GSD - Generational Sheet-Metal Development

With our lecture course GSD - Generational Sheet-Metal Development we pursue the goal to teach a generation-spanning sheet metal design at a practice-oriented project event.

The development of a new generation of technical products is always based on reference products (product generation development). An important part of this is the development and production of sheet metal components of all kinds. A production-oriented development and design of products as product design measures, enables the simplest possible production of sheet metal components and thus the minimization of production costs and times as well as the compliance with production-dependent quality characteristics (Design for Manufacturing, DFM).

The theoretical contents will be deepened and consolidated by means of guest lectures by speakers from industry, a generation-based and practical development project as well as the real implementation of the developed product with a cooperating company.

In this lecture, you will learn sheet metal design and develop the new generation of the grill through innovative solutions suitable for production.

You will receive the designs of previous years to build on the further developments of each generation.



In order to design the new generation of the grill product in a way that is suitable for production, you will receive constructive feedback on your designs from the instructors.


1. generation BarbeCube of the University of Stuttgart
1. generation BarbeCube of the University of Stuttgart

In a competition between student teams, the winning grill will be selected by a panel of judges and then manufactured and put into operation.

Register for this event via Stud IP. The number of participants is limited to 20, if more than 20 interested students will be randomly selected.


3. generation Grillax of TUHH
3. generation Grillax of TUHH