
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Tim Schweisfurth
W-13 Organizational Design and Collaboration Engineering
  • Organizational Design and Collaboration Engineering
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 4 (D),
21073 Hamburg
Gebäude D, Raum 1020
Tel: +49 40 42878 4070
Birgit Grabi
W-13 Organizational Design and Collaboration Engineering
  • cbg7491
Mo-Do: 9:00-13:00
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 4 (D),
21073 Hamburg
Gebäude D, Raum 1.019
Tel: +49 40 42878 4072
Harold Gamero Maldonado
W-13 Organizational Design and Collaboration Engineering
  • Organizational Design and Collaboration Engineering
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 4 (D),
21073 Hamburg
Gebäude D, Raum 1.018
Tel: +49 40 42878 4476
Vivien Kleinow
W-13 Organizational Design and Collaboration Engineering
  • Organizational Design and Collaboration Engineering
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 4 (D),
21073 Hamburg
Gebäude D, Raum 1.018
Tel: +49 40 42878 3748

Former staff