Our submitted papers:
Low-Power Underwater Acoustic Tracers for Long-Range River Bedload Monitoring
Authors: Peter Oppermann, Bernd-Christian Renner
Integration of the ahoi Modem into the MOLA Seafloor Lander System: Concept, Realization and Real-World Trials
Authors:Fabian Steinmetz, Everardo González (GEOMAR), Raphael Herges (GEOMAR), Lea Rohde (GEOMAR), Gabriel Nolte (GEOMAR), Thies Bartels (GEOMAR), Martin Wollatz-Vogt (GEOMAR), Bernd-Christian Renner (TUHH), Jens Karstens (GEOMAR)
were accepted for the WUWNet' 2024 conference.
We congratulate the authors.