Time | Title | Funded by | Partner(s) |
2025-2027 | New Generation City Networking Themenkomplex PIONEER_6G | BMDV | TUHH (Institute of High-Frequency Technology, Institute of Communications, Institut für Theoretische Elektrotechnik, Institute of Ethics), HafenCity Universität Hamburg, DFKI, Breuer GmbH |
2023-2026 | Optimizing Quality of Service for Real-Time Lunar Communication Services | ESA | ESA |
2023-2025 | BMDV | Prof. Kölpin, Institute of High-Frequency Technology, HafenCity Universität Hamburg, Universität zu Lübeck, Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern Landau
| |
since 2017 | Opportunistic Networks | Independent Research | Prof. Förster, University of Bremen |
since 2018 | Independent Research | Nokia Bell Labs, |
Time | Title | Funded by | Partner(s) |
2021-2024 | VEREDUS: Verteilte Positionskontrolle in redundanten UAV-Funknetzen zur Erhöhung der Leistungsfähigkeit, Effizienz, sowie der Flugsicherheit | BMWK (LuFo) | IMST, DLR, MediaMobil, f.u.n.k.e., NavCert |
2020-2022 | Machine Learning for Communications in Aviation | TUHH, I³-Programme | Prof. Bauch, Institute of Communications |
2019-2023 | OUREL: Optimal Utilization of Renewable Energies in Low Voltage (LV) Power Distribution Systems | DFG | Prof. Becker, Institute of Electrical Power and Energy Technology |
2019-2022 | IntAirNet: Zuverlässige Kommunikation für das vernetzte Fliegen | BMWK (LuFo) | Rohde&Schwarz, f.u.n.k.e., iAd, NavCert, DLR, BPS |
2019-2020 | MECPlan: Entwicklung von optimierten Planungsverfahren für Mobile Edge Computing in Mobilfunknetzen | BMWi (ZIM) | TQG itvision |
2018-2022 | ReSA: Retrofitbare Sensorsystem Architektur für prädiktive Instandhaltung - Zuverlässige Kommunikationsnetze - | BMWK (LuFo) | Lufthansa Technik, IMST, ZAL |
2017-2020 | EPIC: Improving Employability through Internationalisation and Collaboration | EU (ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership) | Aalborg Univ. |
2016-2019 | REKOTRANS: Online Flight Data Recorder | BMWi LuFo | Airbus, MediaMobil, IMST |
2016-2019 | DRAISE: Wireless, Reliable and Robust Industrial Transmission Systems | BMWi KMU Innovativ | Virtenio, Krallmann AG, TH Lübeck |
2016-2019 | NesSi–Netzwerk für Sensorgestützte Sicherheitssysteme | BMWi (ZIM) | http://www.nessi-netzwerk.de/partner.html |
2015-2018 | SiKoS: Sichere und zuverlässige Kommunikations-infrastruktur für Schiffe | BMWi | DNV GL |
2015-2017 | VokuS: Migrating Conventional Networks to NFV/SDN Enabled Ones | BMWi (ZIM) | The Quality Group it vision |
2015-2016 | Car2X: Car to Traffic Light Communication | LSBG | LSBG |
2014-2017 | Colibri: Collaboration and Innovation for Better, Personalised and IT-Supported Teaching | EU (ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership) | 7 universities, 3 industrial partners, led by Aalborg University |
2012-2015 | DARSY: DataRecording System | Airbus (subcontract of BMWi LuFo) | Airbus |
2012-2015 | MESYAC: Modelling and Testing Aircraft Components | Lufthansa Technik (subcontract of BMWi LuFo) | Lufthansa Technik |
2012-2014 | NUPEX: Network Planning based on Application Demands | BMWi KMU Innovativ | itvision, Otaris, Univ. Bremen |
2010-2011 | Glovenet- Vernetzter Sensor-Schutzhandschuh für den Feuerwehreinsatz | BMBF | In cooperation with Univ. Bremen and W+R |
2009-2015 | Different performance evaluation of LTE transport network configurations with 1-2 PY p.a. | Industry | Nokia/Nokia Siemens Networks |
2009-2013 | SAIL: Scalable and Adaptive Internet Solutions | EU | Integrated Project, led by Ericsson, in cooperation with Univ. Bremen |
2009-2013 | NETCOMP: Network Computing als neues Paradigma für das Dienste-Internet der Zukunft | Alcatel-Lucent (subcontract from BMBF G-Lab) | Integrated Project, led by Ericsson, in cooperation with Univ. Bremen |
2008-2010 | 4WARD: Architecture and Design for the Future Internet | EU | Integrated Project, led by Ericsson, in cooperation with Univ. Bremen |