Prof. Dr.-Ing. Irina Smirnova
Summer term
- Thermodynamik III
Winter term
- Thermische Grundoperationen
- Wärme- und Stoffübertragung
Publications statistics: ORCID, Scopus, Google Scholar
Chapter/Article (Proceedings)
Life cycle assessment of advanced building materials towards NZEBs
10th International Conference on Life Cycle Management (LCM 2021) : Stuttgart (online), Germany, September 1-8, 2021. - Les Ulis, 2022. - Art. no. 04001
Open Access | Publisher DOI -
Characterisation and recovery of prebiotic carbohydrates from side-streams of biorefineries
DECHEMA (2021)
Enzymatic modification of lignin from a hydrothermal biorefinery concept and use thereof in polymer compounds
Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC 2018)
Functionalization of aerogel particles by coating in a spouted bed
World Congress on Particle Technology (WCPT 2018)
Coating of fine Aerogel particles using spouted bed technology
12th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Technology, CFB 2017: 525-531 (2017-05)
Enzymatic reactive distillation for the transesterification of ethyl butyrate: model validation and process analysis
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering (37): 2135-2140 (2015)
Publisher DOI
Thermo-enzymatic conversion of lignocellulosic biomass in a high pressure fixed bed reactor
Global challenges for engineering a sustainable future : 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting ; November 3 - 8, 2013, San Francisco, CA ; conference proceedings. - New York, NY : American Institute of Chemical Engineers. -. - [Pt.] Sustainable Engineering Forum 2013. - 2014. - Seite 665
Reactive distillation with biocatalytic coatings for structured packings
Global Challenges for Engineering a Sustainable Future (AIChE 2013)
Aqueous surfactant two-phase systems for the batch and continuous extraction processes : experimental study and modeling of the solute partitioning
Global challenges for engineering a sustainable future : 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting ; November 3 - 8, 2013, San Francisco, CA ; conference proceedings. - New York, NY : American Institute of Chemical Engineers. - [Pt.] Separations Division. - 2013. - Seite 909-910
Production of nanoporous materials (Aerogels) from natural polymers for life science applications using supercritical fluid technology
Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals - Core Programming Topic at the 2011 AIChE Annual Meeting 1: 604 (2011-01-01)
Thermodynamic modeling for surfactant based separation processes
Separations Division - Core Programming Topic at the 2011 AIChE Annual Meeting 2: 888-889 (2011-01-01)
Micellar solutions in catalysis and separation: Systematic approach to select the surfactant system
AIChE Annual Meeting (2011)
Process development for a multiproduct biorefinery
19th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA 2010 and 7th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, ECCE-7: (2010-12-01)
Prediction of equilibrium partitioning of pharmaceuticals in octanol-water and water-surfactant systems
AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings: 9002-9005 (2005-12-01)
Editorial for BCAB Special Issue “Lignocellulosic biorefinery”
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery 11 (6): 2269-2270 (2021)
Open Access | Publisher DOI
4th International Seminar on Aerogels, 2018
Journal of Supercritical Fluids (156): 104652 (2020-02)
Publisher DOI
Aerogels: Current status and challenges for the future
Journal of Supercritical Fluids 106: 1 (2015-11-01)
Publisher DOI
Review (Article)
The effect of synthesis conditions and process parameters on aerogel properties
Frontiers in Chemistry 11: 1294520 (2023)
Open Access | Publisher DOI
Engineering aspects of hydrothermal pretreatment: From batch to continuous operation, scale-up and pilot reactor under biorefinery concept
Bioresource Technology (299): 122685 (2020-03)
Publisher DOI
Amorphization of drugs by adsorptive precipitation from supercritical solutions: A review
Journal of Supercritical Fluids (132): 105-125 (2018-02)
Publisher DOI
Aerogels in chemical engineering: Strategies toward tailor-made aerogels
Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (8): 307-334 (2017-06-07)
Publisher DOI
Chapter (Book)
CHAPTER 10: Enzymatic Reactive Absorption and Distillation
RSC Green Chemistry 55 : 210-248 (2018)
Publisher DOI
Synthesis of silica aerogels and their application as drug delivery system
Supercritical Fluids as Solvents and Reaction Media: 381-427 (2004-06-11)
Publisher DOI
Conference Proceedings
- Predicting solvation free energies of ions via deep learning
J. Zheng; T. Nevolianis; S. Müller; M. Baumann; S. Tshepelevitsh; I. Kaljurand; I. Leito; I. Smirnova; K. Leonhard; W. Green, ACS Spring 2025, San Diego, USA (2025) - Incorporating intermolecular dispersion into openCOSMO-RS: Beyond halocarbons
D. Grigorash; S. Müller; P. Paricaud; W. Yan; E. Stenby; I. Smirnova, Thermodynamik-Kolloquium 2024, Stuttgart, Germany (2024) - Unveiling the Thermodynamics of Stimuli-Responsive Gels: A COSMO-RS and Molecular Dynamics Study
K. Eckert; S. Müller; I. Smirnova, 2nd International Seminar on Modelling, Simulation and Machine Learning for the Rapid Development of Porous Materials., Madrid, Spain (2024) - Applying open COSMO-RS to Electrolyte Systems from Infinite Dilution to the Ionic Liquid State
S. Müller; A. González de Castilla; I. Smirnova, European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics 2024, Edinburgh, Scottland (2024) - A comprehensive approach to incorporating intermolecular dispersion into COSMO-RS model
D. Grigorash; S. Müller; P. Paricaud; W. Yan; E. Stenby; I. Smirnova, European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics 2024, Edinburgh, Scottland (2024) - Aerogel Production in Technical Scale at TUHH: Facilities and Miniplant for Evaluation of Drying Kinetics
L. Gibowsky; D. Arigbe; A. Bueno; I. Smirnova, 19th European Training school on Eco-AERoGELS: Technical, commercial and societal innovations on aerogels towards circular economy (IG18125), Udine, Italy (2024) - Packungseigenschaften von kugelförmigen, nanoporösen und verformbaren Gelpartikeln
L. Gibowsky; C. Alves; S. Heinrich; I. Smirnova, Jahrestreffen DECHEMA-Fachgruppen Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik und Adsorption, Darmstadt, Germany (2024) - Packing Properties of Spherical, Nanoporous and Deformable Gel Particles During Supercritical Drying
L. Gibowsky; P. Gurikov; I. Smirnova, 1st International Seminar on Modelling, Simulation and Machine Learning for Rapid Development of Porous Materials, DLR Cologne, Germany (2023) - Applying openCOSMO-RS to Electrolyte Systems from Infinite Dilution to the Ionic Liquid State
S. Müller; A. González de Castilla; I. Smirnova, AIChE, Orlando, USA (2023) - Degeneracy of the Parameter Space in SAFT-type Equations of State
P. Walker; S. Müller; I. Smirnova, Thermodynamik-Kolloquium 2023, Hannover, Germany (2023) - Naturally grown aerogels from fruits, vegetables and mushrooms: processing and characterization
L. Gibowsky; B. Schroeter; E. Dicke; I. Jung; I. Smirnova, 19th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, Budapest, Hungary (2023) - Thermodynamic modelling of the swelling behaviour of stimuli-responsive gels in multicomponent systems using PC-SAFT
K. Eckert; J. Bittner; S. Müller; X. Hu; I. Smirnova; W. Chapman, MSML Conference, Cologne, Germany (2023) - Natürlich gewachsene Aerogele aus Früchten, Gemüse und Pilzen: Verarbeitung und Charakterisierung
L. Gibowsky; B. Schroeter; E. Dicke; I. Jung; J. Husung; G. Liese; R. Subrahmanyam; I. Smirnova, Jahrestreffen DECHEMA-Fachgruppen Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik und Lebensmittelverfahrenstechnik, Bochum, Germany (2023) - Efficient parameterization of openCOSMO-RS from the ground up
S. Müller; I. Smirnova, European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics 2021, Graz, Austria (2022) - A Gibbs-Duhem consistent extension of the Pitzer-Debye-Hückel term for dielectric decrement and underscreening
A. González de Castilla; S. Müller; I. Smirnova, Thermodynamik-Kolloquium 2021, Online, Hamburg (2021) - An open source COSMO-RS implementation beyond the sigma profile: including multiple descriptors efficiently
S. Müller; T. Gerlach; A. González de Castilla; I. Smirnova, Thermodynamik-Kolloquium 2021, Online, Hamburg (2021) - A modified closest approach parameter for the PDH term to address underscreening in low dielectric constants
A. González de Castilla; S. Müller; I. Smirnova, European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics 2021, Online, Hamburg (2021) - Including Additional First-Principles Information Into the COSMO-RS-ES Model: A Study on the Local Polarizability
S. Müller; E. Heid; I. Smirnova, European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics 2021, Online, France (2021) - Biochemical High-Pressure-Cascade for Creating Added Value from Raw Coffee-Silverskin
E. Bastos; M. Kehili; M. Kienast; A. Lenzen; C. Zetzl; I. Smirnova (2021) - Biorefinery of agro-food industrial by-products, olive residues, date seeds and coffee silver skins, for the recovery of highly valuable fractions
M. Kehili; M. Kienast; A. Bhatti; C. Zetzl; I. Smirnova, Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Phytoextrakte, Online (2021) - Evaluation and modelling of transient bulk dynamics during the supercritical CO2 drying of aerogels
A. Bueno; I. Smirnova, European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, Online (2021) - Effizientes Design eines Flüssig-Flüssig Fraktionierungsreaktors im Fall einer Reaktionsratenlimitierung
O. Fellechner; I. Smirnova, Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Fluidverfahrenstechnik, Adsorption und Extraktion, Berchtesdagen, Germany (2020) - Smart Structures: Additive Manufacturing of Smart Materials for Adaptive Packings
X. Hu; C. Spille; M. Schlüter; I. Smirnova, ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Fluidverfahrenstechnik, Berchtesdagen, Germany (2020) - Evaluation of transient kinetics during the supercritical CO2 drying
A. Bueno; I. Smirnova, Fifth International Seminar on AEROGELS, Hamburg, Germany (2020) - Evaluation of transient kinetics during the supercritical CO2 drying
A. Bueno; I. Smirnova, ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik, Freising, Germany (2020) - Molecular dynamics simulations of alcohol dehydrogenase in the deep eutectic solvent glyceline
J. Bittner; L. Huang; S. Kara; I. Smirnova; S. Jakobtorweihen, 7th Workshop of Integrated Biotechnology and Process Engineering, Hamburg (Germany) (2019) - Refinement of the Predictive Electrolyte Model COSMO-RS-ES: General Improvements and Application to the Calculation of pKa Values
S. Müller; A. Castilla; I. Smirnova, Thermodynamik–Kolloquium, Duisburg, Germany (2019) - Production of PLA aerogels for the stabilization of amorphous API’s
A. Bueno; I. Smirnova, Thermodynamik-Kolloquium, Erlangen, Germany (2019) - Calculating Thermodynamic Properties of Mixtures of Solvents with the Predictive Model COSMO-RS-ES: Improvements for Low Permittivity Systems
S. Müller; I. Smirnova, SMTG Annual Meeting: “Solving the electrolyte problem”, Manchester, United Kingdom (2019) - Lignin aus Bioraffinerien basierend auf der Heißwasserhydrolyse und deren Nutzung in Polymercompounds
X. Hu; I. Smirnova, ProcessNet Jahrestagung, Aachen, Germany (2018) - Integration of Enzymatic Reactions into Continuous Countercurrent Extraction Processes with Mixed Surfactant Solutions
O. Fellechner; I. Smirnova, 2018 AIChE Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (2018) - Enzymatic Modification of Lignin from a Hydrothermal Biorefinery Concept and Use Thereof in Polymer Compounds
X. Hu; I. Smirnova, Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference, Helsinki, Finland (2018) - Enhancing the effectivity of lignin biorefineries by utilization of hydrolysate side-streams (ELBE-NH)
M. Conrad; C. Zetzl; I. Smirnova, FSP-Posterseminar, Tutech (2018) - Competitive Odor-Free Lignin from an Aquasolv Biorefinery Experimental and Economical Case Study
M. Conrad; L. Andersen; J. Gil-chavez; E. Hartge; H. Häring; X. Hu; C. Kreft; C. Lim; R. Meyer; W. Reynolds; L. Schmidt; C. Zetzl; S. Heinrich; M. Kaltschmitt; I. Smirnova, Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC), Helsinki (2018) - Kontinuierliche extraktive Biokatalyse in mizellaren Zweiphasensystemen mit reaktiven Packungen
O. Fellechner; I. Smirnova, ProcessNet-Jahrestagung und 33. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen 2018, Aachen, Germany (2018) - Calculating Thermodynamic Properties of Mixtures of Solvents with the Predictive Model COSMO-RS-ES: Improvements for Low Permittivity Systems
S. Müller; C. Taeschler; T. Grützner; I. Smirnova, Thermodynamik–Kolloquium, Kassel, Germany (2018) - Solubility of Salts in Mixtures of Solvents with the Predictive Model COSMO-RS-ES: Improvements for Low Permittivity Systems
S. Müller; I. Smirnova, ESAT, Prague, Czech Republic (2018) - Kontinuierliche extraktive enzymatische Biokatalyse mittels Cloud-Point Extraktion
O. Fellechner; E. Ritter; I. Smirnova, ProcessNet Jahrestreffen Extraktion und Rohstoffe, Frankfurt/Main, Germany (2018) - Calculation of Solid-Liquid-Equilibria of Salts in Mixtures of Solvents With a new COSMO-RS Based Model
S. Müller; C. Taeschler; A. Klein; T. Grützner; I. Smirnova, COSMO-RS Symposium, Cologne, Germany (2018) - First evidence of solvent spillage under subcritical conditions in aerogel production
A. Bueno; I. Smirnova, ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik, Erlangen, Germany (2018) - Reduction of compression requirements during aerogel production
A. Bueno; I. Smirnova, Fourth International Seminar on AEROGELS, Hamburg, Germany (2018) - Calculation of Solid-Liquid-Equilibria of Salts in Organic Solvents and Solvent Mixtures Using the Predictive Model COSMO-RS
S. Müller; C. Taeschler; T. Grützner; I. Smirnova, Thermodynamik–Kolloquium, Dresden, Germany (2017) - CO2-induzierte Gelierung von Biopolymerlösungen zur Aerogelherstellung
I. Preibisch; P. Gurikov; S. Whitehouse; I. Smirnova, Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik, Frankfurt am Main, Germany (2017) - Pressure drop and mechanic deformation in lignocellulosic biomass fixed-beds during hydrothermal pretreatment
W. Reynolds; M. Conrad; S. Mbeukem; R. Stank; I. Smirnova, ProcessNet Jahrestreffen Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik 2017, Frankfurt (Main) (2017) - Synthesis of Stationary Phases for Chiral Separations by SFC
M. Sun; P. Gurikov; I. Smirnova; M. Johannsen, Conference on Preparative & Process Scale HPLC, MCC and SFC, Särö, Sweden (2017) - Design of Stationary Phases for Enantiomeric Separations in Supercritical Fluid Chromatography
M. Sun; M. Johannsen; P. Gurikov; I. Smirnova, Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Mechanische Flüssigkeitsabtrennung, Kristallisation, Phytoextrakte, Adsorption, Extraktion, Fluidverfahrenstechnik und Membrantechnik, Cologne, Germany (2017) - Überkritische Trocknung von Proteingelpartikeln im Festbett unter Verwendung von CO2: Experimentelle Untersuchung und Modellierung
I. Selmer; A. Behnecke; J. Heide; I. Smirnova, Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik, Frankfurt am Main, Germany (2017) - Kinetics of supercritical drying of protein gel particles in a packed bed: Experimental investigation and modeling
I. Selmer; A. Behnecke; J. Heide; I. Smirnova, EMSF 2017, Lissabon, Portugal (2017) - Production of Biopolymer Based Aerogels Using CO2 induced Gelation
I. Preibisch; P. Gurikov; S. Whitehouse; I. Smirnova, 16th EMSF 2017, Lissabon, Portugal (2017) - Silica-biopolymer composites from aqueous and organic solutions
F. Mißfeldt; W. Lölsberg; E. Winter; I. Smirnova, International Seminar on Aerogels, Sophia-Antipolis, France (2016) - Aerogel particle production via the emulsion-gelation method
V. Baudron; P. Gurikov; I. Smirnova, International Seminar on Aerogels, Sophia Antipolis, France (2016) - Critical assessment of the biopolymer aerogel production process
S. Raman; P. Gurikov; A. Bueno; P. Dieringer; I. Smirnova, 3rd International Seminar on Aerogels, Nice, France (2016) - On the road towards an integrated process for biopolymer aerogel production
S. Raman; P. Gurikov; I. Smirnova, 15th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, Essen, 2016, Essen, Germany (2016) - Towards production of new generation of aerogels at large scale
I. Smirnova; P. Gurikov; S. Raman, IV Iberoamerican Conference on Supercritical Fluids - PROSCIBA 2016, Vina del Mar, Chile (2016) - Extension of COSMO-RS for the prediction of the salt effect on liquid-liquid equilibria
T. Gerlach; S. Müller; I. Smirnova, Computational Chemistry Symposium, Hamburg, Germany (2016) - Protein-based aerogel particles as carrier material in food applications: Drying model for a packed bed validated by in situ drying kinetic study
I. Selmer; A. Behnecke; A. Braeuer; J. Quiño; C. Kleemann; U. Kulozik; I. Smirnova, 3rd Seminar on Aerogels: Synthesis-Properties-Applications, Nizza, Frankreich (2016) - Protein Based Aerogels: Preparation, Applications and Potential for Food Engineering
I. Smirnova; I. Selmer; U. Kulozik; C. Kleemann, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA (2016) - Molecular dynamics simulations of various micelles: Micelle size and structure influence on the prediction of micelle water partition equilibria using COSMOmic
E. Ritter; D. Yordanova; T. Gerlach; I. Smirnova; S. Jakobtorweihen, Thermodynamik Kolloquium, Kaiserslautern, Germany (2016) - Kontinuierliche extraktive Biokatalyse in wässrigen mizellaren Zweiphasensystemen
E. Ritter; I. Smirnova, Dechema-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen und ProcessNet-Jahrestagung, Aachen, Germany (2016) - Aquasolv Lignin Production in a 40 L Fixed-Bed Pilot Plant: Biorefinery Modeling at Reactor and Plant Level
W. Reynolds; L. Schmidt; M. Kaltschmitt; I. Smirnova, ProcessNet Jahrestreffen Fachgruppe Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik, Essen (2016) - Adsorption von Fischöl auf proteinbasierten Aerogelen zur Mikroverkapselung von ω-3-Fettsäuren
I. Selmer; C. Kleemann; M. Goslinska; U. Kulozik; S. Heinrich; I. Smirnova, Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Adsorption und Gasreinigung, Duisburg, Germany (2016) - Prediction of Liquid-Liquid Equilibria in Electrolyte Systems with COSMO-RS
T. Gerlach; I. Smirnova, AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA (2015) - Development of an Electrolyte Extension of COSMO-RS and Application to the Prediction of Phase Equilibria
T. Gerlach; I. Smirnova, COSMO-RS Symposium, Bonn, Germany (2015) - Erweiterung und Parametrisierung von COSMO-RS zur Vorhersage von Flüssig-Flüssig Phasengleichgewichten in Elektrolytsystemen
T. Gerlach; I. Smirnova, Thermodynamik-Kolloquium, Bochum, Germany (2015) - Lignin zur Anwendung im konsumnahen Bereich : Einsatz von Hochdruckverfahren zur Produktion und Aufreinigung
C. Zetzl; V. Baudron; W. Reynolds; C. Kirsch; L. Zenker; I. Smirnova, Jahrestreffen der Fachgruppe Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik, Darmstadt, Germany (2015) - Biokatalytische Reaktivrektifikation: In-situ-Beschichtung von strukturierten Packungen mit biokatalytischen Überzügen
R. Heils; X. Hu; A. Liese; I. Smirnova, ProcessNet Jahrestreffen der Fachgruppe Fluidverfahrenstechnik, Bremen (2015) - An integrated approach towards aerogels using carbon dioxide induced gelation and high pressure solvent exchange
P. Gurikov; S. Raman; I. Smirnova, 10th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE10), Nice, France (2015) - Supercritical drying, loading and coating of aerogel particles using supercritical CO2 and fluidized bed technology
I. Selmer; C. Kleemann; M. Goslinska; U. Kulozik; S. Heinrich; I. Smirnova, Seminar on Emerging Dairy Technologies, Freising, Germany (2015) - Kontinuierliche mizellare in situ Extraktion hydrophober Substanzen aus Mikroalgenkulturen
R. Racheva; M. Kerner; I. Smirnova, Dechema Jahrestreffen Phytoextrakte, Bonn (2015) - Entwicklung von proteinbasierten Aerogelen für die Anwendung als Trägermatrizen in Lebensmitteln
I. Selmer; C. Kleemann; U. Kulozik; S. Heinrich; I. Smirnova, Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik, Darmstadt, Germany (2015) - Biokatalytische Reaktivextraktion in mizellaren Zweiphasensystemen
E. Ritter; I. Smirnova, Jahrestreffen der Fachgruppen Extraktion und Mischvorgänge, Heidelberg, Germany (2015) - Biocatalytic reactive extraction in micellar two-phase systems: Implementation in a continuous extraction process
E. Ritter; I. Smirnova, AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA (2015) - A universal approach to fast processing of gel to aerogel: Concept to scale up
P. Gurikov; S. Raman; I. Smirnova, 2nd International Seminar on Aerogels: Properties-Manufacture-Applications, Hamburg, Germany (2014) - Salt Effects on Liquid-Liquid Equilibria: Experiments and Predictive Modelling
T. Gerlach; I. Smirnova, 27th European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics, Eindhoven, Netherlands (2014) - An integrated approach towards biopolymer aerogels using high pressure solvent exchange
P. Gurikov; S. Raman; I. Smirnova, 14th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, Marseille, France (2014) - An integrated aerogel production process from hydrogels using high pressure carbon dioxide
P. Gurikov; S. Raman; I. Smirnova, Jahrestreffen der Fachgruppe Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik, Merseburg, Germany (2014) - Value adding to the lignocellulosic biorefinery: Nanoporous Materials from lignin obtained by liquid hot water treatment of lignocellulose
L. Perez-cantu; F. Liebner; I. Smirnova, 10th International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries, Valladolid, Spanien (2014) - Surfactant-based Extraction of Microalgae Products
R. Racheva; M. Kerner; I. Smirnova, ISEC2014 – International Solvent Extraction Conference, Würzburg (2014) - Modellierung und Scale-up der thermisch-enzymatischen Fraktionierung von Weizenstroh im Hochdruck-Festbett
W. Hüppop; C. Zetzl; I. Smirnova, ProcessNet Jahrestreffen Fachgruppe Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik, Merseburg (2014) - Modellierung des hydrothermalen Aufschlusses von Weizenstroh im durchströmten Hochdruck-Festbett
W. Hüppop; C. Zetzl; I. Smirnova, ProcessNet Jahrestagung, Aachen (2014) - Einsatz gemischter mizellarer Systeme in kontinuierlichen Extraktionskolonnen
E. Ritter; E. Safonova; S. Storm; I. Smirnova, Jahrestreffen der Fachgruppen Extraktion und Fluidverfahrenstechnik, Fulda, Germany (2014) - Prediction of Liquid-Liquid Phase Equilibria in Complex Systems with COSMO-RS
T. Gerlach; I. Smirnova, Thermodynamik-Kolloquium, Hamburg, Germany (2013) - Biocatalytic coatings for structured packings for application in reactive distillation
R. Heils; L. Hilterhaus; A. Liese; I. Smirnova, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA (2013) - Use of supercritical fluid technology for the production of tailor-made aerogel particles for delivery systems
C. García-gonzález; I. Smirnova, 10th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids, San Francisco (2012) - Tailor-made Silica Aerogels for CO2 Adsorption
K. Wörmeyer; M. Alnaief; C. Zetzel; I. Smirnova, Hybrid Materials, Strasbourg (2012) - Supercritical fluid technology for tailor-made aerogel particles
M. Alnaief; C. García-gonzález; S. Cumana; K. Wörmeyer; I. Smirnova, ECCE, Berlin (2012) - Reaktivrektifikation mit Biokatalyse: Entwicklung eines reaktiven Trennverfahrens zur enzymkatalysierten Synthese
R. Heils; A. Liese; I. Smirnova, Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Fluidverfahrenstechnik und Computational Fluid Dynamics, Weimar (2012) - Production of natural product-based aerogels from carbohydrate precursors using supercritical fluid technology
C. García-gonzález; I. Smirnova, European Young Investigator Workshop: Carbohydrate Chemistry - From Synthesis to Applications, Lyon, France (2012) - Production of Nanoporous Materials (Aerogels) from Natural Polymers for Life Science Applications Using Supercritical Fluid Technology
C. García-gonzález; M. Alnaief; I. Smirnova, AIChE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, U.S.A. (2012) - Polysaccharide-based aerogels: Promising biodegradable matrices for life sciences applications
C. García-gonzález; M. Alnaief; I. Smirnova, 13th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, The Hague (2012) - Partition equilibria of ionizable solutes in mixed micellar systems
T. Mehling; T. Ingram; I. Smirnova, ECCE, Berlin (2012) - Natural polymer-based aerogels: Promising biodegradable nanostructured matrices for life sciences applications
C. García-gonzález; M. Alnaief; L. Betz; S. Cumana; U. Kulozik; I. Smirnova, ECCE, Berlin (2012) - KABINENTECHNOLOGIE UND MULTIFUNKTIONALE BRENNSTOFFZELLE
K. Wörmeyer; C. Zetzl; I. Smirnova, Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2012, Berlin (2012) - Funktionalisierte Silica Aerogele für die CO2 Adsorption bei niedrigem Partialdruck
K. Wörmeyer; M. Alnaief; I. Smirnova, ProcessNet-Fachausschuss Adsorption, Würzburg (2012) - Fractionation Strategies for Protein and Carbohydrate containing biomass hydrolysates
K. Gairola; L. Perez-cantu; C. Kirsch; C. Zetzl; I. Smirnova, 7th International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries (RRB7), Brügge (2012) - Dynamik der CO2 induzierten Ausfällung von Proteinen aus Biomasse-Extrakten
K. Gairola; C. Zetzl; I. Smirnova, Process Net Jahrestreffen: Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik, Hamburg (2012) - Combination of molecular dynamic simulations with COSMO-RS: prediction of the partition behavior of different solutes in micelle/water and liposome/water systems
S. Storm; T. Ingram; S. Jakobtorweihen; I. Smirnova, SimMolMod2011, Advances in Molecular Modeling and Simulation of Condensed Matter - Natural Science meets Engineering, Dortmund, Germany (2012) - CO2 Adsorption in Closed Loop Environmental Control Systems Using Amino-Functionalised Si-Aerogels
K. Wörmeyer; C. Zetzl; I. Smirnova, 24. Deutsche Zeolith-Tagung/Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Adsorption, Magdeburg, Germany (2012) - Closed-loop environmental control systems for future aircraft: CO2 Adsorption from cabin air
K. Wörmeyer; M. Alnaief; I. Smirnova, 3rd International Workshop on Aircraft System and Technologies, AST, Hamburg, Germany (2012) - Bestimmung von Phasengleichgewichten in mizellaren Systemen
T. Mehling; T. Ingram; I. Smirnova, Thermo Fachausschuss, Frankfurt, Germany (2012) - Aqueous surfactant two phase systems for continuous extraction processes
T. Ingram; T. Mehling; S. Storm; I. Smirnova, 8th European Congress of ECCE, Berlin (2012) - Anwendung von porösen Silika-Materialien für die Einbringung von Enzymen in neuen Reaktions- und Trennsystemen
R. Heils; S. Cumana; L. Hilterhaus; A. Liese; I. Smirnova, Dechema-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen und ProcessNet-Jahrestagung, Karlsruhe, Germany (2012) - Amino functionalized Silica Aerogels for CO2 and Ethanol Adsorption from Aircraft Cabin Air”
K. Wörmeyer; I. Smirnova, 13th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, The Hague (2012) - Aerogel Engineering:Research Oriented on Industrial Applications
L. Pérez-cantú; C. García-gonzález; K. Wörmeyer; I. Smirnova, Jahrestreffen der Process Net Fachgruppe: Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik, Hamburg (2012) - ADSORPTION OF DRUGS FROM SC-CO2 AND THEIR RELEASE FROM AEROGEL BASED FORMULATIONS: MODELING USING CELLULAR AUTOMATA
P. Gurikov; A. Kolnoochenko; A. Didenko; M. Alnaief; I. Smirnova; M. , CHISA 2010 & ECCE 7, Prague (2012) - A novel process for production of aerogel microspheres and their coating with polymeric materials in a spouted bed
M. Alnaief; I. Smirnova; S. Antonyuk; S. Heinrich, ProcessNet-Jahrestagung, Aachen (2012) - Modeling of electrolyte solutions with COSMO-RS
T. Ingram; T. Gerlach; T. Mehling; I. Smirnova, 25th European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics, St. Petersburg, Russia (2011) - Application of Silica Aerogels as Stationary Phase in Supercritical Fluid Chromatography
S. Cumana; M. Johannsen; I. Smirnova, 12th International Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography and Allied Techniques (SPICA), Stockholm, Sweden (2010) - Tableting properties of silica aerogel and various silicates
C. Hentzschel; A. Sakmann; M. Alnaief; I. Smirnova; C. Leopold, DPhG Jahrestagung 2009, Jena, Germany (2010) - Production of Spherical Silica Aerogel Microparticles by Supercritical Extraction of Emulsion
M. Alnaief; I. Smirnova, Innovative materials and technologies in chemical-pharmaceutical industry, Moscow (2010) - Process development for a multiproduct biorefinery
C. Kirsch; K. Wörmeyer; J. Lima; T. Ingram; I. Smirnova; G. Brunner, 7th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Prague (2010) - Poröse anorganische und organische Materialien als Träger für Arzneistoffe
I. Smirnova; M. Alnaief; T. Mehling; W. Arlt; U. Günther; R. Neubert, ProcessNet-Jahrestagung 2008, Karlsruhe, Germany (2010) - Enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass: Influence of pressure on the stability of enzymes at elevated temperatures
C. Kirsch; N. Stößer; K. Wörmeyer; I. Smirnova; G. Antranikian, 11th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp (EWLP), Hamburg (2010) - Biodegradable nanoporous microspheres for advanced drug carrier systems
M. Alnaief; I. Smirnova, Innovative materials and technologies in chemical-pharmaceutical industry, Moscow (2010) - APPLICATION OF A NOVEL SPOUTED BED PROCESS FOR THE DRYING AND COATING OF SILICA AEROGEL MICROSPHERES FOR ADVANCED DRUG DELIVERY
S. Antonyuk; S. Heinrich; M. Alnaief; I. Smirnova, International Drying Symposium (IDS 2010), Magdeburg, Germany (2010)