Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roland Harig



Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roland Harig
E-6 Elektrische Energietechnik
  • Elektrische Energietechnik
nach Vereinbarung
Harburger Schloßstraße 36,
21079 Hamburg
Gebäude HS36, Raum C2 1.009

Frühere Tätigkeit

bis 03/2015
Leiter des Forschungsbereichs Optische Messtechnik (Infrarotmesstechnik) am Institut für Messtechnik / TUHH


TUHH Open Research (TORE)





link to course in Stud.IP Studip_icon
Business Administration and Enterprise Resource Planning: CERMEDES AG
This course is part of the WILUM bachelor module: Business Administration and Enterprise Resource Planning: CERMEDES AG
WiSe 23/24
Course type:
Course number:
lv1785_w23 - This course is for
Prof. Dr. Christian Ringle, Dr. Sandra Schubring
Note: This course is exclusively available to WILUM bachelor students. This comprehensive course comprises three interconnected parts that provide students with invaluable insights and practical skills in the dynamic field of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software and its implementation. Part 1: Navigating the ERP Landscape In the initial phase of the course, students will embark on a multifaceted journey through the realm of ERP software. They will delve into the market dynamics surrounding ERP solutions, gaining both theoretical and practical perspectives on managing ERP implementation projects effectively. By exploring the TUHH model factory, participants will immerse themselves in the production of gearboxes and tackle real-world business challenges through group-specific tasks. Furthermore, students will receive a comprehensive introduction to ERP software, with a specific focus on the widely used SAP system. This section equips participants with essential skills to integrate organizational data, master data, and processes into the ERP system. Part 2: Crafting Innovative Business Concepts The second part of the course runs in parallel with the lecture-type sessions. Working collaboratively in teams, students will be tasked with designing theoretical concepts for optimizing various business units within a company, such as procurement, production, sales, and distribution. These meticulously crafted concepts will be incorporated into a seminar thesis, which students will submit, and a brief presentation to be delivered in the middle of the semester. This segment encourages students to think creatively and propose innovative solutions to real-world business challenges. Part 3: ERP Implementation and Critical Evaluation In the final phase, participants will take the theoretical concepts they developed and put them into action. This hands-on experience involves customizing the SAP system to align with the theoretical requirements previously defined. As they navigate this intricate process, students will be challenged to critically evaluate the software options in light of an ideal business process and function design. The third part of the course is structured as a series of mini-presentations, where each team showcases their progress and shares critical assessments made during the implementation of their theoretical concepts into the system. This course promises to equip WILUM bachelor students with a profound understanding of ERP software, practical implementation skills, and the ability to optimize business processes for enhanced efficiency and productivity. It's a unique opportunity to bridge theory and practice, preparing students for the complexities of the modern business world.
Students of the bachelor's degree program in industrial engineering (Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen - Fachrichtung Logistik und Mobilität)
Basic knowledge of business administration
Learning organisation:
Lectures (with a focus on the different SAP-ERP modules), guest lecture from business practice, SAP-ERP case studies, presentations
Performance accreditation:
300 - Business Administration and Enterprise Resource Planning: CERMEDES AG: seminar thesis and presentation
This module consists of the
- lecture "Business Administration and Enterprise Resource Planning: CERMEDES AG" (3 ECTS)
and the
. seminar "Business Administration and Enterprise Resource Planning: CERMEDES AG" (3 ECTS)

Students can only join the module (lecture + seminar) for 6 ECTS. Registration for this lecture (e.g. here) is sufficient to participate in the module (we will not open the seminar for additional registration).
ECTS credit points:
Stud.IP informationen about this course:
Home institute: Management and Decision Sciences [MDS] (W-9)
Registered participants in Stud.IP: 26
Documents: 7