Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roland Harig



Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roland Harig
E-6 Elektrische Energietechnik
  • Elektrische Energietechnik
nach Vereinbarung
Harburger Schloßstraße 22a,
21079 Hamburg
Gebäude HS22a, Raum 2.010

Frühere Tätigkeit

bis 03/2015
Leiter des Forschungsbereichs Optische Messtechnik (Infrarotmesstechnik) am Institut für Messtechnik / TUHH


TUHH Open Research (TORE)





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Information Theory and Coding
This course is part of the module: Information Theory and Coding
SoSe 24
Course type:
Course number:
Gerhard Bauch, Philipp Mohr, PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Rainer Grünheid
  • Introductionto information theory and coding
  • Definitionsof information: Self information, entropy
  • Binaryentropy function
  • Sourcecoding theorem
  • Entropyof continuous random variables: Differential entropy, differential entropy ofuniformly and Gaussian distributed random variables
  • Sourcecoding
    • Principlesof lossless source coding
    • Optimalsource codes
    • Prefixcodes, prefix-free codes, instantaneous codes
    • Morsecode
    • Huffmancode
    • Shannoncode
    • Boundson the average codeword length
    • Relativeentropy, Kullback-Leibler distance, Kullback-Leibler divergence
    • Crossentropy
    • Lempel-Zivalgorithm
    • Lempel-Ziv-Welch(LZW) algorithm
    • Textcompression and image compression using variants of the Lempel-Ziv algorithm
  • Channelmodels
    • AWGNchannel
    • Binary-inputAWGN channel
    • Binarysymmetric channel (BSC)
    • Relationshipbetween AWGN channel and BSC
    • Binaryerror and erasure channel (BEEC)
    • Binaryerasure channel (BEC)
    • Discretememoryless channels (DMC)
  • Definitionsof information for multiple random variables
    • Mutualinformation and channel capacity
    • Entropy,conditional entropy
    • Chainrules for entropy and mutual information
  • Channelcoding theorem
  • Channelcapacity of fundamental channels: BSC, BEC, AWGN channel, binary-input AWGNchannel etc.
  • Power-limitedvs. bandlimited transmission
  • Capacityof parallel AWGN channels
    • Waterfilling
    • Examples:Multiple input multiple output (MIMO) channels, complex equivalent basebandchannels, orthogonal frequency division multiplex (OFDM)
  • Source-channelcoding theorem, separation theorem
  • Multiuserinformation theory
    • Multipleaccess channel (MAC)
    • Broadcastchannel
    • Principlesof multiple access, time division multiple access (TDMA), frequency divisionmultiple access (FDMA), non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA), hybrid multipleaccess
    • Achievablerate regions of TDMA and FDMA with power constraint, energy constraint, powerspectral density constraint, respectively
    • Achievablerate region of the two-user and K-user multiple access channels
    • Achievablerate region of the two-user and K user broadcast channels
    • Multiuserdiversity
  • Channelcoding
    • Principlesand types of channel coding
    • Coderate, data rate, Hamming distance, minimum Hamming distance, Hamming weight,minimum Hamming weight
    • Errordetecting and error correcting codes
    • Simpleblock codes: Repetition codes, single parity check codes, Hamming code, etc.
    • Syndromedecoding
    • Representationsof binary data
    • Non-binarysymbol alphabets and non-binary codes
    • Codeand encoder, systematic and non-systematic encoders
    • Propertiesof Hamming distance and Hamming weight
    • Decodingspheres
    • Perfectcodes
    • Linearcodes
    • Decodingprinciples
      • Syndromedecoding
      • Maximuma posteriori probability (MAP) decoding and maximum likelihood (ML) decoding
      • Harddecision and soft decision decoding
      • Log-likelihoodratios (LLRs), boxplus operation
      • MAPand ML decoding using log-likelihood ratios
      • Soft-insoft-out decoders
    • Errorrate performance comparison of codes in terms of SNR per info bit vs. SNR percode bit
    • Linearblock codes
      • Generatormatrix and parity check matrix, properties of generator matrix and parity checkmatrix
      • Dualcodes
    • Lowdensity parity check (LDPC) codes
      • Sparseparity check matrix
      • Tannergraphs, cycles and girth
      • Degreedistributions
      • Coderate and degree distribution
      • Regularand irregular LDPC codes
      • Messagepassing decoding
        • Messagepassing decoding in binary erasure channels (BEC)
        • Systematicencoding using erasure message passing decoding
        • Messagepassing decoding in binary symmetric channels (BSC)
          • Extrinsicinformation
          • Bit-flippingdecoding
          • Effectsof short cycles in the Tanner graph
          • Alternativebit-flipping decoding
          • Softdecision message passing decoding: Sum product decoding
        • Biterror rate performance of LDPC codes
      • Repeataccumulate codes and variants of repeat accumulate codes
      • Messagepassing decoding and turbo decoding of repeat accumulate codes
    • Convolutionalcodes
      • Encodingusing shift registers
      • Trellisrepresentation
      • Harddecision and soft decision Viterbi decoding
      • Biterror rate performance of convolutional codes
      • Asymptoticcoding gain
      • Viterbidecoding complexity
      • Freedistance and optimum convolutional codes
      • Generatorpolynomial description and octal description
      • Catastrophicconvolutional codes
      • Non-systematicand recursive systematic convolutional (RSC) encoders
      • Ratecompatible punctured convolutional (RCPC) codes
      • Hybridautomatic repeat request (HARQ) with incremental redundancy
      • Unequalerror protection with punctured convolutional codes
      • Errorpatterns of convolutional codes
    • Concatenatedcodes
      • Serialconcatenated codes
      • Parallelconcatenated codes, Turbo codes
      • Iterativedecoding, turbo decoding
      • Biterror rate performance of turbo codes
      • Interleaverdesign for turbo codes
    • Codedmodulation
      • Principleof coded modulation
      • Achievablerates with PSK/QAM modulation
      • Trelliscoded modulation (TCM)
      • Setpartitioning
      • Ungerböckcodes
      • Multilevelcoding
      • Bit-interleavedcoded modulation

Performance accreditation:
605 - Information Theory and Coding<ul><li>605 - Information Theory and Coding: Klausur schriftlich</li></ul>
ECTS credit points:
Stud.IP informationen about this course:
Home institute: Institut für Nachrichtentechnik (E-8)
Registered participants in Stud.IP: 140
Postings: 7
Documents: 34