
Data-Driven Control for Deterministic and Stochast...

Data-Driven Control for Deterministic and Stochastic Systems

Dynamic systems can often be described using algebraic and/or differential equations derived from first principles. We are interested in describing behaviors of various systems using available data in form of input-output measurements and/or disturbance estimates. Specifically, we focus on developing novel model-free control approaches and benchmarks to test their performance against either existing methods or model-based controllers.

In many real-world applications, stochastic disturbances pose significant challenges, such as distributed energy systems facing uncertain wind speed and renewable energy generation, or building control systems dealing with uncertain weather conditions and occupancy. The presence of stochastic disturbances can severely deteriorate both the performance and safety of the system. However, extending the framework of data-driven control to stochastic systems—where uncertainties must be explicitly accounted for—remains an open problem. In this context, another focus of our work centers on addressing this challenge.

Control and Optimization of Port-Hamiltonian Systems

Control and Optimization of Port-Hamiltonian Systems

Physics-based modelling leads to port-Hamiltonian structures [1-2]. These models consist of constitutive components: energy storage, energy dissipation, and ports which allows to transfer energy over system boundaries. Our research, supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), aims to exploit the structure of port-Hamiltonian systems in the realm of optimal and data-driven control.

Distributed Optimization and Distributed MPC

Distributed Optimization and Distributed MPC

Numerical optimization is key in the operation of complex systems. For different reasons such as resilience, data privacy and performance one may be interested in distributing numerical optimization over different nodes. In the realm of Model Predictive Control (MPC) this distributed optimization arises in the context of distributed MPC (DMPC).

We conduct research on distributed non-convex optimization and on distributed MPC for linear and nonlinear systems. 

Statistical methods for energy systems

TRR 391 B02: Statistical methods for energy systems – Aggregation and decomposition

In the subproject B02 of the Collaborative Research Center/Transregio CRC/TRR 391 Spatio-temporal Statistics for the Transition of Energy and Transport, we construct and investigate statistical methods for aggregation and decomposition to tackle the complexity of energy distribution networks, which can involve easily several 100 individual items with corresponding storage dynamics, e.g. electrical vehicles, controllable loads in households, and energy storage systems. Our analysis takes the perspective of upper-level energy transmission networks towards the statistical behavior of lower-level distribution grids at the vertical grid coupling between both layers. Aggregation of the storage dynamics of energy distribution networks can improve system operation on the transmission system via temporal couplings. Control actions decided upon on the transmission level in turn need to be mapped to the individual items composing the distribution systems. In other words, it is necessary to ensure that the action computed for aggregated abstractions can be disaggregated, i.e., control actions can be assigned in a feasible manner to the individual devices.

We thus aim to construct aggregations which admit statistical guarantees (a) on the temporal evolution of aggregated non-stationary statistics at the coupling, especially with respect to energy demand and active and reactive power fluctuations, and (b) for feasible disaggregation.



Co-Design of Control and Communication

Co-Design of Control and Communication

The rapid advancements in communication technologies, particularly with the rollout of 5G and future 6G networks, offer a transformative opportunity to integrate high-speed, low-latency, and reliable communication into modern control systems. A co-design approach of communication and control systems promises transformative benefits that significantly enhance performance, reliability, and scalability across various applications. This integration lays the foundation for cutting-edge applications, including autonomous systems, industrial automation, smart cities and more.

GAMM Activity Group

GAMM Activity Group


Dynamics and Control

The GAMM Activity Group Dynamics and Control – i.e. the GAMM Fachausschuss Dynamik und Regelungstheorie – is a working group of GAMM (Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik). It brings together members from various fields, spanning from mathematical systems theory, control engineering, nonlinear dynamics, and vibration theory to multi-body dynamics. The focus is on method developments and method application to a wide range of problems from mechatronics, energy systems, robotics, autonomous driving, and aeronautics. The exchange about the different subject areas fosters vibrant discussions and it frequently triggers new research. Moreover, the open discourse helps to bridge gaps between applied mathematics, mechanics, and engineering sciences.
The connecting element is the mathematically sound analysis of dynamical systems and their control. In addition to more classic questions, the analysis and control of dynamical systems via communication networks, the consideration of cyber-physical systems and the fusion of traditional approaches with techniques from machine learning and artificial intelligence are of increasing importance in the discussions.
The committee's goals are, in particular, to strengthen interdisciplinary cooperation between mathematics and engineering and to promote young scientists. To this end, the committee organizes half-yearly workshops in which faculty members, doctoral candidates, students, and participants from industry take part. These workshops are a forum to discuss current research results, to respond to trends and new developments, as well as to initiate and to advance joint scientific cooperations.

Currently, the activity group is chaired jointly by

As of April 2022 the activity group has more than 100 members from academia and industry.

The activity group organizes two workshops per year and it coordinates the activities in the Section S20 of the Annual Meeting of GAMM. Details about past and upcoming workshops as well as general news can be found below.

Virtual Seminar Series of the IFAC TC on Optimal Control

Virtual Seminar Series of the IFAC TC on Optimal Control


During the 2021-2023 IFAC triennium and triggered by the travel restrictions during the CoViD-19 pandemic, Prof. Timm Faulwasser and Dr. Thulasi Mylvaganam from the Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College London organized the Virtual Seminar Series of the IFAC TC on Optimal Control. Selected seminar recordings are available on Youtube.

Date Title
13 February 2023 Optimization-based control and learning
27 June 2022 Trends in software and tools for optimal and predictive control (2)
18 May 2022 Trends in software and tools for optimal and predictive control
09 December 2021 Data-driven Methods in Control (2)
08 July 2021 Data-driven Methods in Control


Optimal Power Flow (OPF)

Optimal Power Flow (OPF) problems are of crucial importance for the operation of electrical energy grids. A prime indicator are the steadily increasing costs for generator redsipatch and curative grid actions in Germany –cf. the monitoring report by the German grid authority (Bundesnetzagentur BNA)– as these operational decisions are based on the solution of OPF problems. In this context, we investigate novel numerical methods including stochastic OPF formulations and distributed solution algorithms. The former is driven by the increasing share of volatile renwables in the energy mix, which have to be modelled by non-Gaussian distributions. We use Polynomial Chaos Expansions to achieve a tractable reformulation. The modelling of such uncertainties is one of our research topics in the Collaborative Research Center/Transregio CRC/TRR 391 Spatio-temporal Statistics for the Transition of Energy and Transport.

We also investigate distributed optimization algorithms to solve optimal power flow problems in stationary and time coupled multi-stage formulations as well as the application of design of experiments to enable in-operation estimation of parameters.