Organizational order Electron Microscopy Unit (BEEM)

In accordance with Section 93 HmbHG, the Presidium decided by resolution of March 20, 2024 to structure the electron microscopy unit (BEEM) at the Hamburg University of Technology as a central unit with effect from April 1, 2024.


1. Organization and resources

(1) BEEM is an unit of the Hamburg University of Technology. As part of the Mo.Ve restructuring of the TUHH, BEEM will report to the Vice President of Research.

(2) The electron microscopy unit ensures the necessary central services in the field of electron microscopy within the framework of the Executive Board's allocations. The personnel, material and investment resources are allocated to BEEM directly by the TUHH.

(3) The technical management of BEEM should be affiliated with at least one subject-related research focus (FSP).


2. Tasks

(1) The electron microscopy unit is generally available to all members of the Hamburg University of Technology for research, teaching and third-party funding.

(2) The electron microscopy unit provides the following services in particular:

• Operation of scanning electron microscopes, transmission electron microscopes, ion beam devices and all other devices and systems belonging to BEEM • Instruction of users in the safe operation of the devices • Operation and instruction of users in microanalytics, sample preparation, image documentation and digital image processing • Advice in the field of electron microscopy, Sample preparation and microanalysis • Carrying out particularly difficult measurements for the TUHH institutes after consultation with the head of BEEM • The electron microscopy operating unit independently carries out method and device development. The Electron Microscopy operating unit can participate in research projects and submit research proposals, provided this does not restrict the above-mentioned services.

(3) An internal billing fee is charged to fulfill the tasks within the university. The amount of the fee is determined in the BEEM user and fee regulations.

(4) The BEEM may make its services available to external users for a fee, provided that university operations are not affected. The amount of the fee is determined in the user and fee regulations. The tax regulations are observed.


3. Lead

 (1) The technical and scientific management of the BEEM is carried out full-time by a scientific employee who is appointed by the Executive Board. The disciplinary supervisor is the Vice President Research or the Vice President Research (VPF) of the TUHH.

 (2) The head represents the BEEM internally and publicly, has the technical and organizational authority to give instructions to the employees and is responsible for the fulfillment of tasks, the economic use of the allocated resources and the deployment of staff. She or he reports at least once a year to the user assembly and to the executive committee on the financial and economic situation and the technical and scientific development of BEEM.

 (3) The manager ensures compliance with the regulations on occupational safety and environmental protection.

 (4) The scientific orientation of the BEEM is determined in coordination with the spokesperson of the subject-related FSP and the VPF. In the event of the dissolution of the subject-related FSP, the user meeting with the head of the BEEM and the VPF will promptly develop a new regulation and present it to the executive committee.

 (5) When hiring new permanent employees

Employees of the BEEM are formed by the head or the head together with the spokesperson of the subject-related FSP a casting committee.


4. User meeting

(1) The user meeting determines the BEEM user and fee regulations and forwards them to the Executive Board for resolution in accordance with Section 79 Paragraph 2 No. 3 HmbHG. The Presidium gives the Academic Senate the opportunity to comment (Section 85 Para. 1 No. 13 HmbHG).

(2) The user assembly meets at least every two years or as required at the invitation of the head of the electron microscopy operating unit or the spokesperson of the subject-related FSP. The user meeting serves, among other things, as a platform to discuss and suggest needs in the field of electron microscopy.

(3) The user meeting is open to all TUHH employees and consists of the following participants with voting rights:

• the head of the BEEM and the speaker of the subject-related FSP • the heads of the institutes with an accumulated share (in descending amounts) of at least two thirds of all usage hours in the two years preceding the user meeting • heads of Institutes that contributed to the BEEM's microscopic equipment through large-scale equipment applications (during the first five years after acquisition)

(4) The user meeting has a quorum if at least half of the institute directors or their representatives entitled to vote are present.

(5) Every participant has one vote. A simple majority applies to votes at user meetings.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Timm-Giel Hamburg, April 9th, 2024

- President -

Important Links:

Booking- and Accounting System for Electron Microscopy (BASE) . BASE is an in-house development by BEEM and is used for online appointment booking and project-related billing of the costs incurred.

In our BEEM Wiki you will find information about our microscopes and methods.

e-Zeit Hamburg - TUHH  Working time recording system