Social enterprise referents: how social enterprises help organize nascent fields to address complex societal problems
Reinecke, Pauline; Wrona, Thomas
Journal of Management Studies (in Press): (2024)
Open Access
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Digital Puppet-Mastery: Power Practices of Strategists in Digital Strategy Workshops
Schuster, Lydia; Schrage, Stephanie; Reinecke, Pauline; Wrona, Thomas
84th Annual meeting of the academy of management, AOM 2024
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From Managing Tensions to Managing Thresholds: Microfoundations of Unfolding Hybrid Ambidexterity
Reinecke, Pauline; Beyer, Alexander Ricardo; Damberg, Svenja; Wrona, Thomas
Academy of Management proceedings 2024 (1)
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Predict or Create: Discussing the Different Understandings of the Future in the Context of AI
Reinecke, Pauline; Stanske, Sarah; Wrona, Thomas; Jennifer Whyte; Ansari, Shahzad Shaz; Comi, Alice; Glaser, Vern
84th Annual meeting of the academy of management, AOM 2024
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Strategizing together for a better world : institutional, paradox and practice theories in conversation
Albertsen, Rikke Rønholt; Ansari, Shahzad Shaz; Heucher, Katrin; Krautzberger, Marc; Langley, Ann; Reinecke, Pauline; Slawinski, Natalie; Vaara, Eero
Journal of Management Inquiry 33 (2): 115-130 (2024)
Open Access
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A typology of the collaboration willingness of carriers in hinterland logistics
Reinecke, Pauline; Wrona, Thomas; Rückert, Nicolas; Fischer, Kathrin
International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management 53 (9): 967-984 (2023-09-07)
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To regulate or not to regulate: Unravelling government institutional work towards AI regulation
Kokshagina, Olga; Reinecke, Pauline; Karanasios, Stan
Journal of Information Technology 38 (2): 160-179 (2023-06)
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Towards a dynamic value network perspective of sustainable business models: the example of RECUP
Reinecke, Pauline; Küberling-Jost, Jill; Wrona, Thomas; Zapf, Alice Katharina
Journal of Business Economics 93 (4): 635-665 (2023-04-24)
Open Access
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Collaboration benefits in port hinterland transportation
Rückert, Nicolas; Fischer, Kathrin; Reinecke, Pauline; Wrona, Thomas
Logistics Management Conference (LM 2023)
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Diskurse der Datenökonomie : Kontroversen und Prozesse kollektiver Wissensproduktion
Reinecke, Pauline Charlotte Marguerite
Technische Universität Hamburg (2023)
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Technologien der Macht : eine mikropolitische Betrachtung von strategischen Entscheidungsprozessen
Schuster, Lydia Anne Magdalena
Technische Univerität Hamburg (2023)
Optimization of container transportation in port hinterland with trucks : quantifying the effect of cooperation
Rückert, Nicolas; Fischer, Kathrin; Reinecke, Pauline; Wrona, Thomas
Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL) 2022
Tackling the global waste problem as a multi-level process: the case of a circular startup
Reinecke, Pauline; Wrona, Thomas; Küberling-Jost, Jill
82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2022)
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Digitalization and explicitization of CSR : how corporations thrive towards articulated and voluntary practices of Data Responsibility
Reinecke, Pauline; Schrage, Stephanie; Wrona, Thomas
38th EGOS Colloquium (EGOS 2022)
Optimization of container transportation in port hinterland with trucks : approaches to cooperation
Rückert, Nicolas; Fischer, Kathrin; Reinecke, Pauline; Wrona, Thomas
8th meeting of the EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization (VeRoLog 2022)
Fading in and fading out: the temporary nature of asymmetric paradoxical knots within organizations
Waldner, Carolin Johanna; Schrage, Stephanie; Rasche, Andreas
82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2022)
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Inter-organizational paradox management : how national business systems affect responses to paradox along a global value chain
Schrage, Stephanie; Rasche, Andreas
Organization Studies 43 (4) : 547-571 (2022-04)
Open Access
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Mythos: Social Media sind nur ein Vertriebskanal für zirkuläre Produkte
Küberling-Jost, Jill; Reinecke, Pauline; Wrona, Thomas
in: Mythen der Circular Economy; Technische Universität Dresden (2022)
Open Access
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Tackling the global waste problem as a multi-level process : the case of a circular startup
Reinecke, Pauline; Wrona, Thomas; Küberling-Jost, Jill
Academy of Management Proceedings 2022 (1): 221 (2022)
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Optimization of container transportation in port hinterland with trucks : approaches to cooperation
Rückert, Nicolas; Fischer, Kathrin; Reinecke, Pauline; Wrona, Thomas
Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL) 2021
Optimization of Container Transportation in Port Hinterland with Trucks
Rückert, Nicolas; Fischer, Kathrin; Reinecke, Pauline; Wrona, Thomas
Operations Research (2021)
A paradox approach to organizational tensions during the pandemic crisis
Carmine, Simone; Andriopoulos, Constantine; Gotsi, Manto; Härtel, Charmine E. J.; Krzeminska, Anna; Mafico, Nkosana; Pradies, Camille; Raza, Hassan; Raza-Ullah, Tatbeeq; Schrage, Stephanie; Sharma, Garima; Slawinski, Natalie; Stadtler, Lea; Tunarosa, Andrea; Winther-Hansen, Casper; Keller, Joshua
Journal of Management Inquiry 30 (2): (2021-04)
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Paths of Corporate Irresponsibility: A Dynamic Process
Küberling-Jost, Jill
Journal of Business Ethics 169 (3): 579-601 (2021-03)
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Digitalization and explicitization of CSR : how corporations thrive towards articulated and voluntary practices of Data Responsibility
Reinecke, Pauline; Schrage, Stephanie; Wrona, Thomas
Driving internal change by external means : the paradoxical mission of development NGOs
Waldner, Carolin Johanna; Schrage, Stephanie; Rasche, Andreas
Academy of Management Proceedings 2021 (1): 12929 (2021)
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Framing the regulation of artificial intelligence-based technologies
Reinecke, Pauline; Kokshagina, Olga; Karanasios, Stan
Research-in-Progress Papers (ECIS 2021)
Meaning dynamics of emerging technologies : how technologies come into being in contested discourses
Reinecke, Pauline; Wrona, Thomas
Academy of Management Proceedings 2021 (1): 14565 (2021)
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Strategizing in the virtual age : an ethnographic study of strategizing practices in digital strategy workshops
Schuster, Lydia; Schrage, Stephanie; Reinecke, Pauline; Wrona, Thomas
Strategizing in the virtual age : an ethnographic study of strategizing practices in digital strategy workshops
Schuster, Lydia; Schrage, Stephanie; Reinecke, Pauline; Wrona, Thomas
Discourses as macro-environments of international business : a comparative study on interpretive frames of Big Data & analytics in Germany and China
Reinecke, Pauline; Wrona, Thomas
Annual Meeting of the Commission of International Management of the German Academic Association of Business Research (VHB): (2020)
Technology frames as multi-level arrangements : Big Data & analytics as discursive construction
Reinecke, Pauline
Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL) (2020)
Technology frames as multi-level arrangements : Big Data & analytics as discursive construction - conference presentation
Reinecke, Pauline; Wrona, Thomas
Annual Meeting of Organizational Research (2020)
Technology frames as multi-level arrangements : Big Data & analytics as discursive construction
Reinecke, Pauline Charlotte; Wrona, Thomas
OCIS Doctoral Consortium at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2020)
Societal transition : the case of circular economy business models in the consumption phase
Zapf, Alice Katharina; Küberling-Jost, Jill; Reinecke, Pauline Charlotte
Dresden Nexus Conference 2020
“I Thought It Was Just About Technology.” – A Discourse-Analytical Reconstruction of The Images of Big Data & Analytics in Business Magazines
Reinecke, Pauline; Wrona, Thomas
Global Business Innovation (GBI) Seminar Series at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (2020)
“I thought it was just about technology.” : a discourse-analytical reconstruction of the images of Big Data & analytics in business magazines
Wrona, Thomas; Reinecke, Pauline Charlotte
Annual Meeting of the German Academic Association of Business Research (VHB 2020)
Business analytics for cooperation in maritime logistics : a mixed methods research approach
Reinecke, Pauline Charlotte; Rückert, Nicolas; Fischer, Kathrin; Wrona, Thomas
Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL 2020)
Bamberger, Ingolf; Wrona, Thomas; Zapf, Alice Katharina
Betriebswirtschaftslehre der Mittel- und Kleinbetriebe: 397-428 (2021)
Strategy in discovery mode : wie Big Data & Analytics strategisches Denken verdrängen kann
Wrona, Thomas; Reinecke, Pauline
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium (2020)
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Wandel und Veränderung durch und für Berater
Wrona, Thomas; Reinecke, Pauline
Consulting: Ein Lehr-, Lern- und Lesebuch zur Unternehmensberatung: (2020)
A Process Perspective on Organizational Failure: A Qualitative Meta-Analysis
Habersang, Stefanie; Küberling-Jost, Jill; Reihlen, Markus; Seckler, Christoph
Journal of management studies 1 (56): 19-56 (2019-01)
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The “dark side” of big data analytics : uncovering path dependency risks of big data analytics investments
Wrona, Thomas; Reinecke, Pauline
Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) : research-in-progress papers. - AIS Electronic Library (AISeL), 2019.
Open Access
Warum Unternehmen scheitern? Pfade des Niedergangs frühzeitig erkennen
Habersang, Stefanie; Küberling-Jost, Jill; Reihlen, Markus; Seckler, Christoph
Zeitschrift für Führung und Organisation (4) - (216-220)
Wie strategisch sind Algorithmen? : Die Rolle von Big Data und Analytics im Rahmen strategischer Entscheidungsprozesse
Wrona, Thomas; Reinecke, Pauline
Logistik im Wandel der Zeit: Von der Produktionssteuerung zu vernetzten Supply Chains, Festschrift für Wolfgang Kersten zum 60. Geburtstag. - Wiesbaden : Springer Gabler, 2019. - S. 443-467
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