Bild Zeiss Supra VP 55
Bild Helios
Bild Leo
Bild Talos TEM
Bild Technikraum

Moin, Moin

Welcome to the homepage of the Electron Microscopy Unit (BEEM) at Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH).

As the central scientific operating unit of the entire TUHH and other public institutions, BEEM provides devices, methods, and expertise in the field of electron microscopy and microanalysis. We are also happy to undertake external contract work. Our services range from sample preparation to the computer-assisted evaluation of captured image and analysis data.

Dr.-Ing. Martin Ritter (Head)




Important Links:

Booking- and Accounting System for Electron Microscopy (BASE) . BASE is an in-house development by BEEM and is used for online appointment booking and project-related billing of the costs incurred.

In our BEEM Wiki you will find information about our microscopes and methods.

e-Zeit Hamburg - TUHH  Working time recording system