Summer School 2022
From 27 June to 01 July the Summer School 2022 with techical focus took place at the Theodor-Schwartz-Haus in Brodten, Lübeck – Travemünde. Focusing on the interests and wishes of the MGK participants the general topic was „Following Nature’s Example: Self-Assembly of Nanostructures“, which is also central to the scientific interests in the SFB 986. In addition to scientific workshops the participants were able present their projects in a poster session
The following scientists hosted interactive workshops in their respective fields upon invitation based on suggestion of the participants:
Prof. Dr. Nicolas Vogel
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Self-assembly: Structure – Function – Dynamics
Dr. Martin Ritter
Technische Universität Hamburg
Quantitative FIB Tomography of nano-structures
Prof. Dr. Manuela Killian
Universität Siegen
XPS and ToF-MS for Surface Characterization in Organic-Inorganic Composites
Prof. Dr. Vinod Kumar Saranathan
Krea University, Chennai - India
Self-assembly of biophotonic nanostructures: From photonic crystals to photonic glasses
Dr. Eva-Marie Steyskal
Graz University of Technology
Surface modification of nanoporous metals by self-assembeld monolayers
Dr. Rafael Libanori
ETH Zürich
Learning from Nature: applying biological design principles in the fabrication of intelligent materials