Harold Gamero


Harold Gamero is a full-time Scientific Assistant at the Organizational Design and Collaboration Engineering Institute at TUHH. He holds a Master's degree in Research in Management Sciences and a Bachelor's degree in Management and Economics Sciences. Altogether, he has more than 8 years of experience working at universities in Peru and Germany. His previous papers focused on topics such as Job Satisfaction and its connection with Happiness (or Life Satisfaction), Strategic Management of Family Businesses, and, more recently, Entrepreneurship and the Identification of Business Opportunities. From a teaching perspective, he has taught modules on research methods, scientific writing, and thesis elaboration. In 2019, he published a Manual for the elaboration of Bachelor and Master Research Projects. His other previous experiences include activities such as market research and business consulting, management of research groups, and being a guest speaker at international conferences.

Curriculum vitae

07/2023 – today Full time Scientific Assistant at the Organizational Design and Collaboration Engineering Institute at TUHH
09/2020 – 07/2023 Independent lecturer at Otto von Guericke University (Magdeburg), Master Program in International Technical and Vocational Education and Training
01/2020 – 09/2020 Freelance lecturer at Saint Paul Catholic University (Peru) and reviewer for the Latin American Council of Administration Schools (CLADEA) and the emerging journal “Illustro”.
03/2015 – 12/2019 Full time docent at Saint Paul Catholic University (Peru)
03/2014 – 12/2014 Part time docent at Saint Paul Catholic University (Peru)