Kai Philipp Almstedt

Kai Almstedt, B. Sc.

ISEM - Institute for Smart Engineering and Machine Elements


E-Mail: kai.almstedt(at)tuhh.de

Mona Batora

Mona Batora, M.Sc.

ISEM - Institute for Smart Engineering and Machine Elements

Research assistant

E-Mail:  mona.batora(at)tuhh.de



Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nikola Bursac

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nikola Bursac

ISEM -Institute for Smart Engineering and Machine Elements

Head of Institute

E-Mail: nikola.bursac(at)tuhh.de


[Translate to English:] Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nikola Bursac
Noreen Enseroth

Noreen Enseroth

ISEM - Institute for Smart Engineering and Machine Elements

Student assistant

E-Mail: noreen.enseroth(at)tuhh.de

Felix Förster

Felix Förster, M. Sc.

ISEM - Institute for Smart Engineering and Machine Elements

Research assistant

E-Mail:  felix.foerster@tuhh.de



Moritz Henkel

Moritz Henkel, B.Sc.

ISEM - Institute for Smart Engineering and Machine Elements

Student assistant

E-Mail: moritz.henkel(at)tuhh.de

Artur Krause

Artur Krause, M.Sc.

ISEM - Institute for Smart Engineering and Machine Elements

Research assistant

E-Mail: artur.krause(at)tuhh.de


Dipl.-Ing. Marina Kirstein

Dipl.-Ing. Marina Kirstein

ISEM - Institute for Smart Engineering and Machine Elements

Technical assistant

E-Mail: marina.kirstein(at)tuhh.de


Martin Leinweber

Martin Leinweber

ISEM -Institute for Smart Engineering and Machine Elements

Student assistant

E-Mail: martin.leinweber(at)tuhh.de

Rando Luebbert

Rando Lübbert

ISEM - Institute for Smart Engineering and Machine Elements

Technical assistant

E-Mail: rando.luebbert(at)tuhh.de



Anush Musawi

Anusch Musawi, B.Sc.

ISEM -Institute for Smart Engineering and Machine Elements

Student assistant

E-Mail: anusch.musawi(at)tuhh.de



Dr. Eur-Ing. Stylianos Rafailidis

Dr. Eur-Ing. Stylianos Rafailidis

ISEM - Institute for Smart Engineering and Machine Elements

Research assistant


Zamreen Ranzeen

Zamreen Ranzeen

ISEM - Institute for Smart Engineering and Machine Elements

Student assistant

E-Mail: mohamed.mohamed.ramzeen@tuhh.de

Dr.-Ing. Karharina Ritzer

Dr.-Ing. Katharina Ritzer

ISEM -Institute for Smart Engineering and Machine Elements

Chief Engineer

E-Mail: katharina.ritzer(at)tuhh.de

Erik Scherpe

Erik Scherpe, B.Sc.

ISEM -Institute for Smart Engineering and Machine Elements

Student assistant

E-Mail: erik.scherpe(at)tuhh.de

Jonas Schreiber

Jonas Schreiber

ISEM -Institute for Smart Engineering and Machine Elements

Student assistant

E-Mail: jonas.schreiber(at)tuhh.de

Claudia Ploetz

Claudia Plötz

ISEM -Institute for Smart Engineering and Machine Elements

Management Secretariat

E-Mail: ploetz(at)tuhh.de

[Translate to English:] Claudia Plötz