Rajnish Tiwari, Stephan Buse (Hrsg.)

Managing Innovation in a Global and Digital World
Meeting Societal Challenges and Enhancing Competitiveness

The twin impact of globalization and digitization is deeply affecting how tech-nology and innovation are managed in firms. This contributed volume analyzes the changing dynamics in the interplay of technology, business and society and the resultant implications for innovation management at firm and policy levels. Leading experts connect global megatrends with open & user innovation, globalization of R&D, frugal innovation, sustainability and innovation ecosystems. The contributed volume is a Festschrift for Prof. Dr. Cornelius Herstatt to mark his 60th birthday.

• Developments in Technology & Innovation Management
• Developments in Open & User Innovation
• Developments in Global and Sustainable Innovation Management
• Developments in Innovation Ecosystems

Target Groups
• Lecturers, researchers and students of engineering, technology and innovation management, marketing, international business, product development
• Managers and practitioners in the field of technology and innovation management, marketing, product management, product development and R&D

The Editors
Dr. Rajnish Tiwari is Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Technology and Innovation Management at Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH). His current research interests include frugal innovation and digital transformation. Dr. Stephan Buse is deputy head of the Institute for Technology and Innovation Management at Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH). His research focuses an global innovation management and international business strategy.

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-27241-8