
We are happy to invite you to our next 7th INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON AEROGELS, which will be held in Germany/Hamburg on 18.09. - 20.09. SEPTEMBER 2024…

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Our fellow PhD student Dr. Imke Preibisch won the price for the best PhD hat at the TUHH in 2023. Congratulations!

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We are happy to announce that Prof. Walter Chapman from the Rice University in Houston, Texas will visit the TUHH in March 2024 as part of the SMART…

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We are happy to announce that Prof. Walter Chapman from the Rice University in Houston Texas joins the collaborative research center SMART Reactors at…

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In urban areas, every centimeter is valuable. To renovate buildings, slim facade slim facade constructions are in demand. But exterior wall elements…

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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Irina Smirnova was officially re-elected for the office of Vice President Research at the Hamburg University of Technology. On the…

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The TandeWeixian-Fernweh team from Tsinghua University in Beijing has recently visited the TUHH during their trip through Europe.

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Our PhD student Philip Sidney Pein has won the 2nd place oral presentation award on the conference "3rd International Conference on Aerogels for…

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We gladly announce our participation in the recently granted Collaborative Research Center "Smart Reactors"! Prof. Irina Smirnova will be…

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On Friday, 30.06.2023 we would like to revive old contacts as well as establish new ones. For this reason, we are organizing a meeting of former and…

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