Prof. Joachim Werther graduated from Technische Hochschule Karlsruhe in 1967. He received his PhD in 1972 from Erlangen University. 1967-1968 he worked as a production manager in the ceramics industry and 1968-1977 in the Institute of Particle Technology at Erlangen University where he completed his habilitation in 1976. 1977 he joined BASF AG in Ludwigshafen where he was in charge of R&D work on reaction engineering for gas-solid systems.
1980 he was appointed Professor at Hamburg Univrsity of Technology where he headed the Institute of Solids Process Engineering and Particle Technology. 1988-1999 he was Chairman of the DFG Collaborative Center 238 "In-situ measuring Techniques and Dynamic Modeling for Multiphase Flow Systems". 1999-2001 he served as the Vice President Research at Hamburg University of Technology. In 2008 he retired. His research interests include measurement techniques for multiphase flow systems, fluid mechanics and reactions in fluidized beds and flowsheet simulation of solids processes.
Among the awards he received are the Jacques Villermaux Medal 2015 of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering, the 2015 Rudolf Günther Medal sponsored by the Combustion Institute, the 2014 Arnold Eucken Medal of GVT Forschungsgesellschaft Verfahrenstechnik and the 2012 Hans Rumpf Medal of ProcessNet.