Julian Golembiewski
E-14 Regelungstechnik
  • Regelungstechnik
Harburger Schloßstraße 22a,
21079 Hamburg
Building HS22a, Room 4014

Research Interest

  • Nonsmooth optimal control
  • Control over wireless networks
  • Model predictive control

Note for Students: If you are interested in optimization or optimal control, feel free to reach out to me regarding thesis opportunities or HiWi projects.

Third Party Projects

Third Party Projects



  • Seminar: Advanced Topics in Control - Model Predictive Control and Reinforcement Learning: Wise 24/25
  • Lecture: Nonlinear Model Predictive Control; Wise 23/24; at TU Dortmund
  • Exercise: Nonlinear Model Predictive Control; Wise 23/24, Wise 22/23; at TU Dortmund
  • Exercise: Distributed and Networked Control; Sose 23, Sose 22; at TU Dortmund
  • Project Group: Advanced Control Methods for Cyber Physical Systems; Wise 22/23; at TU Dortmund
  • Exercise: Practical Distributed Optimization in Julia; Sose 22; at TU Dortmund
  • Project Group: HEAT - HIL-based End-to-End ReplicA of a 5G powered solar Thermical power plant; Sose 22; at TU Dortmund

Supervised Theses

  • Master
    • Josh Kannemeyer, MPC Based Imitation Learning Approaches for Path Following Problems, 2024.

    • Jonas Stehr, Event-triggered Model Predictive Control for Networked Control Systems in 5G Networks, 2023.

    • Shehabeldin Housein, Safety-Aware Predictive Path Following Control For Mobile Industrial Robots, 2023.

    • Klara Otten, Nutzung von grünem Wasserstoff unter Berücksichtigung der Verbundflexibilität eines Chemiestandortes mit Eigenerzeugungsanlagen, 2023.