Fall School 2021
Due to the postponement of the previous Spring School in the wake of Corona restrictions, the Summer School 2021 was move to the fall of 2021. It took place from 20 until 24 September in presence. Which was a good opportunity for the participants to come together in person again (current health and safety regulations were observed). As for previous Summer School the Theodor-Schwartz Haus in Brodten, Travemünde, served as venue for the first meeting of the attendees in the third and last funding period of the Sonderforschungsbereich. As such, the Fall School allowed the attendees to get to know each other in an informal setting, present their scientific area and find first contacts in the different projects. In addition, talks by alumni of previous funding periods gave inspiration for the next steps in a scientific career or an impression of the changes coming with a career in industry.
The focus of the non-technical Fall School was the development of key competences. In order to serve newly beginning and experienced Ph.D. students and PostDocs equally well, two workshops were offered in parallel in each time slot:
Robert Thompson
Conference Presentation:Engaging the Listener in your Talk
Guido Molina
Competency Awareness: What am I capable of and how do I present it
Dr. Monica Clausen
Academic Writing
Theo Best