Your chance to help shape the product development of tomorrow!

At ISEM, we offer Bachelor's theses, Master's theses and project work that will not only help you develop professionally, but also personally.

Our theses are practice-oriented, interdisciplinary and often in cooperation with companies.

Are you studying mechanical engineering, mechanical engineering and management (MEM), aeronautical engineering or a related course?

Then you've come to the right place!

What we offer you

At ISEM, you can expect more than just a thesis - we offer you practical, research-orientated and individual support in an appreciative environment.
Our Bachelor's theses, Master's theses and project work are directly integrated into current research and offer you the opportunity to develop your professional and methodological skills.


✔  Exciting topics & individual design - All advertised theses can be completed as a Bachelor's thesis, Master's thesis or project/study work. The scope is determined individually with the supervisors.

Close supervision & specialist support - In addition to personal supervision by our academics, you can benefit from additional support from non-technical services (NTA) during your Master's degree.

Modern infrastructure & workplace on campus - You have height-adjustable desks, powerful computers, 3D printers, laboratories and a digital research environment at your disposal.

Industry relevance & practical relevance - Many of our projects are in cooperation with companies and prepare you optimally for your career entry.

Innovative research methods - From model-based approaches and experimental prototype development to systematic literature research - we support you with the latest scientific methods.

Appreciative team & open error culture - We live an open feedback culture, promote exchange among students and make research fun and motivating.


Whether you want to develop your technical, scientific or creative skills - at ISEM you will find the right topic for your thesis!

Bachelor's, Master's and research project theses

Are you planning your Bachelor's, Master's or student research project?

  • Almost all theses can be completed in English.

Topics at the ISEM:

  • If you are interested in a topic or subject area, please contact the respective supervisor directly and attach your CV and a current overview of your grades to your request

Research area

Artur Krause

Analysis of machine data in the development of sustainable mechatronic systems

Mona Batora

Targeted Decision-Making in Product Development and Innovation, Nudging, Innovation Management

Felix Förster

Methodische Produktentwicklung mit Model-Based Systems Engineering

Katharina Ritzer

New Work in product engineering and distributed product engineering

Rando Lübbert

Practical product development: design, development and commissioning of products and test benches


Current offers:

Supervisor Topic (text in german)

Artur Krause

Sustainable & data-driven product development in cooperation with TRUMPF machine tools

Artur Krause

Analysis of the contribution to sustainability through the optimization of sheet metal part geometries

Artur Krause

Sustainability assessment of machine data: Conception of an innovative lecture

Christopher Münzberg

Modeling product development models with Lego Serious Play

Christopher Münzberg

Conception of Leading Agile Teams

Felix Förster Smart visualizations in systems engineering: analysis and application of innovative display approaches
Felix Förster Interviews on the future of views in methodical product development: Insights from the industry
Felix Förster

XR-Lab for machine elements

Katharina Ritzer Development of a engineering simulator for researching team flow in agile product development

Katharina Ritzer

Development simulator for sheet metal design

Katharina Ritzer The temporal development of New Work and its effects
Katharina Ritzer Measurability of the success of New Work principles in companies
Katharina Ritzer Promoting the acceptance of New Work concepts in product development: understanding, strategies and implementationg
Katharina Ritzer Pilot program for the introduction of New Work in engineering

Mona Batora

Analysis of decision-making situations in product generation development

Mona Batora

Further development of decision-making processes in the product management of an agile IT service provider in the financial sector

Mona Batora

Development of a visualization to optimize the value stream of industrial companies

Pascal Kull Identification and modeling of planning deviations in the live lab GSD - Generational Sheet-Metal Development
Nikola Bursac Scenarios for product creation in the circular economy
Nikola Bursac Classification of built constructions from the tower study according to Kagan et al. in the context of product generation engineering (PGE)

Nikola Bursac

Concept for a mechatronic machine to get children excited about technology

Rando Lübbert

Development of a testbench

Rando Lübbert

Applied automation in the context of double sheet metal detection

Rando Lübbert

Development of a billiard robot

Rando Lübbert

Development of a bending machine

Weitere Themenfelder am ISEM

Melde dich bei Interesse an einem Themenfeld direkt beim jeweilgen Betreuer/in und hänge an deine Anfrage gerne deinen Lebenslauf und eine aktuelle Notenübersicht an

Betreuer/in am ISEM


Artur Krause

Analyse von Maschinendaten in der Entwicklung nachhaltiger mechatronischer Systeme

Mona Batora

Zielgerichtete Entscheidungsfindung in der Produktentwicklung und Innovation, Nudging, Innovationsmanagement

Felix Förster Modellgetriebene Produktentwicklung mit Systems Engineering
Simon Jess KI-gestützte Simulationen für datengestützte Entscheidungen bei der Programmierung von Werkzeugmaschinen

Rando Lübbert

Praxisnahe Produktentwicklung: Konstruktion, Entwicklung und Inbetriebnahme von Produkten und Prüfständen

Katharina Ritzer

New Work in der Produktentwicklung und standortverteilte Produktentwicklung