Summer School 2015
In 2015, the Summer School had a focus on the enhancement of the participants’ key competences. As in previous years, the Ph.D. candidates and Post-Docs were asked about their preferences to tailor the workshops to their needs. The workshop topics include communication and conflict management, project management, as well as oral and poster presentations.
To encourage the networking between the participating scientists, the Summer School took place at an external seminar center. Thereby, especially new members of the research training group had the opportunity to connect and exchange ideas with their colleagues outside of the MGK monthly meetings.
The following workshops were given in the Summer School 2015:
Communicating in International Teams and Difficult Situations
Monika Maria Thiel
Creative Dialogue e.K.
Project Management
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Huber
Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
Designing Effective Academic Posters
Birgit Lukowski
Suedstern.Visuelle Kommunikation
Slidewriting & Storytelling: Optimize Your Own Academic Presentation
Dr. Markus Burger