Leo 1530 (Zeiss/Point Electronic)

Technical details

Like the Zeiss Supra 55 VP, the Leo 1530 is a high-resolution scanning electron microscope (SEM) from Zeiss. By combining a field emission cathode (FEG, also Schottky Emitter) with the GEMINI® column, it achieves remarkable image quality with high resolution even at low acceleration voltages and comes close to the Zeiss Supra in terms of image quality.

The microscope, which was purchased in 1998, was updated in terms of software and hardware for the first time in 2006. At the end of 2023 it was converted by the Point Elektronic company. The entire electronics and software were replaced by Point Elektronic's own developments. This measure means we have a virtually new and modern REM, for which the supply of spare parts is guaranteed for a long time. In addition to an SE 2 detector (SE2 = secondary electrons 2), the user has access to an Inlens detector and a special 4 quadrant backscatter electron detector (QBSD) from Point Elektronik, which also allows 3D reconstructions of the sample surface.

For element analysis, the user has access to an EDX analysis system from BRUKER, which was also purchased in 2023 and replaced the old system from OXFORD INSTRUMENTS. For BEEM users, the Leo is a good alternative to the Zeiss Supra, as the hourly rate is EUR 20, EUR 15 cheaper.

Location and device managers

Location: Building M in room  3526, phone: -2320

1. Device Manager: Andrea Bluhm, phone: -4881

2. Device Manager: Dagmar Rings, phone: -3092

Important Links:

Booking- and Accounting System for Electron Microscopy (BASE) . BASE is an in-house development by BEEM and is used for online appointment booking and project-related billing of the costs incurred.

In our BEEM Wiki you will find information about our microscopes and methods.

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