Glasshouse - Feasibility study on an AI-supported booking platform for the Port of Hamburg

The aim of the Glasshouse project is to carry out a feasibility study to examine what data is available to stakeholders in the Port of Hamburg and how this data can be used to improve capacity planning at the packing station and thus reduce emissions caused by waiting trucks. In addition to the packing plants, dispatchers, truck drivers and haulage companies would also be potential beneficiaries or users of such an improved flow of information.

The project is being carried out jointly by the Institute of Maritime Logistics (MLS) and other partners from the port and terminal landscape.

Project duration 01.07.2024 – 31.03.2025
Project funding Hamburgische Invesitions- und Förderbank (IFB)
Our status Project partner
Contact persons Nicole Nellen
Project partner The project consortium constits of:
  • SITRA Spedition GmbH
  • Hamburger Informatik Technologie-Center e.V.
  • Institute of Maritime Logistics (MLS)


Analog processes and a lack of information lead to long traffic jams and waiting times and therefore to avoidable emissions and inefficient use of resources in the Port of Hamburg. In particular, dispatchers do not have an overview of the capacity utilization at the packing station in the port in order to take this into account in the daily route planning of the trucks.

Better access to information, e.g. on truck arrival times, will enable better planning of capacities at the packing station and thus reduce emissions caused by waiting trucks. The emerging transparency through the sharing of information also ensures that haulage companies can plan their routes better.

The planned feasibility study will examine what data is available in the system, in what form and how it can be shared so that all stakeholders can derive added value from it. To this end, interviews with the various stakeholders in the Port of Hamburg will be used to develop a picture of the data situation, existing challenges and possible solutions.


This research project is funded by IFB. The authors are responsible for the contents of this publication.