Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Bodo Fiedler

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Bodo Fiedler
Hamburg University of Technology
Kunststoffe und Verbundwerkstoffe
Denickestraße 15 (K)
21073 Hamburg
Building K
Room 3519
Tel: +49 40 42878 3038
Office Hours
Nach Vereinbarung

After obtaining the general qualification for university entrance, Bodo Fiedler joined the army to serve his time. He then studied mechanical engineering at the Hamburg University of Technology, putting his focus on material engineering. He conducted his thesis at the Institute of Technical Ceramics, examining crack growth in metal fibre-reinforced aluminum oxide.

During his graduation at the Institute of Polymer and Composites, Bodo Fiedler worked on the scientific project “Fibre failure in polymer composites”. This project-oriented research took place within the scope of a special research field called “Micromechanics of multi-phase materials” (SFB 371/TP B4) of DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – German Research Foundation). Bodo Fiedler finished his doctoral dissertation “Micromechanical load introduction in fibre-reinforced composites” in February 1998.

During his graduation, Bodo Fiedler spent four weeks at the Weizman Institute of Science (Rehovot, Israel) with Professor H. D. Wagner, sponsored by DFG. He then took a two-year “post-doc” position as “Invited Lecturer for Advanced Research” at the Mesoscopic Materials Research Center with Professor S. Ochiai, University of Kyoto, Japan. Starting in the summer of 2000, Bodo Fiedler was head of the research group “Composites” at the Institute of Polymer and Composites, later becoming chief engineer at the Technologiezentrum Hamburg Finkenwerder (THF – Technology Centre of Hamburg Finkenwerder).

In April 2006, he moved to RUAG Aerospace in Emmen, Switzerland. There, he became head of production technology for the manufacturing of structure parts made by composites, aluminum, and titan. Besides the development and supervision of manufacturing technologies, Bodo Fiedler was also responsible for handling in-house and national projects in the field of composites as well as F & E projects funded by the EU. While working in the industry, Bodo Fiedler continued with his post-doctoral lecture qualification. He finally achieved it in December 2008 at TUHH in the field of fibre-reinforced composites.

In February 2009, Bodo Fiedler became General Manager of the “Composites” centre. There he was responsible for the production of aviation structure parts, monitoring deadlines, costs, and quality. He was also head of the division “materials & process”.

In the beginning of February 2010, Bodo Fiedler became supervisor of the engineering centre with its four departments “design”, “analysis”, “materials & process”, and “manufacturing engineering”. He developed structure assemblies according to customers’ orders as well as for national and international research projects. He supervised the serial production in respect of improvement and design deviation. He had overall responsibility for the budget and contributed to the strategy of aerostructures at RUAG Technology.

In September 2012, Bodo Fiedler moved to Bionic Composite Technologies AG (Biontec) in St. Gallen. There he became member of the executive board and was jointly responsible for the operating profit. He was in charge of the industrial serial production of heavy-duty carbon components in high quantity for measurement techniques, the engineering industry as well as for sports & leisure.

Bodo Fiedler is also involved in the council of ESCM (European Society for Composite Materials).

Since 1 October 2013, Bodo Fiedler is head of the Institute of Polymer and Composites at Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH).

His research findings were published and brought forward in more than 200 articles, national and international journals, and conferences. Bodo Fiedler is a member of the editorial board of CEAS Aeronautical Journal and assessor for many leading international magazines. He also gives his expert opinion for DFG, BMBF, DAAD, and for dissertations.

Current Projects

Current Publications