ETH Zurich

Project AIProVE

Project AIProVE

A joint project exists with ETH Zurich and the pd|z institute via the AIProVE project AIProVE - Adjustable Impedance Elements for Product Validation in Compliant Environments. The DFG and SNF funded project deals with the development of adaptable impedance elements (AIE) for applications in dynamic test rigs. One of the investigated test scenarios is given by the DFG-funded multiaxial hexapod at the TUHH. Realistic test environments are to be generated by AIE for aircraft cabin systems and lightweight structures.


figure: Illustration of the connecting elements between the hexapod and the aircraft galley at the PKT


The project AIProVE is a joint project of PKT (TUHH), IPEK (KIT) and pd|z (ETHZ) funded by the deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and Schweizer Nationalfonds (SNF). The project period is from July 2018 to December 2021.

WiGeP - Scientific Society for Product Development

Through joint activities within the WiGeP - Scientific Society for Product Development, the scientific exchange through the two members Prof. Mirko Meboldt and Prof. Paolo Ermanni is also given beyond the project.