Dr.-Ing. Niklas Halfmann

Derzeitige Tätigkeit

Diehl Air Cabin




  • Halfmann, N.; Krause, D.: The Development of Product and Assembly Concepts for Aircraft Cabin Integration. 28th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences. Brisbane/AUS (2012).
  • Halfmann, N.; Krause, D.: Assembly Target specific Structuring of modular Product Families. 9th Norddesign Conference, Aalborg (2012).
  • Halfmann, N.; Krause, D.: Assembly Time Estimation Model for early Product Design Phases – Concept Development and empirical Validation. 12th International Design Conference - Design 2012, Dubrovnik (2012), pp. 455 - 464.
  • Halfmann, N.; Elstner, S.; Krause, D.: Definition and Evaluation of Modular Product Structures in the Context of Design for Assembly. Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE), Washington DC (2011).
  • Halfmann, N.; Elstner, S.; Krause, D.: Product and Process Evaluation in the Context of Modularisation for Assembly. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED), Copenhagen (2011), Volume 5, pp. 271-281.
  • Elstner, S.; Halfmann, N.; Krause, D.: Systematic ramp-up approach in the early development phase for the assembly of aircraft cabins. 3rd International Workshop on Aircraft System Technologies - AST 2011, Hamburg (2011) pp. 191-200.
  • Umlauft, S.¹; Halfmann, N.; Krause, D.: Forschung im Flugzeugbau - Ideen und Konzepte der Kabinenmontage. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2010 - DLRK2010, Hamburg (2010). ¹Airbus Deutschland GmbH
  • Halfmann, N.; Krause, D.; Umlauft, S.¹: Assembly Concepts For Aircraft Cabin Installation. Proceedings of the ASME 2010 10th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis - ESDA 2010, Istanbul (2010). ¹Airbus Deutschland GmbH
  • Halfmann, N.; Krause, D.: Towards Innovative Assembly Concepts: Integral Product- and Assembly Structure. 11th International Design Conference - Design 2010, Dubrovnik (2010), pp. 751-760.
  • Halfmann, N.; Krause, D.: Entwicklung montagegerechter Flugzeugkabinen. Design for X, Beiträge zum 20. Symposium, Neukirchen (2009) pp. 39-48.
  • Krause, D.; Gehm, M.¹; Halfmann, N.: Visionary Integration Concepts for Aircraft Cabin Interior. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Aircraft System Technologies, Hamburg (2009) pp. 357-366. ¹Airbus Deutschland GmbH