Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Sitzmann

Amandus Kahl GmbH & Co. KG
Dieselstraße 5
21465 Reinbek
Tel.: 040-72771 - 333
Fax: 040-72771 - 100
Academic and professional career
Diploma-Degree in Chemical Engineering at the University of Erlangen - Nuremberg (1976 - 1981)
PhD thesis:
Modelling of Complex Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions in Fluidized Bed Reactors, TUHH Hamburg University of Technology (1986)
- Krupp Maschinentechnik GmbH, Hamburg (1986 - 1994), Food Technology Division, Head of Development Department
- NaFuTec Consulting GmbH, Hamburg (1994 – 1996), Managing Director
- Bahlsen KG, Hanover (1996 – 1998), Head of Engineering
- Amandus Kahl GmbH & Co. KG, Reinbek near Hamburg (1998 - 2020), Authorized Signatory, Technical Director
- KAHL Holding GmbH, Reinbek near Hamburg (since mid-2018), Authorized Signatory, Head of Technology
Research projects and fields of interest
- Pulsed Electric Fields
- Food process engineering, focus on edible oil
- Material and energetic utilization of biomasses
- Recycling of waste, used tires, sewage sludge
Relevant publikations (more than 170 Lectures and Publications, 20 patents and patent applications)
Sitzmann, W., Werther, J., Böck, W., Emig, G.: Modellierung von Wirbelschichtreaktoren – Ermittlung der geeigneten Kinetik bei komplexen Reaktionen, CIT Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik, 57 (1985) 1, S. 58 (Synopse 1305)
Sitzmann, W.: High-Voltage Pulse Techniques, In: New methods for food preservation, Hrsg.: Grahame W. Gould, Chapman & Hill – Verlag, 1995
Hoth, M., Sitzmann, W.: Pelletierung von Abfall und Kompost, Poster, GVC-Fachausschüsse „Abfallbehandlung“ und „Gasreinigung“, 02. – 03. Mai 2000, Würzburg
Sitzmann, W., Buschhart, A.: Neue Wege der Zerkleinerung zur energieoptimierten Herstellung von Holzpellets, Proceedings, 9. Industrieforum Pellets, 6.-7. Oktober 2009, Stuttgart
Sitzmann, W., Buschhart, A.: A New Crushing Process for Lignocellulose-Containing Raw Materials, Vortrag, POWTECH/WCPT, 29. April 2010, Nürnberg
Sitzmann, W., Vorobiev, E., Lebovka, N.: Pulsed Electric Fields for Food Industry: Historical Overview, in D. Miklavcic, Handbook of Electroporation, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-26779-1_194-1, Springer International Publishing AG 2016
Membership in associations and activities in the field of technology transfer
- Board Member of the "World Bioenergy Association", Stockholm
- Board Member of "Bioenergy Europe", Brussels
- Lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Hamburg - Bergedorf 1990-2000
- Lecturer at the TUHH Hamburg University of Technology, Hamburg - Harburg, since 2000, Honorary Professor since 2008 (Institute of Solids Process Engineering and Particle Technology)
- Lecturer at RWTH Aachen University since 2017
- Vice-chairman of the Technical Committee "Food Technology", ProcessNet
- Member of the "Technical Advisory Committee" of the VICTAM Trade Fair, Utrecht
- Founding member of the IBTC, "International Biomass Torrefaction Council", Brussels
- Special Expert at the AIF (German Federation of Industrial Research Associations), Bonn, Reviewer since 2019
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Boards of IFF, "Research Institute of Feed Technology", Braunschweig and of DIL "German Institute of Food Technologies", Quakenbrück
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Donau Soja, Vienna
- Expert at DIN (German Institute for Standardisation), Berlin
- Member of the board of trustees, DMSB Deutsche Müllerschule Braunschweig, (German Milling School Brunswick)
- Member of VDI, DECHEMA, GDL and ISEBTT