Awards from V8 group members

Jerry King's Poster Award: Preethi Aranala Gurumoorthi

Our PhD student Preethi Aranala Gurumoorthi won the Jerry King's Poster Award on the 20th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids organized by the International Society for the Advancements of Supercritical Fluids. Her poster was titled "Novel aerogels from alginic acids: Structural transitions in fabrication process". Congratulations!

Best Oral Presentation: Kathrin Marina Eckert

Our PhD student Kathrin Marina Eckert has the award for the Best Oral Presentation at the "2nd International Seminar on Modelling, Simulation and Machine Learning for the Rapid Development of Porous Materials" in Madrid, Spain. Her talk about the work in our CRC Smart Reactors was entitled "Unveiling the Thermodynamics of Stimuli-Responsive Gels: A COSMO-RS and Molecular Dynamics Study". Congratulations!

Award for Oral Presentation: Philip Sidney Pein

Our PhD student Philip Sidney Pein has won the 2nd place oral presentation award on the conference "3rd International Conference on Aerogels for Biomedical and Environmental Applications" for his talk about "Biopolymer-derived carbon aerogels as catalyst support for hydrogen evolution reaction". Congratulations!

Poster Award: Research Center Biobased Processes and Reactor Technologies Workshop 2023

Jan Philipp Bittner has won the poster award at the Research Center Biobased Processes and Reactor Technologies Workshop 2023! His poster entitled "Uncovering the Solvent Impact on Alcohol Dehydrogenase Behavior through Molecular Dynamics Simulations" convinced the jury in a selection from 66 contributions. Congratulations!

BIORESTEC 2023 Impactful Review Award from Bioresource Technology

The joint publication "Engineering aspects of hydrothermal pretreatment: From batch to continuous operation, scale-up and pilot reactor under biorefinery concept" ( has won the BIORESTEC 2023 Impactful Review Award from Bioresource Technology, which is given to the top 10 cited papers in 2022.

This award was presented during the conference: 4th International Conference for Bioresource Technology for Bioenergy, Bioproducts & Environmental Sustainability in Italy (


Poster Award: International Seminar on Aerogels

Baldur Schroeter has won the poster award at the 4th International Seminar on Aerogels 2022! His poster entitled "Transparent cellulose aerogels from concentrated salt solutions" convinced the jury in a selection from 64 contributions. Congratulations!

Best Oral Presentation - Kathrin Marina Eckert

Kathrin Eckert has won the award for the Best Presentation at the International Conference on Materials Science, Engineering & Technology (MSI). The conference was held in Singapore, on 7th to 9th September 2022. Her oral presentation was entitled: "Phase Equilibria in Stimuli-Responsive Gels: A PC-SAFT and Molecular Dynamics Study of Smart PNiPAAm Gels”. Congratulations!

Projekt „AeroAlle“ will Forschung sichtbarer machen und erhält Ralf-Dahrendorf-Preis

Hochporös und federleicht: Aerogele gelten als einer der vielversprechendsten Werkstoffe der Zukunft. Die leichtesten aller Feststoffe bestehen fast ausschließlich aus luftgefüllten Nanoporen und eignen sich daher optimal als Wärmedämmung, oder für den Einsatz in der Lebensmittelindustrie und der Biomedizin. Ein Team der Technischen Universität Hamburg vom Institut für Thermische Verfahrenstechnik und der Nachwuchsinitiative „Kinderforscher an der TUHH“ des Instituts für Technische Biokatalyse will nun unter dem Titel „AeroAlle“ die breite Öffentlichkeit über Aerogele und deren Anwendung informieren. Dafür erhielt das Projekt den Ralf-Dahrendorf-Preis für den Europäischen Forschungsraum und damit eine Förderung in Höhe von 50.000 Euro vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.

Aerogel-Forschung an der TU Hamburg

Professorin Irina Smirnova leitet das Institut für Thermische Verfahrenstechnik an der TU Hamburg. Aerogele sind ein Schwerpunkt ihrer Arbeit: „Dieses leichte Material begeistert mich auch nach über zwanzig Jahren Forschung, weil es sich für so vieles eignet“, sagt die Verfahrenstechnikerin. Als Dämmstoff lassen Aerogele beispielsweise im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen Dämmmaterialien Luft und Feuchtigkeit passieren, ohne ihre isolierende Wirkung einzubüßen. Um die Herstellungskosten und damit die Prozesse schneller und das Material kostengünstiger zu machen, initiierte die TU-Professorin ein Aerogel-Cluster mit Unterstützung des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft im Rahmen eines Energieeffizienzprogramms. Das Ergebnis des vierjährigen Clusters ist unter anderem eine Pilotanlage im Großlabor der TU-Verfahrenstechnik. Damit kann die Kinetik der Trocknungsprozesse verschiedenster Aerogele für industrielle Anbieter und Universitäten getestet werden.

Mehr Informationen über das Projekt "AeroAlle" und den Ralf Dahrendorf Preis des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)

CFS – Jerry King Poster Award in EMSF 2021 (04-06 May) for Dr. Mouna Kehili

Poster P25: Biochemical High-Pressure-Cascade for Creating Added Value from Raw Coffee-Silverskin

Affiliated to the Biorefinery Group in the Institute of Thermal Separation Processes, the Alexander von Humboldt Postdoc Fellow Dr. Mouna Kehili won the CFS-Jerry King Best Poster Award in the 18th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids (EMSF 2021), congratulations! This award sponsored by the Critical Fluid Symposia (CFS) was attributed by an International Committee composed of 9 experts from the International Society for Advancement of Supercritical Fluids (ISASF)! The awarded Poster (P25) focused on the valorization of coffee silverskin, a coffee industrial by-product, through a biorefinery cascade approach, developed in the institute a couple of years ago, to extract and characterize different valuable fractions, namely oil, protein, sugars and lignin. This approach comprises green high pressure technologies including supercritical CO2 extraction, subcritical water hydrolysis along with enzyme treatment.

ISASF Ph.D. Award 2020 - Dr. Raman Subrahmanyam

Dr. Raman Subrahmanyam has won the third price for the ISASF Ph.D. Award 2020 from the International Society for Advancement of Supercritical Fluids for his doctoral thesis with the title: Evaluation of CO2 driven processes for the production of biopolymeric mesoporous networks. Congratulations!

Best communication prize - Tamara Athamneh

Tamara Athamneh has won the first prize for the Best Oral Presentation in Early Career Inverstigator Forum in International Conference on Aerogels for Biomedical and Environmental Application. The conference was held at Santiago de Compostela, Spain, on 18-20th February, 2020. Her oral presentation was entitled:"Preparation and Characterization of Alginate- Hyaluronic Acid Nanoporous Microspheres as Potential Carrier for Pulmonary Drug Delivery Using Supercritical Fluid Technology". Congratulations! 

Poster prize - Isabella Jung

Isabella Jung has won the the Best Poster Award in the "Jahrestreffens der ProcessNet - Fachgruppen Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik und Membrantechnik 2020" for her poster entitled "Adsorption von organischen Komponenten aus Fluidgemischen auf funktionalisierten mesoporösen Materialen: Experiment und Simulation". Click on the following link to have a look at the poster. Congratulations!

LignoPure won the Start Green Award

Our LignoPure, spinoff of the Institute of Thermal Separation Processes led by Professor Irina Smirnova won the 1st place of the Start Green Award 2019 in the category "Founding concept". The Start Green Award supports founders of the Green Economy and provide a platform for innovative start-ups in the field of climate protection and sustainability. LignoPure, was in the finals together with other two startups: IRES from Hamburg and Artificial Ecosystems from Kaiserslautern. The LignoPure founder Joana Gil (PhD student at or Institute) presented the company in Berlin to the jury members of the award at the The Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety. We congratulate all the participants.

Have a look at the following link if you would like to know more information about it!


Success at the Global Blockchain Challenge in Malaga

A team conformed by Joana Gil (TVT-TUHH-LignoPure), Claudia Condulet (ABInBev) and Rahul Bobba (NEC) won the first place in the category “innovation” at the Global Blockchain Challenge in Malaga. The innovation was a lignin-based sunblocker that doesn’t harm marine life and is planned to distribute an amount of the profit for NGOs around the world that are dedicated to plant corals or marine grasses. This innovation aligns to UN Sustainable Development goal #14: Life Under Water."

The lignin to be utilized in these type of products can be produced in the Biorefinery Group of our Institute of Thermal Separation Processes. 

LignoPure won the Future Award 2019 - Congratulations!

Our Lignopure startup won a Future Hamburg Award, the ceremony took place last week at the OMR festival in Hamburg. Our colleagues Joana Gil, Wienke Reynolds and Stefan Boersting presented the startup and their biobased innovations at this event and received very positive response from the audience. The Future Hamburg Award 2019 went to three European startups, of 120 applicants from all over the world, Lignopure was positioned in the second place. The program is aimed at pioneering founders from all over the world and helps them launch on the Hamburg market, which hosts one of Europe’s most dynamic and strongest start-up ecosystems. The startups will receive the tailor-made support “Start me up in Hamburg” which is adapted to the specific needs of the team. Our colleagues will also receive high-end business coaching, professional pitch training and up to six months of free co-working space as well as access to exclusive networking events.

Click on the following link if you want to read more information about it. Congratulations!

Jun Prof. Pavel Gurikov - Siegfried-Peter-Preis

We are very happy to congratulate to our Jun Prof. Dr. Pavel Gurikov, who has been awared with the "Siegfried-Peter-Preis" in the last ProcessNet with the topics of Adsorption and High pressure processes celebrated in Freiberg from the 18th to the 20th of February. A brief description of the prize is given below. Congratulations!

Siegfried-Peter-prize for Prof. Dr. Pavel Gurikov for pioneering research


In Erinnerung an seine großartigen Leistungen verleiht der ProcessNet-Fachausschuss Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik im Namen der Professor-Siegfried-Peter-Stiftung der Friedrich-Alexander-Unviersität Erlangen-Nürnberg den Professor-Siegfried-Peter-Preis.

Der Preis soll einen Wissenschaftler bzw. eine Wissenschaftlerin für herausragende, zukunftsweisende und publizierte Forschungsergebnisse auf dem Gebiet der Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik auszeichnen. Informationen zur Teilnahmevoraussetzung und zur Antragsstellung erhalten Sie hier.

Best oral presentation in "Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy Session"

Tamara Athamneh has won the award for the best oral presentation at the Pharmacy Fourth International Conference at Applied Science Private University on 6-7th January 2019 for her oral presentation "Preparation and Characterization of Alginate- Hyaluronic Acid Nanoporous Microspheres as Potential Carrier for Pulmonary Drug Delivery Using Supercritical Fluid Technology". Congratulations! 


Dr. René Heils, VAA-Excellence Award 2018

Our ex-coworker, Dr. René Heils, was awarded with the VAA-Excellence Award 2018 on 9th November in Cologne for his outstanding research work on the topic "Process development for the integration of enzymatically catalyzed reactions in the reactive rectification". Congratulations!

Science4Life award

The Team of LignoPure, Joana Gil and Wienke Reynolds, has won the Science4Life award for one of the best business ideas. For more information, visit the website of Science4Life and/or LignoPure. Congratulation!

Poster Awards - 6th Workshop of FSP "Integrated Biotechnology and Process Engineering"

Sheila Ruiz Barbero has won the award for the third best poster at the 6th Workshop of FSP "Integrated Biotechnology and Process Engineering" on 25th October 2018 for her poster "Formation and stability of foams in complex media". Congratulations!

Jerry King Poster Prize - 12th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids, Antibes, France

Alberto Bueno Morales has won the award for best poster (Jerry King Poster Prize) at the 12th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids, Antibes, France on 22-25. April 2018. Click on the following link to see his poster "First evidence of solvent spillage under subcritical conditions in aerogel production". Congratulations!


Our cooperation partner BASF has won an award with their aerogel product

We are very happy to inform you that our cooperation partner BASF has won the German Design Award 2018 with their aerogel product SLENTITE. Click con the following link for more information: SLENTITE® gewinnt German Design Award 2018

Aerogelex received Nanomedicine Award 2017

We are very pleased to inform you that M.Sc. Raman Subrahmanyam and the start-up "Aerogelex" have won the European Nanomedicine Award 2017 on November, 8th 2017. Prof. Smirnova would like to congratulate, not only the scientific performance, but also the high technical competence, good organization and overall good climate in our institute. You can find more information in the following link:

Aerogelex received Nanomedicine Award 2017

Poster Awards - 4th Workshop of FSP "Integrated Biotechnology and Process Engineering"

Miaotian Sun has won the award for best poster at the 4th Workshop of FSP "Integrated Biotechnology and Process Engineering" on 08 June 2017 for her poster "Synthesis of Stationary Phases for Chiral Separations and Thermodynamic Studies of Adsorption by Supercritical Fluid Chromatography". Victor Marrone and Elham Nawrozi have won the 3rd poster award with their poster with topic "High Pressure Cascade for a Selective Conversion of Lignocellulosic Biomass to Bulk Chemicals". Congratulations!