EU-project (C.A.S.H.) on risk management in order to make heavy goods traffic safer in the Baltic Sea Region

The economic growth rate of the Baltic Sea Region is higher than the EU average, which results in increasing heavy goods traffic. Over the past ten years, the freight volume more than doubled in the region and it is expected that the trend will grow because of the EU enlargement and the increasing trade with Russia and Belarus. Hamburg benefits from this growth since it is Germany’s most important logistic hub and a gateway for the trade with Northern and Eastern Europe.

EU legislation on heavy goods vehicles and dangerous goods transport is widely harmonised at the European level. Yet, the implementation and interpretation of existing regulations, as well as the operating procedures, varies between countries. The C.A.S.H. (Connecting Authorities for Safer Heavy Goods Traffic in the Baltic Sea Region) project aims to make heavy goods traffic and dangerous goods transports safer in the Baltic Sea Region. The total volume of C.A.S.H. is 3.4 MEUR which is part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) through the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013. The project is coordinated by the Turku School of Economics in Finland, as part of the multidisciplinary University of Turku. Prof. Dr.  Dr. h. c. Wolfgang Kersten and his team are members of the project’s management team.

The Institute of Business Logistics and General Management will apply risk analysis methods on operations and potential investments, and will test up-to-date solutions and tools through both practical usage and analytic work in cooperation with authorities dealing with road traffic safety, regional councils and research institutes from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Norway and Sweden. C.A.S.H. helps to improve cooperation between authorities, to harmonise training of inspection officials, and to test safety equipment and IT systems to be used in the control of heavy goods traffic and dangerous goods transports.

Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Wolfgang Kersten and his team are leading a work package regarding equipment, safety and risk and apply knowledge gained in the research topics logistics and supply chain management. The project is in close cooperation with regional companies, associations and institutions as well as with the Hamburg Waterways Police.


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