Research at the PKT

Within the two research domains development of modular product families as well as structural analysis and testing there are the three major fields of application Aviation, Mechanical and Plant Engineering as well as Medical Technology.
This matrix-like setup allows for a variety of combinations and research-topics. Details about these can be found on the following sub-sites.
Reasearch domains
The research at the PKT can be categorized into two main domains. On the one hand there is the research and proving of methods for the development of modular product families. On the other hand there is resereach regarding the structrural analysis and testing.
Field of Application
The research at the PKT can mainly be categorized into three fields of application: Aviation, Mechanical and Plant Enginneering as well as Medical Technology.
International cooperations and finnished projects
Throughout the last years a variety of research-projects were conducted and dooing so even some international cooperations were established. For details, see the following sub-sites.
International cooperations and finnished projects