After the continuity of spinal cord tissue is broken, the neuronal structures try to re-establish functionality by the growth of new axion structures. At the same time substances are injected into the lesion, that inhibit regeneration by cicatrisation. It is known that both the substances and the cicatrisation itself can be manipulated on molecular base by medical treatment. That gives the opportunity to recreate injured spinal cord structures in a way unimagined so far. By now an appropriate system for the mechanical adaptation and fixation has not been created. It is of decisive importance that such a system can not only fixate the tissue in micrometer ranges but also give the opportunity to inject medical active substances into the lesion.
Objective of this project is the development and fabrication of such a device consisting of a great number of small, parallel tubes with a diameter of approximately 150 micrometers and a length of up to 1000 micrometers. Such a device should make it possible to attach the cut spinal cord tissue and to advance a guided spinal cord growth. The system will be upgraded by micro channels for the direct injection of biomedical substances as mentioned above. The channel will also allow the directed induction of the tissue by applying a slight vacuum.

Fig. 1: Schematic illustration of the system function

Fig. 2: 3D- model of the system chamber
Christian Voss