Current projects

The MethodAI project is intended to help promote the teaching skills of lecturers at the TUHH and support them in the use of application-oriented teaching methods. Based on selected university didactic literature, lecturers are suggested teaching methods with the help of a generative chatbot, which they can use in their own teaching - according to their subject-specific requirements - to design and implement their teaching and incorporate them into the further development of their courses.

Completed projects

Kom.KI aims to develop the skills of student teachers at Hamburg universities and teachers in the use of AI tools. Project teams are working to develop a common understanding and potential applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in schools.
The RUVIVAL project produces publicly accessible e-learning materials that deal with the restoration of degraded areas and the creation of new spaces that are not only habitable but also liveable. It is an e-learning project of the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) in co-operation with the Hamburg Open Online University (HOOU).