The turnpike phenomenon refers to a similarity property in optimal control problems, i.e., for varying initial conditions of the dynamics and varyign horizon lengths the optimal solutions are structurally similar. Put differently, they stay close to the optimal steady state (a.k.a. the turnpike) in the middle part of the horizon and this part grows as the horizon increases.
Early observations of the phenomenon can be traced back to papers by John von Neumann and Frank P. Ramsey which appeared in the 1930s. The term turnpike was coined in the 1958 book on Linear Programming and Economic Analysis by Dorfman, Solow, and Samuelson. Therein, they coined the term turnpike in optimal control by writing:
"[...] It is exactly like a turnpike paralleled by a network of minor roads. There is a fastest route between any two points; and if the origin and destination are close together and far from the turnpike, the best route may not touch the turnpike. But if the origin and destination are far enough apart, it will always pay to get on to the turnpike and cover distance at the best rate of travel, even if this means adding a little mileage at either end. [...]"
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[5] Faulwasser, T., Korda, M., Jones, C. N., & Bonvin, D. (2014, December). Turnpike and dissipativity properties in dynamic real-time optimization and economic MPC. In 53rd ieee conference on decision and control (pp. 2734-2739). IEEE.
[6] Faulwasser, T., Korda, M., Jones, C. N., & Bonvin, D. (2017). On turnpike and dissipativity properties of continuous-time optimal control problems. Automatica, 81, 297-304.
[7] Faulwasser, T., Grüne, L., & Müller, M. A. (2018). Economic nonlinear model predictive control. Foundations and Trends® in Systems and Control, 5(1), 1-98.
[8] Faulwasser, T., & Murray, A. (2020). Turnpike properties in discrete-time mixed-integer optimal control. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 4(3), 704-709.
[9] Faulwasser, T., & Bonvin, D. (2017). Exact turnpike properties and economic NMPC. European Journal of Control, 35, 34-41.
[10] Faulwasser, T., Flaßkamp, K., Ober-Blöbaum, S., Schaller, M., & Worthmann, K. (2022). Manifold turnpikes, trims, and symmetries. Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 34(4), 759-788.
[11] Faulwasser, T., & Grüne, L. (2022). Turnpike properties in optimal control: An overview of discrete-time and continuous-time results. Handbook of numerical analysis, 23, 367-400.
[12] Krügel, L., Faulwasser, T., & Grüne, L. (2023, December). Local Turnpike Properties in Finite Horizon Optimal Control. In 2023 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) (pp. 5273-5278). IEEE.
[12] Ou, R., Schießl, J., Baumann, M. H., Grüne, L., & Faulwasser, T. (2023). A Polynomial Chaos Approach to Stochastic LQ Optimal Control: Error Bounds and Infinite-Horizon Results. arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.17596.
[14] Schießl, J., Baumann, M. H., Faulwasser, T., & Grüne, L. (2024). On the relationship between stochastic turnpike and dissipativity notions. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.
[16] Püttschneider, J., & Faulwasser, T. (2024). On Dissipativity of Cross-Entropy Loss in Training ResNets. arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.19013.