Holisitic Transformation
Pandemic, war, climate change, staff shortages - since 2020, we have arrived in a new age of crisis that presents companies with particularly large, diverse and simultaneous challenges. We are convinced that those companies whose business model transformation encompasses the three pillars of digitalization, sustainability and resilience will be fit for the future in the long term.
Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Hamburg
The trend towards the digital transformation of the economy and society poses major challenges for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and requires them to take measures to adapt to the changes brought about by advancing digitalization. Due to limited human and monetary resources, SMEs not only in the Hamburg metropolitan region have a great need for support in the implementation of digitalization projects.
The aim of the project is to sensitize SMEs to the challenges and opportunities of digital transformation and to create the technical and methodological skills for the implementation of digitalization projects in these companies. To achieve these goals, the project consists of four task areas: Informing, Qualifying, Implementing and Networking.
The Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Hamburg offers various formats in these areas, providing information about barriers, potentials and success factors in the use of digital technologies and showing possible ways to implement digitalization projects in companies. The center's offerings range from information events for an initial introduction, workshops and training courses to individual company support as part of implementation projects.
The Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Hamburg is one of more than 25 Mittelstand-Digital Centers nationwide. These are part of the "Mittelstand-Digital" funding priority, which is supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate (BMWK). The Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Hamburg is aimed in particular at small and medium-sized companies in the Hamburg metropolitan region and supports them in the implementation of digitalization projects. The consortium leader of the center in Hamburg and central contact for companies is the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce Service GmbH (HK). Further project partners in the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Hamburg are (in addition to HK & TUHH): The Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW) and the Hamburg Chamber of Crafts (HWK). Further information is available on the project homepage (https://www.kompetenzzentrum-hamburg.digital).
European Digital Innovation Hub
The EDIHHamburg is a European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) - embedded in the network of EDIHs - with a focus on the Hamburg metropolitan region.
The aim of EDIHHamburg is to equip small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), mid-sized companies and public sector organizations (PSOs) in the Hamburg metropolitan region in particular for the challenges of tomorrow. The requirements for critical infrastructures are changing and new solutions need to be evaluated and implemented - from general digitalization issues to cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, distributed infrastructure and high-performance computing.
Hamburg, known worldwide not only as an important European logistics and business location, but also as an award-winning "Smart City", offers both the expertise and the network to meet these challenges. Our group of 6 local partners, including universities, trades, industrial centers and technology organizations, offer our target group a wide range of services - and thus strengthen the ecosystem in a targeted and efficient manner.
Mehr Informationen zum
European Digital Innovation Hub
Trends and strategies in logistics and supply chain management 2023
Triple transformation - digitalization, sustainability and resilience
as guidelines for future-proof value chains
The German Logistics Association launched the "Trends and Strategies in Logistics and Supply Chain Management" study series 35 years ago. Since then, the study has provided information on future developments and possible options for action, acting as a guide for logistics and supply chain management managers.
Our institute has been responsible for the scientific management of the study since 2016.
The study series
- is intended to support decision-makers in logistics and SCM in an increasingly complex environment.
- classifies the current trends and challenges in logistics and supply chain management.
- has also focused on the area of digitalization since 2016 in line with the Industry 4.0 future project [1].
- was expanded in 2020 to include the topic of sustainability due to the increase in social importance, political steering measures and the associated focus in companies [2].
- is focusing on the triple transformation [3] of digitalization, sustainability and resilience in this year's 2023 edition due to increasing global crises that have put supply chain disruptions on the agenda of logistics and SCM managers.
Management Summary zur Studie 2023
„Triple Transformation: Digitalisierung, Nachhaltigkeit und Resilienz als Leitlinien
zukunftsfähiger Wertschöpfungsketten“
Management Summary zur Studie 2020
„Entwicklungen und Perspektiven einer nachhaltigen und digitalen Transformation“
Langfassung der Studie 2016
„Chancen der digitalen Transformation“
Contact person:
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Kersten
Dr. Birgit von See
[1] Kersten, W., Seiter, M., von See, B., Hackius, N. & Maurer, T. (2017): Trends and Strategies in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Digital Transformation Opportunities. Hamburg: DVV Media Group GmbH.
[2] Kersten, W., von See, B., Lodemann, S., Grotemeier, C. (2020): Trends und Strategien in Logistik und Supply Chain Management: Entwicklungen und Perspektiven einer nachhaltigen und digitalen Transformation. www.bvl-trends.de/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/BVLD20-TUS-Auswertung-1.pdf, Zugriff am 26.09.2023.
[3]Kersten, W. (2022): „Triple-Transformation von Logistik und SCM: digital, nachhaltig und resilient“. Vortrag auf dem 30. Hamburger Logistik-Kolloquium am 30.06.2022.
SMILE (Smart Manufacturing Innovation, Learning-labs, and Entrepreneurship) Projekt