4th Edition of Study on SCRM in the German Wind Power Industry (2014)

The wind power industry has to meet a major challenge because of a dynamic development of the market and increasing globalization of supplier and distribution networks. The importance of an efficient supply chain is very high, due to the fact that there is a constant technological development, especially in the area of offshore. That is why the Institute of Business Logistics and General Management (LogU) at Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) conducted three studies so far about Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) within the wind power industry in corporation with PUTZ&PARTNER Unternehmensberatung AG. The results give detailed insights in the current status of SCRM in the German wind power industry and highlight factors of success and possible barriers.

The new edition of the study will analyze the current risk situation as well as the implementation status of SCRM in the area of on- and offshore market segments.

The data gathering is running since February 2014, under the academic supervision of Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Wolfgang Kersten. If you are interested in joining please feel free to contact us.

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