B1 (ended): Development of aligned (CNT based) and 3-dimensional interconnected (Aerographite based) carbon nanocomposites

The project B1 focuses on the investigation of the electrical, thermal and mechanical properties of polymer based nanocomposites with reinforcing carbon nanoparticles in form of (i) aligned carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and (ii) novel 3-dimensional interconnected graphitic networks of Aerographite. Physical properties, mechanisms and interactions have to be studied over different hierarchical levels in order to estimate their potential also in conventional fiber reinforced composites. Read more...
B2: Strong, lightweight hybrid materials based on nanoporous metal

Nanoporous metal samples made by alloy corrosion take the form of macroscopic aggregates of regularly interconnected nanoscale elements, the so-called ligaments. The material exhibits a homogeneous microstructure with extremely large volume-specific surface content, and with a contiguous pore space. The very large local strength and the high connectivity of the constituent nano-objects, along with the low mass density, makes nanoporous metal a candidate for strong and lightweight structural materials. Read more...
B3 (ended): Describing the macroscopic behaviour of interfaces based on atomic models

Interfaces, such as those between polymers and metals, often provide a decisive definition of the macroscopic behaviour of a composite material. Knowledge of their properties is therefore vital for this collaborative research group, SFB. For this reason, a material model will be developed within subproject TP B3, in order to demonstrate the mechanical behaviour of these interfaces by taking their underlying atomic structure into account. This model shall depict the macroscopic mechanical interactions via so-called traction-displacement-laws (for example, stress vs. crack-opening relationship). Read more...
B4: Mikromechanisches Materialverhalten hierarchischer Werkstoffe

- Sorry, up to now the descirption is in German only -
Das Teilprojekt B4 befasst sich mit der Charakterisierung der mechanischen Eigenschaften und der Versagensmechanismen von hierarchischen Materialien auf der Mikroskala. Die Abmessungen der Proben bewegen sich hierbei im Bereich weniger Mikrometer bis wenige 10 Mikrometer und können bis zu zwei Hierarchieebenen beinhalten. Die Arbeiten zielen damit auf die Entwicklung von Methoden zur Untersuchung lokaler mechanischer Eigenschaften der im SFB 986 entwickelten heterogenen Materialien ab. Weiter...
B6: Modeling and simulation of interphase properties in metal-polymer composits on the nanoscale

Nowadays, modeling and simulation of material behavior has become an important part of research in engineering and material science. Metal-polymer interfaces and their surroundings differ significantly in their mechanical properties of the surrounding bulk materials, i.e., the metal and the polymer. The near-interface region including the interface, is referred to as the interphase. In nanostructured materials, the fraction of interfaces and interphases in the material is substantially higher than in conventional materials. Consequently, the influence of the interfaces and interphases cannot be neglected. Read more...
B7: Polymers in interfacial-dominated geometries: Structure, dynamics and function in planar and in porous hybrid systems

This project focuses on investigations of Polypyrol (PPy) inside tubular pores in a micro-, meso-, and macro-porous Silicon (PSi). Read more...
B8: Micromechanical-electrochemical coupling of nanoporous solids with and without electrically conductive polymer coatings

Here we aim to investigate the coupled response of surface potential and the mechanical response of nanoporous structures with varying size and spacing of pores, with and without a conductive polymer coating. Read more...
B9: Microstructure-based classification and mechanical analysis of nanoporous metals by machine learning

In this research project mathematical methods will be developed to characterize precisely and comprehensively the complex microstructure of nanoporous metals. Read more...
B10: Funktionalisierung hierarchischer Materialien durch aktive organische Filme
This research project aims to explore approaches for surface functionalization of hierarchical nanoporous (h-np) gold by stimulus-sensitive organic layers in order to develop novel material concepts for multifunctional hard-soft hybrids as sensor and actuator materials. Targeted control of the elastic as well as plastic behavior of these materials by electrical signals and chemical stimuli is pursued using experimental and computational methods. Weiter...