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten; Krause, Dieter; Nagel, Thorsten J.
Towards an Intelligent Digital Cabin Twin to Support an Aircraft's Retrofit and Base Maintenance (SAE Paper 2022-01-0046)
SAE International AeroTech (AEROTECH 2022)
Publisher DOI
Wortmann, Nadine; Andersek, Thomas; De Sousa Guerreiro, Helena I.; Kyselyova, Anna; Frölich, Andreas M. J.; Fiehler, Jens; Krause, Dieter
Development of synthetic thrombus models to simulate stroke treatment in a physical neurointerventional training model
All Life 15 (1): 283-301 (2022)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Lindenmann, Andreas; Heyden, Emil; Mas, V.; Krause, Dieter; Matthiesen, Sven
Influence of friction bearings on the frequency response of a variable stiffness mechanism
Mechanism and Machine Theory 168: 104588 (2022-02)
Publisher DOI
Greve, Erik; Fuchs, Christoph; Hamraz, Bahram; Windheim, Marc; Rennpferdt, Christoph; Schwede, Lea-Nadine; Krause, Dieter
Knowledge-based decision support for concept evaluation using the extended impact model of modular product families
Applied Sciences 12 (2): 547 (2022)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Design methodology for future products: data driven, agile and flexible
Springer 978-3-030-78367-9: (2022)
Publisher DOI
Moenck, Keno; Laukotka, Fabian; Krause, Dieter; Schüppstuhl, Thorsten
Digital twins of existing long-living assets : reverse instantiation of the mid-life twin
33rd Symposium Design for X (DFX 2022)
Publisher DOI
Berschik, Markus Christian; Laukotka, Fabian; Hanna, Michael; Schwan, Lukas; Krause, Dieter
Digitale Innovationen in der Flugzeugkabinenentwicklung
71. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress (DLRK 2022)
Publisher DOI
Krause, Dieter; Schwede, Lea-Nadine; Dambietz, Florian; Hanna, Michael
Model-Based Systems Engineering: Discovering Potentials for Methodical Modular Product Development
in: Design Methodology for Future Products, Springer: 265-285 (2022)
Publisher DOI
Berschik, Markus Christian; Oidtmann, Nicolas; Laukotka, Fabian; Brahm, Michael; Krause, Dieter
Model-based power budget analysis of satellites using SysML Rollup Pattern
Tag des Systems Engineering (2022)
Kirchner, Eckhard; Breimann, Richard; Küchenhof, Jan
Sensorintegrierende Maschinenelemente – Klassifizierung, Beispiele und Herausforderungen
in: Dresdner Maschinenelemente Kolloquium DMK, Herausgeber Berthold Schlecht, sierke VERLAG: 79-92 (2022)
Hackl, Jennifer
Wirkmodell der Eigenschaften modularer Produktstrukturen
Springer Vieweg: 978-3-662-65262-6 (2021)
Publisher DOI
Rennpferdt, Christoph; Dambietz, Florian Michael; Krause, Dieter
Business Models and Product-Service System Design - Introducing the Business Model Graph
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2021)
Publisher DOI
Kuhl, Juliane; Üreten, Selin; Krause, Dieter
Challenges of modular product families and product personalization - An interview study
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (2021)
Publisher DOI
Kuhl, Juliane; Rennpferdt, Christoph; Krause, Dieter
Characteristic-Oriented Complexity Cost Analysis for Evaluating Individual Product Attributes
Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual Production Conference (CARV 2021); World Mass Customization and Personalization Conference (MCPC 2021)
Publisher DOI
Allinger, Kim; Kuhl, Matthias
Closed-Loop CMOS Stresskartierungssystem mit 4-Bit einstellbarer Sensitivität basierend auf 32 FET Stresssensoren
Mikroelektronik, Mikrosystemtechnik und ihre Anwendungen - Innovative Produkte für zukunftsfahige Markte - MikroSystemTechnik Congress (2021)
Wortmann, Nadine; De Sousa Guerreiro, Helena I.; Kyselyova, Anna; Frölich, Andreas M. J.; Fiehler, Jens; Krause, Dieter
Development and Manufacturing of Cervical Stenosis Models for the Integration Into a Neurointerventional Simulation Model
International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (ASME 2021)
Publisher DOI
Hanna, Michael; Schwede, Lea-Nadine; Schwenke, Johann; Laukotka, Fabian; Krause, Dieter
Methodical Modeling of Product and Process Data of Design Methods Using the Example of Modular Lightweight Design
International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (ASME 2021)
Publisher DOI
Rennpferdt, Christoph; Kuhl, Juliane; Krause, Dieter
Tools for the Variety-Oriented Product-Service System Design
Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual Production Conference (CARV 2021); World Mass Customization and Personalization Conference (MCPC 2021)
Publisher DOI
Heyden, Emil; Lindenmann, Andreas; Matthiesen, Sven; Krause, Dieter
Approach for calibrated measurement of the frequency response for characterization of compliant interface elements on vibration test benches
Applied Sciences 11 (20): 9604 (2021-10)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Wegner, Marie; Gargioni, Elisabetta; Krause, Dieter
Indirectly additive manufactured deformable bladder model for a pelvic radiotherapy phantom
Transactions on Additive Manufacturing Meets Medicine 3 (1): 498 (2021)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Berschik, Markus Christian; Laukotka, Fabian; Krause, Dieter
Ansatz eines holistischen Datenstamms zur modellbasierten, domänenübergreifenden Nutzung in der Produktentstehung
32nd Symposium Design for X (DFX 2021)
Publisher DOI
Russwurm, Eva; Faltus, Florian; Laukotka, Fabian; Schwan, Lukas; Brossog, Matthias; Krause, Dieter; Franke, Jörg
Methodik zur frühzeitigen Integration prozessspezifischer Einflussfaktoren aus der automatisierten Montage in die Auslegung funktionskritischer Komponenten
32nd Symposium Design for X (DFX 2021)
Publisher DOI
Schwan, Lukas; Hüttich, Philipp; Wegner, Marie; Krause, Dieter
Procedure for the transferability of application-specific boundary conditions for the testing of components and products
32nd Symposium Design for X (DFX 2021)
Publisher DOI
Dambietz, Florian; Rennpferdt, Christoph; Hanna, Michael; Krause, Dieter
Using MBSE for the enhancement of consistency and continuity in modular product-service-system architectures
Systems 9 (3): 63 (2021)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Trauer, Jakob; Wöhr, Ferdinand; Eckert, Claudia; Kannengiesser, Udo; Knippenberg, Sjoerd; Sankowski, Olga; Zimmermann, Markus
Criteria for selecting design process modelling approaches
Proceedings of the Design Society 1: 791-800 (2021)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Mertens, Kai Gustav; Rennpferdt, Christoph; Greve, Erik; Krause, Dieter; Meyer, Matthias
Current trends and developments of product modularisation – a bibliometric analysis
Proceedings of the Design Society 1: 801-810 (2021)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Greve, Erik; Fuchs, Christoph; Hamraz, Bahram; Windheim, Marc; Krause, Dieter
Design for future variety to enable long-term benefits of modular product families
Proceedings of the Design Society 1: 993-1002 (2021)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Birk, Clemens; Züfle, Marc; Albers, Albert; Bursac, Nikola; Krause, Dieter
Interdisciplinary system architectures in agile modular development in the product generation development model using the example of a machine tool manufacturer
Proceedings of the Design Society 1: 1897-1906 (2021)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Rennpferdt, Christoph; Krause, Dieter
Life phases modularisation of product-service systems
Proceedings of the Design Society 1: 1967-1976 (2021)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Dambietz, Florian; Greve, Erik; Krause, Dieter
Simulation-based performance analysis for future robust modular product architectures
Proceedings of the Design Society 1: 2671-2680 (2021)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Sankowski, Olga; Küchenhof, Jan; Dambietz, Florian; Züfle, Marc; Wallisch, Anne; Krause, Dieter; Paetzold, Kristin
Challenges in early phase of product family development processes
Procedia CIRP 100: 840-845 (2021)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Züfle, Marc; Rennpferdt, Christoph; Krause, Dieter
Cross-departmental and cross-disciplinary product development - an industry survey on the necessity and future development of cross-departmental and cross-disciplinary perspectives
Procedia CIRP 100: 625-630 (2021)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Laukotka, Fabian; Hanna, Michael; Krause, Dieter
Digital twins of product families in aviation based on an MBSE-assisted approach
Procedia CIRP 100: 684-689 (2021)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Hanna, Michael; Schwenke, Johann; Schwede, Lea-Nadine; Laukotka, Fabian; Krause, Dieter
Model-based application of the methodical process for modular lightweight design of aircraft cabins
Procedia CIRP 100: 637-642 (2021)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Rennpferdt, Christoph; Greve, Erik; Krause, Dieter
Variety-driven design to reduce complexity costs of a tire curing press family
Procedia CIRP 100: 696-701 (2021)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Dambietz, Florian; Hartwich, Tobias S.; Scholl-Corrêa, Julian; Hoffmann, Peter; Krause, Dieter
Influence analysis of the layer orientation on mechanical and metallurgic characteristics of DED manufactured parts
Lasers in Manufacturing Conference (LiM 2021)
Kuhl, Juliane; Ding, Andreas; Ngo, Ngoc Tuan; Braschkat, Andrés; Fiehler, Jens; Krause, Dieter
Design of personalized devices—the tradeoff between individual value and personalization workload
Applied Sciences 11 (1): 241 (2021-01-01)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Eisenmann, Matthias; Grauberger, Patric; Üreten, Selin; Krause, Dieter; Matthiesen, Sven
Design method validation–an investigation of the current practice in design research
Journal of Engineering Design 32 (11): 621-645 (2021)
Publisher DOI
Dambietz, Florian M.
Performance simulation of modular product architectures by model-based configuration
Springer 978-3-662-64232-0: (2021)
Publisher DOI
Krause, Dieter; Vietor, Thomas; Inkermann, David; Hanna, Michael; Richter, Timo; Wortmann, Jana Nadine
in: Bender, B.; Gericke, K. (Hrsg.): Pahl/Beitz Konstruktionslehre, Springer Verlag (2021)
Publisher DOI
Beckmann, Gregor
Unterstützung des Methodentransfers durch eine visuelle Methoden- und Prozessbeschreibung
Springer Vieweg: 978-3-662-63706-7 (2021)
Papangelo, Antonio; Lovino, Roberto; Ciavarella, Michele
Electroadhesive sphere-flat contact problem: A comparison between DMT and full iterative finite element solutions
Tribology International (152): 106542 (2020-12)
Publisher DOI
Greve, Erik; Fuchs, Christoph; Hamraz, Bahram; Windheim, Marc; Schwede, Lea-Nadine; Krause, Dieter
Investigating the Effects of Modular Product Structures to Support Design Decisions in Modularization Projects
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2020)
Publisher DOI
Heyden, Emil; Schwenke, Johann; Hartwich, Tobias S.; Hanna, Michael; Krause, Dieter
Aktuelle Ansätze in der Entwicklung und Auslegung von Leichtbaustrukturen
Produktentwicklung und Konstruktionstechnik 19: 135-157 (2020)
Publisher DOI
Schwede, Lea-Nadine; Greve, Erik; Rennpferdt, Christoph; Hanna, Michael; Krause, Dieter
Auswirkungen modularer Produktstrukturen bei der Bewertung von Produktstrukturkonzepten
Produktentwicklung und Konstruktionstechnik 19: 91-109 (2020)
Publisher DOI
Üreten, Selin; Sankowski, Olga; Krause, Dieter
Aktuelle Ansätze in der Methodenforschung
Produktentwicklung und Konstruktionstechnik 19: 31-64 (2020)
Publisher DOI
Spallek, Johanna; Wortmann, Jana Nadine; Kuhl, Juliane; Wegner, Marie; Krause, Dieter
Entwicklung und Anwendung medizinischer Simulationsmodelle
Produktentwicklung und Konstruktionstechnik 19: 255-272 (2020)
Publisher DOI
Laukotka, Fabian; Hartwich, Tobias S.; Hauschild, Johann; Heyden, Emil; Schmidt, Jens; Schwenke, Johann; Wegner, Marie; Wortmann, Jana Nadine; Krause, Dieter
Entwicklung und Anwendung von Sonderprüfständen
Produktentwicklung und Konstruktionstechnik 19: 177-205 (2020)
Publisher DOI
Seiler, Florian; Hanna, Michael; Schwede, Lea-Nadine; Laukotka, Fabian; Krause, Dieter
MBSE zur Unterstützung der Produktentwicklung von modularen Produktarchitekturen
Produktentwicklung und Konstruktionstechnik 19: 111-134 (2020)
Publisher DOI
Rennpferdt, Christoph; Greve, Erik; Kuhl, Juliane; Küchenhof, Jan; Dambietz, Florian; Krause, Dieter
Modularisierung in der industriellen Anwendung
Produktentwicklung und Konstruktionstechnik 19: 229-254 (2020)
Publisher DOI
Hanna, Michael; Schwenke, Johann; Heyden, Emil; Laukotka, Fabian; Krause, Dieter
Neue Trends in der Flugzeugkabinenentwicklung
Produktentwicklung und Konstruktionstechnik 19: 207-228 (2020)
Publisher DOI
Greve, Erik; Spallek, Johanna; Kuhl, Juliane; Küchenhof, Jan; Rennpferdt, Christoph; Krause, Dieter
Neue Trends in der methodischen Entwicklung modularer Produktfamilien
Produktentwicklung und Konstruktionstechnik.19: 65-89 (2020)
Publisher DOI
Rennpferdt, Christoph; Hartwich, Tobias S.; Krause, Dieter
PKT – Kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung in Forschung und Lehre
Produktentwicklung und Konstruktionstechnik 19: 1-30 (2020)
Publisher DOI
Hartwich, Tobias S.; Hauschild, Johann; Krause, Dieter
Transfer von Hochleistungswerkstoffen in die Produktentwicklung
Produktentwicklung und Konstruktionstechnik 19: 159-175 (2020)
Publisher DOI
Seiler, Florian; Kuhl, Juliane; Krause, Dieter
A simulation-based decision support method for modular product architecture alternatives
22nd International Dependency and Structure Modeling Conference, (DSM 2020): 83-92
Küchenhof, Jan; Seiler, Florian; Krause, Dieter
Model Based Early-Stage Assessment for Modular New Product Development
22nd International Dependency and Structure Modeling Conference, (DSM 2020): 10
Publisher DOI
Hartwich, Tobias Simeon; Völkl, Harald; Wartzack, Sandro; Krause, Dieter
Designing lightweight structures under consideration of material and structure uncertainties on different levels of the building block approach
Proceedings of the 31st Symposium Design for X, DFX 2020): 121-130 (2020)
Publisher DOI
Wegner, Marie; Krause, Dieter; Gargioni, Elisabetta; Spallek, Johanna
Comparing Technologies of Additive Manufacturing for the Development of Modular Dosimetry Phantoms in Radiation Therapy
Transactions on Additive Manufacturing Meets Medicine (AMMM 2020)
Küchenhof, Jan; Tabel, Caspar; Krause, Dieter
Assessing the influence of generational variety on product family structures
Procedia CIRP (91): 796-801 (2020)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Heyden, Emil; Küchenhof, Jan; Greve, Erik; Krause, Dieter
Development of a design education platform for an interdisciplinary teaching concept
Procedia CIRP (91): 553-558 (2020)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Greve, Erik; Rennpferdt, Christoph; Krause, Dieter
Harmonizing cross-departmental perspectives on modular product families
Procedia CIRP (91): 452-457 (2020)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Küchenhof, Jan; Schwede, Lea-Nadine; Krause, Dieter
Planning & tracking the changes-matrix mapping of modular product family generations
13th Biennial NordDesign Conference, NordDesign 2020: (2020-08)
Publisher DOI
Oltmann, Jan; Hartwich, Tobias; Krause, Dieter
Optimizing lightweight structures with particle damping using frequency based substructuring
Design Science (6): e17 (2020)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Seiler, Florian; Krause, Dieter
A Multi-Dimensional Configuration Algorithm for Modular Product Architectures
Design Society: DESIGN Conference (1): 2405-2414 (2020)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Üreten, Selin; Eisenmann, Matthias; Nelius, Thomas; Garrelts, E.; Krause, Dieter; Matthiesen, Sven
Current challenges and solution approaches in empirical engineering design research – a workshop for empirical research
Design Society: DESIGN Conference (1): 61-70 (2020)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Hanna, Michael; Schwenke, Johann; Krause, Dieter
Inconsistency Management for Product Families with many Varients through a Model-Based Approach in Modular Lightweight Design
Design Society: DESIGN Conference (2020)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Kuhl, Juliane; Sankowski, Olga; Krause, Dieter
Investigation on methods and characteristics in medical device development
Proceedings of the Design Society, DESIGN Conference ; (1), 1969-1978 (2020)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Rennpferdt, Christoph; Krause, Dieter
Towards a framework for the design of variety-oriented product-service systems
Design Society: DESIGN Conference (1): 1345-1354 (2020)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Schwede, Lea-Nadine; Greve, Erik; Krause, Dieter
Validation Concept for the Investigation of Effects of Modular Product Families
Design Society: DESIGN Conference (1): 2395-2404 (2020)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Schwenke, Johann; Krause, Dieter
Optimization of load introduction points in sandwich structures with additively manufactured cores
Design Science (6): 1-20 (2020)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Hackl, Jennifer; Krause, Dieter; Otto, Kevin N.; Windheim, Marc; Moon, Seung Ki; Bursac, Nikola; Lachmayer, Roland
Impact of Modularity Decisions on a Firm's Economic Objectives
Journal of Mechanical Design 142 (4): 041403 (2020-04-01)
Publisher DOI
Nawka, Marie Teresa; Spallek, Johanna; Kuhl, Juliane; Krause, Dieter; Buhk, Jan-Hendrik; Fiehler, Jens; Frölich, Andreas M. J.
Evaluation of a modular in vitro neurovascular procedure simulation for intracranial aneurysm embolization
Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery 2 (12): 214-219 (2020-02-01)
Publisher DOI
Laukotka, Fabian; Krause, Dieter
Following the flow - An approach to analyze the rise of particles throughout the water column
Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference (GoMOSES 2020)
Seemann, Ralf
A virtual testing approach for honeycomb sandwich panel joints in aircraft interior
Berlin : Springer Vieweg (2020)
Kuhl, Juliane; Mendoza Ponce, Pablo Daniel; Krautschneider, Wolfgang; Krause, Dieter
Additively manufactured anatomical heart model for performance evaluation of aortic valve implants
Transactions on Additive Manufacturing Meets Medicine 2 (1): 2009027 (2020)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Wortmann, Jana Nadine; Frölich, Andreas M. J.; Kyselyova, Anna; De Sousa Guerreiro, Helena I.; Fiehler, Jens; Krause, Dieter
Aortic Model in a Neurointerventional Training Model – Modular Design and Additive Manufacturing
International Conference on Additive Manufacturing in Products and Applications (AMPA 2020)
Publisher DOI
Pesch, Simeon Jacob; Schlüter, Michael; Aman, Zachary M.; Malone, Karen; Krause, Dieter; Paris, Claire B.
Behavior of Rising Droplets and Bubbles: Impact on the Physics of Deep-Sea Blowouts and Oil Fate
Deep Oil Spills. Springer, Cham. (2020)
Publisher DOI
Windheim, Marc
Cooperative decision-making in modular product family design
Springer Vieweg 978-3-662-60714-5: (2020)
Schwede, Lea-Nadine; Winter, Michael; Lödding, Hermann; Krause, Dieter
Darstellung des Zusammenhangs von Produktarchitektur- und Produktionssystemgestaltung in SysML
Symposium Design for X, DFX: 41-50 (2020)
Publisher DOI
Malone, Karen; Aman, Zachary M.; Pesch, Simeon Jacob; Schlüter, Michael; Krause, Dieter
Jet Formation at the Spill Site and Resulting Droplet Size Distributions
In: Deep Oil Spills - Facts, Fate, and Effects: 43-64 (2019)
Publisher DOI
Wallisch, Anne; Sankowski, Olga; Krause, Dieter; Paetzold, Kristin
Kaleidoscope of User Involvement : Product Development Methods in an Interdisciplinary Context
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (1026): 8-14 (2020)
Publisher DOI
Laukotka, Fabian; Hanna, Michael; Schwede, Lea-Nadine; Krause, Dieter
Lebensphasenübergreifende Nutzung Digitaler Zwillinge
Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb (115): 101-104 (2020-04)
Publisher DOI
Laukotka, Fabian; Seiler, Florian; Krause, Dieter
MBSE als Datenbasis zur Unterstützung von Konfiguratoren und Digitalen Zwillingen modularer Produktfamilien
Proceedings of the 31st Symposium Design for X, DFX 2020 : 61-70 (2020)
Publisher DOI
Gebhardt, Nicolas
Methodische Entwicklung von Visualisierungen als Arbeitswerkzeuge in der Produktentwicklung
Springer Vieweg 978-3-662-61621-5: (2020)
Küchenhof, Jan; Niebuhr, Gunnar; Schmidt, Rene; Kessler, Marc; Krause, Dieter
Modular New Product Development in Highly Dynamic Markets
CORESTA Congress Integrated Science: Opportunities and Challenges (2020)
Schwenke, Johann; Hartwich, Tobias S.; Krause, Dieter
Optimierung von Inserts in Sandwichstrukturen durch additive Fertigung
Konstruktion für die Additive Fertigung 2018. Springer Vieweg, Berlin, Heidelberg (2020)
Publisher DOI
Produktentwicklung und Konstruktionstechnik: Forschungsergebnisse und -projekte der Jahre 2016 bis 2020
Produktentwicklung und Konstruktionstechnik. Produktentwicklung und Konstruktionstechnik, vol 19. Springer Vieweg (2020)
Publisher DOI
Kuhl, Juliane; Ngo, Ngoc Tuan; Buhk, Jan-Hendrik; Ding, Andreas; Braschkat, Andrés; Fiehler, Jens; Krause, Dieter
Qualification of additively manufactured blood vessel models for the evaluation of braided stent designs
International Conference on Additive Manufacturing in Products and Applications (AMPA 2020)
Publisher DOI
Üreten, Selin; Spallek, Johanna; Üreten, Ece; Krause, Dieter
Validation of the Design for Mass Adaptation Method – A Case for Higher Medical Treatment Quality
International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care 1 (9): 88-100 (2020)
Publisher DOI
Kuhl, Juliane; Krause, Dieter
Design for Personalized Medical Devices - Benefit for the Patient as well as Advantage for the Company
International Meeting on Healthcare Systems Design Research, Cambridge, UK (2019-12-02)
Greve, Erik; Rennpferdt, Christoph; Hartwich, Tobias Simeon; Krause, Dieter
Determination of future robust product features for modular product family design
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE) (14): (2019-11)
Publisher DOI
Krause, Dieter
Development of the Hamburg Anatomical Neurointerventional Simulator - Replacement of Animal Experiments
Bf3R Forschungsförderung - Deutsches Zentrum zum Schutz von Versuchstieren am BfR", Berlin (2019-09-20).
Greve, Erik; Krause, Dieter
Long-term effects of modular product architectures: An empirical follow-up study
Procedia CIRP (84): 731-736 (2019)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Kuhl, Juliane; Krause, Dieter
Strategies for customer satisfaction and customer requirement fulfillment within the trend of individualization
Procedia CIRP (84): 130-135 (2019)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Rennpferdt, Christoph; Greve, Erik; Krause, Dieter
The impact of modular product architectures in PSS design: a systematic literature review
Procedia CIRP (84): 290-295 (2019)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Üreten, Selin; Eisenmann, Matthias; Nelius, Thomas; Cao, Shi; Matthiesen, Sven; Krause, Dieter
A Concept Map for Design Method Experiments in Product Development - A Guideline for Method Developers
30. DfX-Symposium, Hamburg: 147-158 (2019-02)
Publisher DOI
Laukotka, Fabian; Oltmann, Jan; Krause, Dieter
A digitized approach to reduce assembly conflicts during aircraft cabin conversions
30. DfX-Symposium, Hamburg: 251-262 (2019-02)
Publisher DOI
Schwede, Lea-Nadine; Seiler, Florian; Krause, Dieter
Anknüpfung von Modularisierungsmethoden an ein Wirkmodell modularer Produktstrukturen
30. DfX-Symposium, Hamburg: 159-170 (2019-02)
Publisher DOI
Hanna, Michael; Schwenke, Johann; Krause, Dieter
Chancen und Herausforderungen im digitalisierten Entwicklungsprozess
30. DfX-Symposium, Hamburg: 73-84 (2019-02)
Publisher DOI
Wortmann, Jana Nadine; Spallek, Johanna; Kyselyova, Anna; Frölich, Andreas M. J.; Fiehler, Jens; Krause, Dieter
Concept of an in-vitro model for endovascular stroke treatment using additive manufacturing
Additive Manufacturing Meets Medicine (AMMM) 1: (2019-09)
Inkermann, David; Hanna, Michael; Richter, Timo; Wortmann, Jana Nadine; Vietor, Thomas; Krause, Dieter
Die Produktarchitektur als zentrales Konzept in der Produktentwicklung
30. DfX-Symposium, Hamburg: 263-278 (2019-02)
Publisher DOI
Küchenhof, Jan; Krause, Dieter
Entwicklung eines Produktarchitekturmodells zur Ableitung modularer Produktstrukturen
30. DfX-Symposium, Hamburg: 25-36 (2019-02)
Publisher DOI
Hanna, Michael; Schwenke, Johann; Krause, Dieter
Modularer Leichtbau – Chancen und herausforderungen im digitalisierten entwicklungsprozess
Symposium Design for X, DFX: 73-84 (2019-09)
Publisher DOI
Heyden, Emil; Hartwich, Tobias Simeon; Schwenke, Johann; Krause, Dieter
Transferability of Boundary Conditions in Testing and Validation of Lightweight Structures
30. DfX-Symposium, Hamburg: 85-96 (2019-02)
Publisher DOI
Hartwich, Tobias Simeon; Völkl, Harald; Franz, Michael; Witzgall, Christian; Krause, Dieter; Wartzack, Sandro
Zur Notwendigkeit eines konstruktionsmethodischen Ansatzes für die zeitfeste Auslegung endlosfaserverstärkter Kunststoffbauteile
Symposium Design for X, DFX: 109-122 (2019-09)
Publisher DOI
Hartwich, Tobias Simeon; Krause, Dieter
The Influence of Geometric Imperfections of Different Tolerance Levels on the BucklingLoad of Unstiffened CFRP Cylindircal Shells
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM22), Melbourne, Australia (2019-08)
Schwede, Lea-Nadine; Hanna, Michael; Wortmann, Jana Nadine; Krause, Dieter
Consistent Modelling of the Impact Model of Modular Product Structures with Linking Boundary Conditions in SysML
Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design 1 (1): 3601-3610 (2019)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Spallek, Johanna; Kuhl, Juliane; Wortmann, Jana Nadine; Buhk, Jan-Hendrik; Frölich, Andreas M. J.; Nawka, Marie Teresa; Kyselyova, Anna; Fiehler, Jens; Krause, Dieter
Design for Mass Adaptation of the Neurointerventional Training Model HANNES with Patient-Specific Aneurysm Models
Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design 1 (1): 897-906 (2019)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Seiler, Florian; Greve, Erik; Krause, Dieter
Development of a Configure-to-Order-Based Process for the Implementation of Modular Product Architectures: A Case Study
Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design 1 (1): 2971-2980 (2019)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Wortmann, Jana Nadine; Jürgenhake, Christoph; Seidenberg, Tobias; Dumitrescu, Roman; Krause, Dieter
Methodical Approach for Process Selection in Additive Manufacturing
Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design 1 (1): 779-788 (2019)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Sankowski, Olga; Otto, Kevin N.; Moon, Seung Ki; Krause, Dieter
PhD research learning in product architecture design
Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design 1 (1): 549-558 (2019)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Seiler, Florian; Schwede, Lea-Nadine; Krause, Dieter
MBSE-basierte Produktkonfiguratoren zur Analyse der Modularisierung bei der Entwicklung modularer Baukastensysteme
Entwerfen Entwickeln Erleben in Produktenwicklung und Design: (2019-06)
Wallisch, Anne; Sankowski, Olga; Krause, Dieter; Paetzold, Kristin
Overcoming fuzzy design practice: Revealing potentials of user-centered design research and methodological concepts related to user involvement
International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation, ICE/ITMC: 8792591 (2019-06)
Publisher DOI
Lindenmann, Andreas; Heyden, Emil; Matthiesen, Sven; Krause, Dieter
Adjustable Impedance Elements for Testing and Validation of Aircraft Components and Hand-Held Power Tools
Stuttgarter Symposium 2019-May: 63-72 (2019)
Ciavarella, Michele; Papangelo, Antonio
Extensions and comparisons of BAM (Bearing Area Model) for stickiness of hard multiscale randomly rough surfaces
Tribology International (133): 263-270 (2019-05-01)
Publisher DOI
Sankowski, Olga
Design Methodology - The blurred lines of user involvement
Conference on Human Bahaviour in Design (HBiD), Tutzing: (2019-04-23)
Krause, Dieter; Greve, Erik
Variantenmanagement beherrschen durch Modularisierung - ein (Dauer-)Thema für den Mittelstand
Technik Forum Industriearmaturen, VDMA Frankfurt: (2019-03-26)
Nawka, Marie Teresa; Fiehler, Jens; Spallek, Johanna; Buhk, Jan-Hendrik; Frölich, Andreas M. J.
Current status of training environments in neuro-interventional practice: Are animal models still contemporary?
Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery 11 (3): 283-289 (2019-03)
Publisher DOI
Fontanela, Filipe; Grolet, Aurélien; Salles, Loic; Chabchoub, Amin; Champneys, Alan; Patsias, Sophoclis; Hoffmann, Norbert
Dissipative solitons in forced cyclic and symmetric structures
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (117): 280-292 (2018-04-04)
Publisher DOI
Papangelo, Antonio; Guarino, R.; Pugno, Nicola M.; Ciavarella, Michele
On unified crack propagation laws
Engineering Fracture Mechanics (207): 269-276 (2019-02-15)
Publisher DOI
Schlüter, Matthias; Aman, Z. M.; Paris, C. B.; Oldenburg, Thomas B. P.; Pesch, Simeon Jacob; Malone, Karen; Krause, Dieter; Jaggi, Aprami; Jaeger, Philip
The Pressure is On: Understanding Deep Oil Spills in the Ultra-Deep Environment
Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystems Science Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA (2019-02)
Hartwich, Tobias S.; Krause, Dieter
The influence of geometric imperfections of different tolerance levels on the buckling load of unstiffened cfrp cylindrical shells
International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM 2019)
Krause, Dieter; Sankowski, Olga; Wartzack, Sandro; Paetzold, Kristin
30 Jahre Symposium Design for X
WiGeP News 2: (2019)
Rennpferdt, Christoph; Krause, Dieter
Adapted Design for Variety: Consideration of the Software-Domain
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEM: 950-954 (2019)
Publisher DOI
Greve, Erik
Ein Methodenbaukasten zur Reduzierung der Varianz
VDMA Variantenmanagement (2019)
Krause, Dieter; Greve, Erik
Entwicklung plattformbasierter Robotervarianten mit Siemens NX und Teamcenter
WiGeP News 2: (2019)
Küchenhof, Jan; Schwede, Lea-Nadine; Hanna, Michael; Krause, Dieter
From Visualizations to Matrices – Methodical support for New Development of Modular Product Families
21th International DSM Conference, DSM 2019
Publisher DOI
Laukotka, Fabian; Krause, Dieter
How the deep-sea environment effects oil spills
Symposium on Deep-Sea Oil Spills (2019)
Ripperda, Sebastian
Methodische Unterstützung zur kostenbasierten Auswahl modularer Produktstrukturen
Produktentwicklung und Konstruktionstechnik (15): 2019
Tricarico, Michele; Papangelo, Antonio; Constantinescu, Andrei; Ciavarella, Michele
On adhesive theories in multilayered interfaces, with particular regard to "surface force apparatus" geometry
Facta Universitatis, Series: Mechanical Engineering 1 (17): 95-102 (2019)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Wassermann, Sven; Köllisch, Nikolai; Abdel-Maksoud Gomaa, Moustafa
Roll damping of a twin-screw vessel: Comparison of RANSE-CFD with established methods
Fluid Mechanics and its Applications (119): 191-209 (2019)
Publisher DOI
Albers, Albert; Rapp, Simon; Krause, Dieter; Sankowski, Olga
Zukunftsrobuste Produktgenerationen
WiGeP News (2019)
Belhocine, Ali; Abdullah, Oday Ibraheem
Similarity and numerical solutions for the Lévêque problem of boundary layer heat and mass transfer in Hagen-Poiseuille flow
International Journal of Heat and Technology 4 (36): 1404-1413 (2018)
Publisher DOI
Seemann, Ralf; Krause, Dieter
Numerical modelling of partially potted inserts in honeycomb sandwich panels under pull-out loading
Composite Structures (203): 101-109 (2018-11-01)
Publisher DOI
Eichmann, Oliver Constantin; Melzer, Sylvia; Hanna, Michael; God, Ralf; Krause, Dieter
A Model-Based Approach for the Development of Modular Product Families Considering Different Life Phases
TdSE, EMEASEC, Berlin 2018
Hanna, Michael; Schwede, Lea Nadine; Krause, Dieter
Model-based consistency for design for variety and modularization
20th International Dependency and Structure Modeling Conference, (DSM 2018): 239-248 (2018)
Malone, Karen; Pesch, Simeon Jacob; Schlüter, Michael; Krause, Dieter
Oil Droplet Size Distributions in Deep-Sea Blowouts: Influence of Pressure and Dissolved Gases
Environmental Science and Technology 11 (52): 6326-6333 (2018-06-05)
Publisher DOI
Greve, Erik; Krause, Dieter
An assessment of methods to support the design of future robust modular product architectures
Proceedings of International Design Conference, DESIGN 1: 335-346 (2018)
Publisher DOI
Windheim, Marc; Gebhardt, Nicolas; Krause, Dieter
Towards a decision-making framework for multi-criteria product modularization in cooperative environments
Procedia CIRP (70): 380-385 (2018)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Pesch, Simeon Jacob; Jaeger, Philip; Jaggi, Aprami; Malone, Karen; Hoffmann, Marko; Krause, Dieter; Oldenburg, Thomas B. P.; Schlüter, Michael
Rise velocity of live-oil droplets in deep-sea oil spills
Environmental Engineering Science 4 (35): 289-299 (2018-04)
Publisher DOI
Oltmann, Jan; Hartwich, Tobias Simeon; Krause, Dieter
Design of particle dampers for lightweight structures using frequency based substructuring
International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering and USD : 4049-4062 (2018)
Sankowski, Olga; Krause, Dieter
Using multi-channel human-system interaction for user-centered product design
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE) (13): (2018)
Publisher DOI
Elstner, Steffen
Eine Methode zur Bewertung von Anlaufrisiken in der Produktentwicklung für die Flugzeugindustrie
Open Access
Schwenke, Johann; Oltmann, Jan; Krause, Dieter
Optimierung der Verbindungsstellen von Sand-wichstrukturen mit additiv gefertigtem Kern
DFX 2017: Proceedings of the 28th Symposium Design for X: 191-202 (2017-10)
Hauschild, Johann; Krause, Dieter
Untersuchung des trockenen Reibungs- und Verschleißverhaltens von Keramikwerkstoffen an einem Linearprüfstand für Kolben-Zylinder-Laufpaarungen
DFX 2017: 28th Symposium Design for X: 137-151 (2017-10)
Hanna, Michael; Krause, Dieter
Model-based support for product family design
Understand, Innovate, and Manage your Complex System! -19th International Dependency and Structure Modeling Conference, (DSM 2017): 127-136
Üreten, Selin; Beckmann, Gregor; Krause, Dieter
Planting the seeds of future mechanical design engineers - Learning skills
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education: Building Community: Design Education for a Sustainable Future, E and PDE 2017: 698-703 (2017)
Hanna, Michael; Ripperda, Sebastian; Krause, Dieter
Cost based design of modular product families using the example of test rigs
International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED DS87-3 (3): 241-250 (2017-08)
Üreten, Selin; Krause, Dieter
Discursive vs. intuitive - An experimental study to facilitate the use of design catalogues
Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED 9 (DS 87-9): 99-108 (2017)
Hackl, Jennifer; Krause, Dieter
Towards an impact model of modular product structures
International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED DS87-3 (3): 151-160 (2017-08)
Üreten, Selin; Beckmann, Gregor; Schwenke, Eilika; Krause, Dieter; Cao, Shi
Continuing education and personalization of design methods to improve their acceptance in practice : an explorative study
Procedia CIRP : 60 524-529 (2017)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Schillo, Conny
Reliability based design of unstiffened fibre reinforced composite cylinders
TUTECH Verlag, ISBN 978-3-946094-14-2, 2017
Open Access
Ripperda, Sebastian; Krause, Dieter
Cost effects of modular product family structures: Methods and quantification of impacts to support decision making
Journal of Mechanical Design (139): art.no. 021103 (2017)
Publisher DOI
Windheim, Marc; Greve, Erik; Krause, Dieter
Decisive economies and opportunity cost of modular product structure alternatives: An empirical case study
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (2017)
Publisher DOI
Seemann, Ralf; Krause, Dieter
Numerical modelling of Nomex honeycomb sandwich cores at meso-scale level
Composite Structures (159): 702-718 (2017)
Publisher DOI
Riedel, Uta; Simon, Siska; Sankowski, Olga; Gleßmer, Mirjam Sophia; Krause, Dieter
Open assignments in a first year student project
SEFI Annual Conference 2017 - Education Excellence for Sustainability, SEFI 2017: 1077-1084 (2017)
Schillo, Conny; Kriegesmann, Benedikt; Krause, Dieter
Reliability based calibration of safety factors for unstiffened cylindrical composite shells
Composite Structures (168): 798-812 (2017)
Publisher DOI
Albers, Albert; Bursac, Nikola; Marthaler, Florian; Matthiesen, Sven; Reib, Nicolas; Siebe, Andreas; Bender, Beate; Binz, Hansgeorg; Krause, Dieter; Lachmayer, Roland; Vietor, Thomas
Szenarien der Methodenanwendung : Ein White-Paper für die Methodenforschung
Konstruktion 69 (11/12): 72-77 (2017)
Eilmus, Sandra
Methodische Unterstützung der Entwicklung von Produktprogrammen mit hoher Kommunalität
Open Access
Design for X - Beiträge zum 27. DfX-Symposium Oktober 2016
Open Access
Gebhardt, Nicolas; Beckmann, Gregor; Lüsebrink, Sebastian; Fischer, Nikolai; Lutz, Hans Martin; Krause, Dieter
ModSupport Project - Methodical development of an innovative modular construction kit for elevator systems
Symposium Design for X, DFX: 3-14 (2016-10)
Publisher DOI
Eilmus, Sandra; Gumpinger, Thomas; Kipp, Thomas; Sankowski, Olga; Krause, Dieter
Early phase estimation of variety induced complexity cost effects: a study on industrial cases in Germany
Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Complex Systems: New Findings and Approaches : 271-303 (2016)
Publisher DOI
Sedlacik, Jan; Frölich, Andreas M. J.; Spallek, Johanna; Forkert, Nils Daniel; Faizy, Tobias Djamsched; Werner, Franziska; Knopp, Tobias; Krause, Dieter; Fiehler, Jens; Buhk, Jan-Hendrik
Magnetic particle imaging for high temporal resolution assessment of aneurysm hemodynamics
PloS one 8 (11): e0160097- (2016)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Otto, Kevin N.; Hölttä-Otto, Katja; Simpson, Timothy W.; Krause, Dieter; Ripperda, Sebastian; Moon, Seung Ki
Global Views on Modular Design Research: Linking Alternative Methods to Support Modular Product Family Concept Development
Journal of mechanical design (138): 071101 (2016-07-01)
Publisher DOI
Spallek, Johanna; Krause, Dieter
Process types of customisation and personalisation in design for additive manufacturing applied to vascular models
Procedia CIRP (50): 281-286 (2016)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Gebhardt, Nicolas; Krause, Dieter
A method for designing visualisations as tools in product development
International Design Conference, DESIGN: 611-620 (2016-05)
Windheim, Marc; Hackl, Jennifer; Gebhardt, Nicolas; Krause, Dieter
Assessing impacts of modular product architectures on the firm: a case study
Proceedings of International Design Conference, DESIGN (DS 84): 1445-1454 (2016)
Hackl, Jennifer; Krause, Dieter
Effects of modular product structures on life phases and economic factors
Proceedings of International Design Conference, DESIGN (DS 84): 1285-1294 (2016)
Spallek, Johanna; Sankowski, Olga; Krause, Dieter
Influences of additive manufacturing on design processes for customised products
Proceedings of International Design Conference, DESIGN (DS 84): 513-522 (2016)
Frölich, Andreas M. J.; Spallek, Johanna; Brehmer, Laurin; Buhk, Jan-Hendrik; Krause, Dieter; Fiehler, Jens; Kemmling, André
3D printing of intracranial aneurysms using fused deposition modeling offers highly accurate replications
American Journal of Neuroradiology 1 (37): 120-124 (2016)
Publisher DOI
Oltmann, Jan; Seemann, Ralf; Spallek, Johanna; Krause, Dieter
Additively manufactured components for structural applications in aircraft interior - Two case studies
DFX 2016: Proceedings of the 27th Symposium Design for X: 147-156 (2016)
Sankowski, Olga; Wollesen, Bettina; Köhler, Berit; Krause, Dieter; Mattes, Klaus
Avoiding fall related injuries in older adults - An interdisciplinary design approach
Proceedings of NordDesign, NordDesign 2016 (1): (2016)
Seemann, Ralf; Krause, Dieter
Experimental and numerical analysis of Nomex honeycomb sandwich panel inserts parallel to the face sheets
ECCM 2016 - Proceeding of the 17th European Conference on Composite Materials: (2016)
Laqua, Katrin; Malone, Karen; Hoffmann, Marko; Krause, Dieter; Schlüter, Michael
Methane bubble rise velocities under deep-sea conditions—Influence of initial shape deformation
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects (505): 106-117 (2016)
Publisher DOI
Windheim, Marc; Krause, Dieter
Opportunity cost of modularity: challenges and requirements for balancing the dilemma of product platforms
DFX 2016: Proceedings of the 27th Symposium Design for X : 65-76 (2016)
Chen, Yu; Seemann, Ralf; Krause, Dieter; Tay, Tong-Earn; Tan, Vincent B. C.
Prototyping and testing of composite riser joints for deepwater application
Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 2 (35): 95-110 (2016)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Plaumann, Benedikt
Systemanalyse und -synthese für die Auslegung varianter Leichtbaustrukturen unter dynamischen Lasten
Open Access
Schillo, Conny; Röstermundt, Dirk; Krause, Dieter
Experimental and numerical study on the influence of imperfections on the buckling load of unstiffened CFRP shells
Composite Structures (131): 128-138 (2015-11-01)
Publisher DOI
Bruchmüller, Tim; Mangold, Sebastian; Matthiesen, Sven; Oltmann, Jan; Rasmussen, Olaf; Krause, Dieter; Stücheli, Marius; Meboldt, Mirko
An adjustable impedance element - System requirements and design approach
Symposium Design for X, DFX: 133-144 (2015-10-07)
Ripperda, Sebastian; Krause, Dieter
Cost prognosis of modular product structure concepts
International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED DS80-07 (7): 13-22 (2015-07)
Gebhardt, Nicolas; Krause, Dieter
On the development of visualisation concepts as tools in product design
International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED DS80-05 (5): 205-214 (2015-07)
Kruse, Moritz; Ripperda, Sebastian; Krause, Dieter
Platform concept development within the integrated PKT-Approach
International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED DS 80-07 (7): 73-82 (2015-07)
Bahns, Tammo; Beckmann, Gregor; Gebhardt, Nicolas; Krause, Dieter
Sustainability of modular product families
Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED DS80-07 (7): 185-194 (2015-07)
Seemann, Ralf; Krause, Dieter
Virtual testing of nomex honeycomb sandwich panel inserts
ICCM International Conferences on Composite Materials (2020-07)
Halfmann, Niklas
Montagegerechtes Produktstrukturieren im Kontext einer Lebensphasenmodularisierung
Open Access
Brosch, Max
Eine Methode zur Reduzierung der produktvarianteninduzierten Komplexität
Open Access
Wannicke, Nicola; Frindte, Katharina; Gust, Giselher; Liskow, Iris; Wacker, Alexander; Meyer, Andreas; Grossart, Hans Peter
Measuring bacterial activity and community composition at high hydrostatic pressure using a novel experimental approach: A pilot study
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 5 (91): fiv036 - (2015)
Publisher DOI
Gebhardt, Nicolas; Bahns, Tammo; Krause, Dieter
An example of visually supported design of modular product families
Procedia CIRP (21): 75-80 (2014)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Paetzold, Kristin; Wartzack, Sandro; Krause, Dieter
Platform of design method for developing mobility-preserving products
Procedia CIRP (21): 409-414 (2014)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Krause, Dieter; Paetzold, Kristin; Wartzack, Sandro
Design for X - Beiträge zum 25. DfX-Symposium Oktober 2014
Open Access
Elstner, Steffen; Krause, Dieter
Methodical approach for consideration of ramp-up risks in the product development of complex products
Procedia CIRP (20): 20-25 (2014)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Eilmus, Sandra; Krause, Dieter
Product life-oriented development of component commonality and variety
Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition - 2013 : presented at ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition ; November 15 - 21, 2013, San Diego, California, USA. - New York, NY : ASME. - Vol. 12 (2014).
Publisher DOI
Malik, Arif S.; Kuba, Cornelius
Power generation expansion planning including large scale wind integration: A case study of Oman
Journal of Wind Energy: 735693 (2013)
Open Access
Publisher DOI
Kleeberg, Andreas; Hupfer, Michael; Gust, Giselher; Salka, Ivette; Pohlmann, Kirsten; Grossart, Hans Peter
Intermittent riverine resuspension : effects on phosphorus transformations and heterotrophic bacteria
Limnology and Oceanography 2 (58): 635-652 (2013)
Publisher DOI
Krause, Dieter; Ripperda, Sebastian
An assessment of methodical approaches to support the development of modular product families
ICED 13, the 19th International Conference on Engineering Design, 19th - 22nd August 2013, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Seoul, Korea / organised by Creative Design Institute, Sungkyunkwan University and the Design Society. Ed. by Udo Lindemann .... Castle Cary, Somerset : Design Society. - Vol. 4 (2013). - Seite 31-40
Usbeck, Anna K.
Auslegung von keramischen Strukturbauteilen unter mehraxialer statischer und zyklischer Beanspruchung
Open Access
Krause, Dieter; Paetzold, Kristin; Wartzack, Sandro; Bahns, Tammo; Braun, Birgit; Breitsprecher, Thilo; Caballero, Steffen; Eifler, Tobias; Eilmus, Sandra; Gembarski, Paul Christoph; Gerber, Peter; Griesbach, Marc; Inkermann, David; Kamin, Stefan Thomas; Kissel, Maximilian; Klein, Daniel; Kreimeyer, Matthias F.; Küstner, Christof; Lachmayer, Roland; Lang, Frieder R.; Leichnitz, Julia Constanze; Leutenecker, Bastian; Lohmeyer, Quentin; Luft, Thomas; Malone, Karen; Nemetzade, Tanja; Njindam, Thierry Sop; Plaumann, Benedikt; Räse, Ulf; Rasmussen, Olaf; Richter, Markus; Ripperda, Sebastian; Sauthoff, Bastian; Seemann, Ralf; Spielberger, Patrick; Stangl, Thomas; Vietor, Thomas; Wohlgemuth, Martin; Ziegler, Philipp; Zier, Sebastian
Design for X - Beiträge zum 24. DfX-Symposium September 2013
Open Access
Usbeck, Anna K.; Krause, Dieter
Design for durability : designing with advanced ceramics
ICED 13, the 19th International Conference on Engineering Design, 19th - 22nd August 2013, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Seoul, Korea / organised by Creative Design Institute, Sungkyunkwan University and the Design Society. Ed. by Udo Lindemann .... Castle Cary, Somerset : Design Society. - Vol. 5 (2013). - Seite 221-230
Jonas, Henry
Eine Methode zur strategischen Planung modularer Produktprogramme
Zuerst veröffentlicht: 978-3-941492-65-3
Open Access
Elstner, Steffen; Krause, Dieter
From product development to market introduction : a co-citation analysis in the field of ramp-up
ICED 13, the 19th International Conference on Engineering Design, 19th - 22nd August 2013, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Seoul, Korea / organised by Creative Design Institute, Sungkyunkwan University and the Design Society. Ed. by Udo Lindemann .... Castle Cary, Somerset : Design Society. - Vol. 1 (2013). - Seite 289-298
Ripperda, Sebastian; Krause, Dieter
Komplexitätskosteneffekte modularer Produktfamilien [Complexity cost effects of modular product families]
Design for X : Beiträge zum 24. DfX-Symposium September 2013 / Institut für Produktentwicklung und Konstruktionstechnik, Institut für Technische Produktentwicklung, ... Dieter Krause; Kristin Paetzold, Sandro Wartzack (Hrsg.). - Hamburg : TuTech Verl., 2013. - Seite 13-24
Publisher DOI
Leichnitz, Julia Constanze; Eilmus, Sandra
Methoden für die Entwicklung modularer Produkte bei der Jungheinrich AG [Methods for the development of modular products at the Jungheinrich AG]
Design for X : Beiträge zum 24. DfX-Symposium September 2013 / Institut für Produktentwicklung und Konstruktionstechnik, Institut für Technische Produktentwicklung, ... Dieter Krause; Kristin Paetzold, Sandro Wartzack (Hrsg.). - Hamburg : TuTech Verl., 2013. - Seite 153-162
Publisher DOI
Kipp, Thomas
Methodische Unterstützung der variantengerechten Produktgestaltung
Open Access
Hackl, Jennifer; Gumpinger, Thomas; Rüegg, Ulf; Krause, Dieter
Multi-domain modeling with graph databases
Reducing risk in innovation : proceedings of the 15th International DSM Conference Melbourne, Australia, 29–30 August 2013 / Elke Scheurmann ... - München : Hanser, 2013. - Seite 47-54
Wohlgemuth, Martin; Spielberger, Patrick; Seemann, Ralf
Notwendigkeit von detaillierteren FE-Modellen zur Effizienzsteigerung der Produktion von Flugzeugküchen [Need for detailed FE models for the increase in efficiency of the production of galleys]
Design for X : Beiträge zum 24. DfX-Symposium September 2013 / Institut für Produktentwicklung und Konstruktionstechnik, Institut für Technische Produktentwicklung, ... Dieter Krause; Kristin Paetzold, Sandro Wartzack (Hrsg.). - Hamburg : TuTech Verl., 2013. - Seite 221-230
Publisher DOI
Bahns, Tammo; Krause, Dieter
Pflege modularer Produktfamilien nach dem Markteintritt durch die Produktentwicklung [Maintenance of modular product families after market entry through product development]
Design for X : Beiträge zum 24. DfX-Symposium September 2013 / Institut für Produktentwicklung und Konstruktionstechnik, Institut für Technische Produktentwicklung, ... Dieter Krause; Kristin Paetzold, Sandro Wartzack (Hrsg.). - Hamburg : TuTech Verl., 2013. - Seite 209-220
Publisher DOI
Beckmann, Gregor; Krause, Dieter
Process visualisation of product family development methods
ICED 13, the 19th International Conference on Engineering Design, 19th - 22nd August 2013, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Seoul, Korea / organised by Creative Design Institute, Sungkyunkwan University and the Design Society. Ed. by Udo Lindemann .... Castle Cary, Somerset : Design Society. - Vol. 4 (2013). - Seite 169-178
Malone, Karen; Seemann, Ralf; Krause, Dieter
Realisierung komplexer Versuchsaufbauten in Hochdrucktestumgebungen [Realization of complex test setups in high-pressure test environments]
Design for X : Beiträge zum 24. DfX-Symposium September 2013 / Institut für Produktentwicklung und Konstruktionstechnik, Institut für Technische Produktentwicklung, ... Dieter Krause; Kristin Paetzold, Sandro Wartzack (Hrsg.). - Hamburg : TuTech Verl., 2013. - Seite 187-196
Publisher DOI
Malik, Arif S.; Kuba, Cornelius
Strategic planning of power supply in Oman including wind energy considerations
AFRICON, 2013 : 9 - 12 Sept. 2013, Le Meridien Hotel, Pointe-aux-Piments, Mauritius / IEEE; IEEE Region 8 ... - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE. - Vols. 1(2013) - 2(2013), Art.-Nr. 6757816, 5 Seiten
Publisher DOI
Plaumann, Benedikt; Rasmussen, Olaf; Krause, Dieter
System analysis and synthesis for the dimensioning of variant lightweight cabin interior
Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials and Co-located Conferences$d54th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference. - Reston, VA : AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2013. - Article number AIAA 2013-1632
Eilmus, Sandra; Ripperda, Sebastian; Krause, Dieter
Towards the development of commonal product programs
ICED 13, the 19th International Conference on Engineering Design, 19th - 22nd August 2013, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Seoul, Korea / organised by Creative Design Institute, Sungkyunkwan University and the Design Society. Ed. by Udo Lindemann .... Castle Cary, Somerset : Design Society. - Vol. 4 (2013). - Seite 209-218
Schillo, Conny; Krause, Dieter
Uncertainties in the prediction of CFRP laminate properties in the context of a reliability based design approach
International Conference on Composite Materials 2013 : (ICCM-19) ; Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 28 July - 2 August 2013 / [organized by Canadian Association for Composite Structures and Materials (CACSMA)]. Ed.: Suong Van Hoa. - Red Hook, NY : Curran. - Vol. 2 (2013), Seite 961-968
Rasmussen, Olaf; Plaumann, Benedikt; Krause, Dieter
Untersuchung von Einflussfaktoren auf die Systemgrenzengestaltung bei dynamischen Versuchen [Investigation of influencing factors on the design of system boundaries in dynamic experiments]
Design for X : Beiträge zum 24. DfX-Symposium September 2013 / Institut für Produktentwicklung und Konstruktionstechnik, Institut für Technische Produktentwicklung, ... Dieter Krause; Kristin Paetzold, Sandro Wartzack (Hrsg.). - Hamburg : TuTech Verl., 2013. - Seite 143-152
Publisher DOI
Leupold, Marco; Hindersin, Stefan; Gust, Giselher; Kerner, Martin; Hanelt, Dieter
Influence of mixing and shear stress on Chlorella vulgaris, Scenedesmus obliquus, and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Journal of Applied Phycology 2 (25): 485-495 (2013)
Publisher DOI
Design for X : Beiträge zum 23. DfX-Symposium Oktober 2012
Open Access
Gebhardt, Nicolas; Beckmann, Gregor; Krause, Dieter
Product family models and knowledge transfer support for the development of modular product families
NordDesign - 9th NordDesign Conference (2012)
Krause, Dieter; Eilmus, Sandra
A methodical approach for developing modular product families
ICED 11 - 18th International Conference on Engineering Design - Impacting Society Through Engineering Design ; 15th - 18th August 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark. - (DS / Design Society ; 68). - Vol. 4: Seite 299-308 (2011)
Gumpinger, Thomas; Jonas, Henry; Plaumann, Benedikt; Krause, Dieter
A visualization concept for supporting module lightweight design
ICED 11 - 18th International Conference on Engineering Design - Impacting Society Through Engineering Design ; 15th - 18th August 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark. - (DS / Design Society ; 68). - Vol. 10 (PART 2): Seite 349-359 (2011)
Brosch, Max; Beckmann, Gregor; Krause, Dieter
Approach to visualize the supply chain complexity induced by product variety
ICED 11 - 18th International Conference on Engineering Design - Impacting Society Through Engineering Design ; 15th - 18th August 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark. - (DS / Design Society ; 68). - Vol. 5: Seite 249-258 (20111)
Usbeck, Anna K.; Krause, Dieter; Albers, Albert
Auslegungskriterien für keramische Bauteile
Konstruktion 2011 (6): 59-60 (2011)
Halfmann, Niklas; Elstner, Steffen; Krause, Dieter
Definition and evaluation of modular product structures in the context of design for assembly
Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference 9 (): 841-848 (2011)
Publisher DOI
Elstner, Steffen; Krause, Dieter
Design for Ramp-up komplexer Produkte am Beispiel der Flugzeugindustrie [Design for ramp-up of complex products using the aircraft industry as an example]
Design for X : Beiträge zum 22. DfX-Symposium, Oktober 2011. - Hamburg-Harburg : TuTech Verl., 2011. - Seite 229-240 (2011)
Brosch, Max; Beckmann, Gregor; Krause, Dieter; Griesbach, Marc; Dalhöfer, Jörg
Design for Value Chain : Handlungsfelder zur ganzheitlichen Komplexitätsbeherrschung [Design for value chain : Fields of action for the holistic mastery of complexity]
Design for X : Beiträge zum 22. DfX-Symposium, Oktober 2011. - Hamburg-Harburg : TuTech Verl., 2011. - Seite 67-78 (2011)
Design for X - Beiträge zum 22. DfX-Symposium Oktober 2011
Krause, Dieter/Paetzold, Kristin/Wartzack, Sandro (Hg.) (2011): Design for X. Beiträge zum 22. DfX-Symposium Oktober 2011. Hamburg-Harburg: TuTech Verl.
Open Access
Brosch, Max; Krause, Dieter
Design for supply chain requirements an approach to detect the capabilities to postpone
Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference 9 (): 701-709 (2011)
Publisher DOI
Beckmann, Gregor; Krause, Dieter
Development of functional mock-ups for engineering design education
Design education for creativity and business innovation : proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, City University, London, UK, 8th - 9th September 2011 ; E&PDE. - (DS / Design Society ; 69): Seite 245-250 (2011)
Gumpinger, Thomas; Krause, Dieter
Development of modular products under consideration of lightweight design
ICED 11 - 18th International Conference on Engineering Design - Impacting Society Through Engineering Design ; 15th - 18th August 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark. - (DS / Design Society ; 68). - Vol. 4: Seite 175-184 (2011)
Blees, Christoph
Eine Methode zur Entwicklung modularer Produktfamilien
Open Access
Schmidt, Jens; Krause, Dieter
Fluid qualification tests : correlations between laboratory and application related tests
BALTTRIB 2011 - 6th International Scientific Conference, Dedicated to 65th Anniversary of Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Proceedings. - 2011. - Seite 19-24
Beckmann, Gregor; Krause, Dieter
Machine part exhibition and functional mock-ups to enrich design education
ICED 11 - 18th International Conference on Engineering Design - Impacting Society Through Engineering Design ; 15th - 18th August 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark. - (DS / Design Society ; 68). - Vol. 8: Seite 130-139 (2011)
Eilmus, Sandra; Beckmann, Gregor; Krause, Dieter
Modulare Strukturen methodisch in Unternehmen umsetzen - Entwicklung von Standardumfängen und Integration von Erfahrungswissen [Methodically implementing modular structures in the company : development of standard scopes and integration of practical knowledge]
Design for X : Beiträge zum 22. DfX-Symposium, Oktober 2011. - Hamburg-Harburg : TuTech Verl., 2011. - Seite 99-118 (2011)
Krüger, Daniel; Eilmus, Sandra; Schmidt, Johanna; Wartzack, Sandro; Krause, Dieter; Paetzold, Kristin
Notwendigkeit für eine Methodenplattform zur Entwicklung von Produkten für nutzerspezifische Mobilitätsbedürfnisse [Need for a platform of methods for the development of products for user-specific mobility requirements]
Design for X : Beiträge zum 22. DfX-Symposium, Oktober 2011. - Hamburg-Harburg : TuTech Verl., 2011. - Seite 265-276 (2011)
Halfmann, Niklas; Elstner, Steffen; Krause, Dieter
Product and process evaluation in the context of modularization for assembly
ICED 11 - 18th International Conference on Engineering Design - Impacting Society Through Engineering Design ; 15th - 18th August 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark. - (DS / Design Society ; 68). - Vol. 5: Seite 271-281 (2011)
Jonas, Henry; Krause, Dieter
Strategic planning for modular product families
ICED 11 - 18th International Conference on Engineering Design - Impacting Society Through Engineering Design ; 15th - 18th August 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark. - (DS / Design Society ; 68). - Vol. 4: Seite 112-121 (2011)
Gumpinger, Thomas; Krause, Dieter
Tracing of weight propagation for modular product families
Invest on visualization : proceedings of the 13th International DSM Conference, Cambridge, MA, USA, 14 - 15 September 2011. - München, 2011 (): Seite 103-114 (2011)