Engineering Mechanics III

Kinematics, Kinetics and Vibrations I
Term: Winter Term

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Seifried

Content of the Course
  • Kinematics: kinematics of points, relative motion, motion of point systems, planar and spatial kinematics of rigid bodies, rotation in space, kinematics of multibody systems.
  • Kinetics: kinetic fundamentals, fundamental kinetic equations, linear momentum, principle of linear momentum, kinetics of the center of mass, kinetics of relative motion, angular momentum, principle of angular momentum, planar and spatial kinetics of rigid bodies, inertia tensor, rotors and gyroscopes.
  • Impact: terminology, fundamental equations.
  • Vibrations: pendulum oscillations, non-linear and linear oscillations, damped oscillations, forced oscillations.
General information

The course is taught in German.

The lecture Applied Mechanics III is part of the Bachelor Programs: General Engineering Science, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics and Ship Engineering.

The E-Learning System StudIP provides up-to-date information, as well as lecture and exercise materials. Please follow the link to sign in for the Technische Mechanik III.

For further orginaziational content please see German version.