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Current publications
In the following ISEM publications you will find our current research results sorted by publication date.
Coupling of Computer-aided Methods : Supporting Product Developer during Embodiment Synthesis Albers, Albert; Spadinger, Markus; Serf, Manuel; Reichert, Stefan; Heldmaier, Steffen; Schulz, Micha; Bursac, Nikola Advances in Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization Proceedings of the 12th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (WCSMO12): 536-548 (2018)
Integrated product and process models: Towards an integrated framework and review Eckert, Claudia; Albers, Albert; Bursac, Nikola; Chen, Hilario Xin; Clarkson, P. John; Gericke, Kilian; Gladysz, Bartosz; Maier, Jakob F.; Rachenkova, Galina; Shapiro, Daniel; Wynn, David C. Proceedings of International Design Conference, DESIGN 2 (DS 80-02): 389-398 (2015)