Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Hamburg

The trend towards digital transformation of the economy and society poses major challenges for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and requires them to take measures to adapt to the changes in the course of ongoing digitalization. Due to limited human and financial resources, SMEs have a great need for support in the realization of digitization projects.

The goal of the project is to sensitize SMEs to the challenges and opportunities of the ongoing digital transformation, as well as to create the technical and methodological competencies in these companies for the implementation of digitization projects. To achieve these goals, the project is composed of four areas: Informing, Qualifying, Implementing and Networking.

Therefore, the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Hamburg offers various formats in these areas, providing information about barriers, potentials, and success factors in the use of digital technologies and highlighting possible ways of implementing digitization projects in the company. The center's offerings range from information events for an initial start, to workshops and training courses, to support for individual companies in the context of implementation projects.

The Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Hamburg is one of more than 25 centers nationwide. These are part of the funding priority "Mittelstand-Digital", which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Change (BMWK). The Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Hamburg addresses small and medium-sized enterprises in the Hamburg metropolitan region in particular and supports them in the implementation of digitization projects. The consortium leader of the center in Hamburg and central contact for companies is the Handelskammer Hamburg (HK). Other project partners in the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Hamburg are (in addition to HK & TUHH): the University of Applied Sciences (HAW) and the Handwerkskammer Hamburg (HWK). For further information, please visit the project homepage (


Contact Person:

Florian Dörries

Research Assistant

Phone: +49 40 42878 3769

Email: mittelstand-digital(at)

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kersten


Phone: +49 40 42878 3523
