Teaching at the Institute of Mechanics and Ocean Engineering

The Institute is responsible for parts of the Mechanics courses at TUHH. Besides others the large bachelor classes Engineering Mechanics III and Computational Multibody Dynamics are annually offered.

On master level the courses Applied Dynamics, Flexible Multibody Dynamics and Optimization of Dynamical Systems are offered. Student thesis are always offered with topics originating in our reserach field.

Prof. Seifried is also responsible for the bachelor programs Allgemeine Ingenieurwissenschaften (AIW) and Engineering Science (ES) as well as master program Theoretical Mechanical Engineering and organizes the student exchange programs with University of Califronia, Berkeley and University of Waterloo.

Student theses & jobs

Bachelor, Project and Master Thesis

We are always ofereing bachelor, project and master thesis. The offered topics originate in our research field. If you are interested in one of our research projects, please do not hesitate to contact the responsible research assistant. Often an exciting topic for a bachelor, project or master thesis can then be found (usually topics are not publicly posted).

Please note, that the offered topics require very good knowledge in mechanics, mathematics and potentially control theory.  

HiWi-jobs and Tutor-jobs

The Institute of Mechanics and Ocean Engineering is frequently looking for motivated Hiwis to support within teaching and research projects. Likewise every semester we are looking for good mechanics students, that would like to share their knowledge as a tutor with other students. If you are interested, please contact Professor Seifried or Dr. Marc-André Pick.


Former courses offered by the group

Former courses offered by the group