International joint project starts with RiskBlock

In March 2020, the research project "RiskBlock - Mitigating Risks in Temperature-controlled Supply Chains Using Blockchain Technology" was officially launched with the project participants in Germany and Singapore.

The transport of temperature-sensitive goods, such as food, pharmaceutical goods or chemicals, is one of the fastest growing market segments in logistics. Although these goods usually represent a considerable value of goods, it has so far mostly been impossible to trace the temperature data from the beginning to the end of the cold chain and to react in real time to temperature deviations.

The aim of the project RiskBlock is to derive a supply chain risk management approach using temperature data generated during the transport of goods between Germany and Singapore. By integrating the Internet of Things, proactive measures are to be enabled and new optimization potentials are to be developed. For this purpose, the project will map the transport process on the blockchain so that all parties involved can access the data in real time. As a conclusion of the project, a guideline will be developed, which enables small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) as well as larger companies to develop new business models.

RiskBlock is funded as a joint project within the framework of the 2+2 projects by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) on the German side and by Agency for Science, Technology & Research (A*STAR) on the Singaporean side. Project management agency in Germany is the German Aerospace Center (DLR). As part of the 2+2 approach, the Institute for Logistics and Corporate Management (LogU) at the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) and DAKOSY Datenkommunikationssystem AG are working on the German side together with The Logistics Institute Asia-Pacific (TLI-AP) at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the Container Depot and Logistics Association (Singapore) (CDAS) on the Singaporean side. Further associated partners support the research project by means of expert interviews and focus group workshops.

RiskBlock has a project duration until 31.12.2022.


Contact Person:

Institut für Logistik und Unternehmensführung (W-2)

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