Research project: InDiCaT - Intelligent Digital Cabin Twin
  Holistic virtualization of the product life cycle in aviation with a focus on component manufacturing and cabin modification.
Research area: Luftfahrt-MRO
Funded by: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs
  and Climate Action (LuFo VI-1)
In collaboration with: Lufthansa Technik,, Institut für Produktentwicklung und Konstruktionstechnik (TUHH)
Association leader: Lufthansa Technik AG
Start of the project: July 2020
End of the project: June 2024

Initial situation

Planning of cabin and component modifications or conversions in MRO is primarily based on unlinked documents from product and maintenance history. A lack of completeness, timeliness, and availability often does not result in a comprehensive known as-is state of the aircraft. Moreover, deriving information from these documents is a complex, manual, and thus time-consuming activity. Faulty planning and subsequent costly downtime of the aircraft can result.


The aim of the project InDiCaT is to collect and link available information as well as the data collected using novel digitization methods. These are then made available for use in needs-based, structured, and task-specific services over the aircraft's entire product life cycle. The aim is to increase the efficiency of processes in (re-)engineering and retrofitting activities.



Project funding and alliance partners

The project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) as part of the sixth civil aviation research program (LUFO VI-1). The duration of the project is from 2020 to 2023. Project partners are Lufthansa Technik< /a>, and the Institute for Product Development and Construction Technology at the TUHH.