
  • SefLog

    Es ist auch für Logistiker ein ernstes und spannendes Projekt: Das Rückgrat des Wirtschaftslebens, die Logistik, sicher zu machen gegen kriminelle und terroristische Attacken. Und bisher gibt es nur punktuelle Ansätze, den Transport von Waren vor Gefahren zu schützen. Hier setzt das Projekt SefLog an. Es steht für Sichere und effiziente Logistikprozesse durch Prävention, Identifikation und Bewältigungen in Bedrohungen.

  • Piracy and Maritime Terrorism as a Challenge for Maritime Trade Security: Indicators, Perceptions and Options for Action (PiraT)

    IMCOSEC follows a risk based approach to identify and characterize security gaps. Preventive measures will be discussed and a guiding concept for demonstrations in phase II will specify these measures to define an impact free and secure supply chain cost effectively and without impinging on performance. Every effort will be made to create a win-win solution between industry and supervision whereby the level of security is at an optimum level balancing effectiveness with practicability within the regulatory framework.

  • Anti-Terror-Compliance

    Since 9/11, security issues have to be considered critical when it comes to company performance. Therefore , public instances have been taking different measures in terms of security which already have an impact on port performances and costs (e.g. ISPS code - The International Ship and Port Facility Security by the International Maritime Organization, C-TPAT - Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism, AMS - Automated Manifest System or CSI - Container Security Initiative set up by the United States).