Anna Sillitti

Thema: Space quality in Hospital Architecture: explorative study and typology analysis of European Research Hospitals

Fach: Architektur

Betreuer: Prof. Paolo Fusi



Research hospital architecture is mainly focused on efficiency and functionality needs. Different typological models have been designed to meet flexibility, management requirements and increasing needs of fast technological development. For achieving those goals, the design phase has often paid little attention to the space quality for patients, researchers and students. This study aims to explore recent European architecture for medical research, analyzing how different building types offer space quality for both main users: patients and researchers, defining which type of medical research building is able to fully satisfy their needs as far as space quality is concerned. An explorative study on existing European medical research facilities will identify the optimized solutions in terms of space quality.

Aim of the study

Aims of the study are a typology analysis of hospitals with research activities and the project of a research-based typological scheme of a Medical Research Centre that optimizes space quality for patients and, at the same time, for medical staff and researchers.

Research key aspects

How is it possible to achieve architectural quality in a building developed mainly on functional requirements? A definition of architectural typology based only on functional and distribution matters is restrictive in order to drive a typological analysis. Which definition of typology is comprehensive for analyzing critically different types of medical research architecture? Space quality can have a key-role in medical care: it can support the therapeutic process (Healing spaces), and can offer positive stimuli to medical staff and researchers in their workspace. The concept of Space Quality in healthcare environments is strongly linked with the peculiar space perception of patients in critical conditions. This themes will be analyzed and defined in order to conduct the explorative study on existing medical research facilities, recently built in Europe according to the latest requirements and standards.


  • Healthcare Architecture
  • Typology Analysis
  • Space Quality
  • Healing Space
  • University Hospital Architecture


seit 2012Promotionsstipendiatin am Graduiertenkolleg „Kunst und Technik“ an der HafenCity Universität Hamburg
seit 2011Doktorandin bei Prof. Arch. Paolo Fusi HafenCity Universität Hamburg, Zweitbetreuer Prof. Christine Nickl-Weller, Architecture for Health, Technische Universität Berlin
2009-2011Infrastrutture Lombarde Spa – Mailand (Italien) als Projekt-Assistent im Healthcare Sektor, Mitglied des Auschreibungsausschusses für öffentliche Projekte
2009Bortolazzi Consulting srl – Ferrara (Italien) als Junior Architektin in Krankenhaus-Projekten
2006-2008Progetto MCK srl – Mailand (Italien) als Junior Architektin in Krankenhaus-Projekten
2005-2006“Design&Health” Research Center c/o Karolinska Institutet – Stockholm (Sweden)
2005-2006Master Studium Universität Politecnico di Milano – Mailand (Italien), Master Diplom „mit Auszeichnung“, mit dem Thema: Healthcare and Elderly Care Facilities: Innovative Design Criteria from Scandinavian experience
seit 2005Mitglied der Architektenkammer Rom
2005Pirelli & C. Real Estate – Mailand (Italien), Projekt-Assistent im Healthcare Sektor
2003Diplom in Architektur mit dem Thema: The humanization of healthcare space: project for a Pediatric Hematologic Centre
1999-2000Erasmus-Studentin der Ecole d’Architecture de Toulouse, Toulouse (Frankreich)
1996-2003Studium der Architektur, Universität “Roma Tre”, Architektur, Rom, Italien
1996Abitur am “Liceo Classico Tito Lucrezio Caro” in Rom
1977geboren in Rom (Italien)