1st international iMPS meeting carried out successfully!
Within the research project "Entwicklung eines Wirkmodells der Eigenschaften modularer Produktstrukturen zur Bewertung methodischer Ansätze" which is funded by the German Research Foundation DFG the 1st international iMPS meeting on Impacts of modular product structures was held successfully at the Institute of Product Development and Mechanical Engineering Design at TUHH.
Together with the host Prof. Krause and his supporting research assistants Jennifer Hackl, Sebastian Ripperda, Marc Windheim and Gregor Beckmann, seven Professors and Postdocs, which themselves mostly do research in the area of modular product families, participated in the workshop to discuss the current state of the ongoing research project and improve the impact model to be developed in the future. Therefore senior reseachers of Germany, Europe and Asia were following the invitation of Prof. Krause to discuss different views on modularity and become a broader understanding on these views. Further ideas which will help to improve the future impact model could be derived from the meeting.
We therfore thank all participants for fruitful discussions and hope to see you soon!