Computational Multibody Dynamics

Kinetics and Vibrations II, Analytical Mechanics, Multibody Systems
Term: Summer Term

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Seifried

Content of the lecture
  • Introduction into Matlab
  • Basics of numerical time integration
  • Vibrations: Free undamped coupled oscillations, free damped coupled oscillations, forced coupled oscillations, modal transformation
  • Analytical mechanics: Constraints, coordinates, D'Alembert's principle, Lagrange equations of the first and second kind.
  • Multibody dynamics: Newton-Euler algorithm, equations of motion, linearization, state-space representation.
  • Numerical time integration: Higher order methods
General Information

The course is taught in German.

Together with the lecture Computational Structural Mechanics, the lecture Computational Multibody Dynamics forms the module Computational Mechanics. This is part of the Bachelor Programs: General Engineering Science, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics and Ship Engineering.

The E-Learning System StudIP provides up-to-date information, as well as lecture and exercise materials. Please follow the link to sign in for the lecture Numerische Mechanik.


For further orginaziational content please see German version.