The following substructure shows our portfolio of student-jobs, scientific research areas and open positions and - of course - student thesis for Bachelor and Master degrees. 

I must excuse that we rarely do descriptions in English too, but I want to emphasize that all of the jobs/works offered can be also done in English language. So feel free to contact us in case you find something interesting, and until we have done our job in translation I invite you to use "google-translate" for a quick lock.

Please note for your application:

To our regret we are getting quite a number of emails which are obviously sent to any available address of TU-Hamburg somewhat linked to the area of study or professional work. Such emails are not going to be answered and are filtered out directly. They are considered SPAM and treated like this. Any application should show a clear link to the area of research or work you are interested in and should point us to the areas of your activities and competence which supports this. With this minimum of information and the respect you show to our work, we promise to show the same respect to you and consider your application and provide a timely feedback within just a few days!