












  • Safdar N. K. Marwat and Thushara Weerawardane and Yasir Zaki and Carmelita Görg and Andreas Timm-Giel (2014). Analysis of Radio Resource Allocation in LTE Uplink. Wireless Personal Communications. 1--18 [www]

  • Amanpreet Singh and Li Xi and Indika Sanjeewa Abeywickrama Dhanapala and Andreas Könsgen and Carmelita Görg and Phuong Nga Tran and Andreas Timm-Giel (2014). QoE-based Access Network Dimensioning. Proceedings of Networks'2014. [Abstract] [www]

  • Phuong Nga Tran and Andreas Timm-Giel (2014). Network Planning Guaranteeing End-to-end Overload Probability for Stochastic Traffic Demands. Proceedings of Networks'2014, September, 2014, Madeira, Portugal. [Abstract] [www]

  • Adam Markiewicz and Phuong Nga Tran and Andreas Timm-Giel (2014). Energy Consumption Optimization for Software Defined Networks Considering Dynamic Traffic. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference in Cloud Networking (CloudNet'14), Oct. 2014, Luxembourg. [Abstract] [www]

  • Martin Ringwelski and Andreas Timm-Giel and Volker Turau (2014). Adaptive failure detection and correction in dynamic Patient-Networks. 5th Workshop on Medical Cyber-Physical Systems. 38--48 [Abstract] [www]

  • Martin Ringwelski and Andreas Timm-Giel and Volker Turau (2014). Adaptive failure detection and correction in dynamic Patient-Networks. 5th Workshop on Medical Cyber-Physical Systems Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik: 38--48 [Abstract] [www]

  • L. Guan and K. Kuladinithi and T. Pötsch and C. Görg (2014). A deeper understanding of interoperability between TinyRPL and ContikiRPL. 2014 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP) 1-6 [doi]

  • Ming Li and Phuong Nga Tran and Dimin Wang and Andreas Timm-Giel (2014). Radio Resource Allocation in LTE using Utility Functions based on Moving Average Rates. IEEE WCNC'14 Track 2 (MAC and Cross-Layer Design) (IEEE WCNC'14 Track 2 : MAC. [Abstract] [www]

  • T. Pötsch and L. Pei and K. Kuladinithi and C. Görg (2014). Model-driven data acquisition for temperature sensor readings in Wireless Sensor Networks. 2014 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP) 1-6 [doi]

  • Andreas Weigel and Martin Ringwelski and Volker Turau and Andreas Timm-Giel (2014). Route-over forwarding techniques in a 6LoWPAN. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Mobile Communications and Applications. 2. [Abstract] [www]

  • Safdar N. K. Marwat and Thushara Weerawardane and Yasir Zaki and Carmelita Görg and Andreas Timm-Giel (2014). Analysis of Radio Resource Allocation in LTE Uplink. Wireless Personal Communications. 79. (3), 2305--2322 [Abstract] [www]

  • Ramon Agüero and Bernd-Ludwig Wenning and Andreas Timm-Giel and Dirk Pesch (2014). Recent Advances on Future Networks and Their Management. Mobile Networks and Applications. 19. (6), 718--719 [www]

  • Kostas Pentikousis and Ramon Agüero and Andreas Timm-Giel and Susana Sargento (2014). Advances on Smart Object Management. Mobile Networks and Applications. 19. (1), 1--3 [www]

  • Yunqi Luo and Jonas Eymann and Andreas Timm-Giel (2014). Mobility Support for Content Centric Networking. Telecommunication Systems. 59. (2), 271--288 [Abstract] [www]

  • Chunlei An and Andreas Timm-Giel (2014). Mobility-Aware Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. World Telecommucations Congress 2014 [www]

  • Christoph Goetz and Maciej Muehleisen and Andreas Timm-Giel (2014). Warteschlangenmodell für flexible Nutzung von Funkspektrum von koexistierenden OFDMA-Systemen. In Otto Spaniol (Eds.) PIK - Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation De Gruyter: 121--130 [Abstract] [www]

  • Bastian Weigelt and Maciej Mühleisen and Raphael Elsner and Andreas Timm-Giel (2014). Evaluation of Heuristic Algorithms for Optimizing Resource Assignments in LTE-Advanced. ITG-Fachbericht 249: Mobilkommunikation - Technologien und Anwendungen VDE VERLAG GmbH: Osnabrück, Germany 6--11 [Abstract] [www]

  • A. Udugama and X. Zhang and K. Kuladinithi and C. Goerg (2014). An On-demand Multi-Path Interest Forwarding strategy for content retrievals in CCN. 2014 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS) 1-6 [doi]

  • Elsner, Raphael and Mühleisen, Maciej and Timm-Giel, Andreas (2014). Optimising LTE Uplink Scheduling by Solving the Multidimensional Assignment Problem. In Agüero, Ram{\'o}n and Zinner, Thomas and Goleva, Rossitza and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Tran-Gia, Phuoc (Eds.) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management (MONAMI 2014) Springer International Publishing: Würzburg, Germany 47--59 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • Amanpreet Singh and Li Xi and Indika Sanjeewa Abeywickrama Dhanapala and Andreas Könsgen and Carmelita Goerg and Phuong Nga Tran and Andreas Timm-Giel (2014). QoE-based Access Network Dimensioning. 16th International Telecommunications Network Strategy and Planning Symposium (Networks), 2014 1--6 [Abstract] [www]

  • Tran, P. Nga and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Cahyanto, B. D. (2014). Network Planning Guaranteeing End-to-end Overload Probability for Stochastic Traffic Demands. 16th International Telecommunications Network Strategy and Planning Symposium (Networks) IEEE: 1--7 [Abstract] [www]


  • Andreas Timm-Giel and John Strassner and Ramon Agüero and Susana Sargento and Kostas Pentikousis (2013). Mobile Networks and Management. 4th International Conference, MONAMI 2012, Hamburg, Germany, September 24-26, 2012, Revised Selected Papers. Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated: [Abstract] [www]

  • Yunqi Luo and Phuong Nga Tran and Chunlei An and Jonas Eymann and Lothar Kreft and Andreas Timm-Giel (2013). A Novel Handover Prediction Scheme in Content Centric Networking using Nonlinear Autoregressive Exogenous Model. 2013 IEEE 77th Vehicular Technology Conference. [Abstract] [www]

  • Umar Toseef and Yasir Zaki and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Görg (2013). Optimized Resource Management using Linear Programming in Integrated Heterogeneous Networks. International Journal on Advances in Networks and Services. 6. (1 \& 2), 80--94 [Abstract] [www]

  • Marcio Melo and Sargento Sargento and Ulrich Killat and Andreas Timm-Giel and Jorge Carapinha (2013). Optimal Virtual Network Embedding: Node-Link Formulation. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management. (99), 1--13 [www]

  • Umar Toseef and Thushara Lanka Weerawardane and R. Golderer and Stephan Hauth and Carmelita Goerg and Andreas Timm-Giel (2013). Coordinated LTE Uplink Radio Interface Scheduling. Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC), 2013 6th Joint IFIP. 1--8 [www]

  • L. S. Ferreira, R. Aguero, L. Caeiro, A. Miron, M. Söllner, P. Schoo, L. Suiciu, A. Timm-Giel, A. Udugama (2013). Open Connectivity Services for the Future Internet.

  • Christoph Petersen and Maciej Muehleisen and Andreas Timm-Giel (2013). Evaluation of the Aircraft Distribution in Satellite Spotbeams. In Thomas Bauschert (Eds.) Advances in Communication Networking, Proceedings of 19th EUNICE/IFIP WG 6.6 International Workshop Springer Berlin Heidelberg: Chemnitz, Germany [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • Phuong Nga Tran and Andreas Timm-Giel (2013). Reconfiguration of Virtual Network Mapping Considering Service Disruption. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'13). [Abstract] [www]

  • Maciej Muehleisen and Kay Henzel and Andreas Timm-Giel (2013). Design and Evaluation of Scheduling Algorithms for LTE Femtocells. ITG-Fachbericht-Mobilkommunikation 2013. (242), 11--17 [Abstract] [www]

  • Maciej Muehleisen and Bernhard Walke and Andreas Timm-Giel (2013). Uplink VoIP Capacity of 3GPP LTE under Power Control and Semi-Persistent Scheduling. Proceedings of Australasian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (ATNAC). 69--76 [Abstract] [www]

  • Yunqi Luo and Phuong Nga Tran and Doruk Sahinel and Andreas Timm-Giel (2013). Handover Prediction for Wireless Networks in Office Environments using Hidden Markov Model. Wireless Days (WD), 2013 IFIP. 1--7 [Abstract] [www]

  • Marcio Melo and Sargento Sargento and Ulrich Killat and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carapinha Carapinha (2013). Optimal Virtual Network Embedding: Node-Link Formulation. Network and Service Management, IEEE Transactions on. 10. (4), 356--368 [Abstract] [www]

  • Andreas Weigel and Martin Ringwelski and Volker Turau and Andreas Timm-Giel (2013). Route-Over Forwarding Techniques in a 6LoWPAN. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management (MONAMI 2013) Cork, Ireland 122--135 [Abstract] [www]

  • Maciej Muehleisen (2013). OpenWNS - Simulation Models from Erlang-B to LTE-Advanced. Leistungs-, Zuverlässigkeits- und Verlässlichkeitsbewertung von Kommunikationsnetzen und Verteilten Systemen 7. GI/ITG-Workshop MMBNet 2013 Universität Hamburg, Department Informatik: Hamburg 91--92 [Abstract] [www]

  • Jonas Eymann and Andreas Timm-Giel (2013). Multipath Transmission in Content Centric Networking using a Probabilistic Ant-Routing Mechanism. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management (MONAMI 2013) Cork, Ireland [Abstract] [www]

  • Dirk Pesch and Andreas Timm-Giel and Ramon Agüero Calvo and Bernd-Ludwig Wenning and Kostas Pentikousis (2013). Mobile Networks and Management: 5th International Conference, MONAMI 2013, Cork, Ireland, September 23-25, 2013, Revised Selected Papers. Springer International Publishing: [Abstract] [www]

  • Phuong Nga Tran and Bahrata Cahyanto and Andreas Timm-Giel (2013). Network Planning for Stochastic Traffic Demands. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management (MONAMI 2013) Cork, Ireland [Abstract] [www]

  • Christoph Goertz and Maciej Muehleisen and Benedikt Wolz and Andreas Timm-Giel (2013). A Queuing Model for Flexible Spectrum Allocation between Coexisting OFDMA Systems. In Bernd E. Wolfinger and Klaus-D. Heidtmann (Eds.) Leistungs-, Zuverlässigkeits- und Verlässlichkeitsbewertung von Kommunikationsnetzen und Verteilten Systemen 7. GI/ITG-Workshop MMBNet 2013 Universität Hamburg, Department Informatik: Hamburg 15--20 [Abstract] [www]

  • Christoph Goertz and Maciej Muehleisen and Benedikt Wolz and Andreas Timm-Giel (2013). A Queuing Model for Flexible Spectrum Allocation between Coexisting OFDMA Systems. Leistungs-, Zuverlässigkeits- und Verlässlichkeitsbewertung von Kommunikationsnetzen und Verteilten Systemen 7. GI/ITG-Workshop MMBNet 2013. (299), 15--20 [Abstract] [www]

  • Anna Förster and Koojana Kuladinithi and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Görg and Silvia Giordano (2013). DICE: A Novel Platform to Support Massively Distributed Clouds. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management (MONAMI 2013) Springer International Publishing: Cork, Ireland 273--286 [www]

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  • Kishore Angrishi and Ulrich Killat (2012). A Node Operating Point Approach for Stochastic Analysis with Network Calculus. Journal of Networks. 7. 1739--1748 [www]

  • Widy Widyawan and Gerald Pirkl and Daniele Munaretto and Carl Fischer and Chunlei An and Paul Lukowicz and Martin Klepal and Andreas Timm-Giel and Joerg Widmer and Dirk Pesch and Hans Gellersen (2012). Virtual lifeline: Multimodal sensor data fusion for robust navigation in unknown environments. Pervasive and Mobile Computing. 8. (3), 388--401 [www]

  • M. Becker and T. Pötsch and K. Kuladinithi and C. Görg (2012). The Constrained Application Protocol for pervasive machine-to-machine communications. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops 483-485 [doi]

  • M. Ringwelski and C. Renner and A. Reinhardt and A. Weigel and V. Turau (2012). The Hitchhiker's guide to choosing the compression algorithm for your smart meter data. 2012 IEEE International Energy Conference and Exhibition (ENERGYCON) 935-940 [doi]

  • Maciej Muehleisen and Walke Bernhard (2012). Evaluation and Improvement of VoIP Capacity for LTE. European Wireless, 2012. EW. 18th European Wireless Conference. 1--7 [Abstract] [www]

  • Yunqi Luo and Chunlei An and Jonas Eymann and Andreas Timm-Giel (2012). Automatic Handover Decision in Content Centric Networking. Information and Communication Technologies. 286--297 [Abstract] [www]

  • Chunlei An and Yunqi Luo and Andreas Timm-Giel (2012). Adaptive Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks for Fire Fighting. 18th EUNICE1 Conference on Information and Communications Technologies. [Abstract] [www]

  • Safdar N. K. Marwat and Thushara Lanka Weerawardane and Yasir Naseer Zaki and Carmelita Goerg and Andreas Timm-Giel (2012). Design and Performance Analysis of Bandwidth and QoS Aware LTE Uplink Scheduler in Heterogeneous Traffic Environment. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), 2012 8th International. [www]

  • Phuong Nga Tran and Leonardo Casucci and Andreas Timm-Giel (2012). Optimal Mapping of Virtual Networks Considering Reactive Reconfiguration. in Procedding of IEEE Cloudnet'12. [Abstract] [www]

  • Umar Toseef and Thushara Lanka Weerawardane and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg and H. Kroener (2012). Adaptive Fair Radio Interface Scheduling for LTE Networks. High Capacity Optical Networks and Enabling Technologies (HONET). [www]

  • Y. Zaki, A. Timm-Giel and C. Görg (2012). Future Mobile Communication: LTE Optimization and Mobile Network Virtualization. 12th Würzburg Workshop on IP: ITG Workshop "Visions of Future Generation Networks" EuroView2012

  • Safdar N. K. Marwat and Thushara Lanka Weerawardane and Yasir Naseer Zaki and Carmelita Goerg and Andreas Timm-Giel (2012). Performance Evaluation of Bandwidth and QoS Aware LTE Uplink Scheduler. 10th International Conference, WWIC 2012, Santorini, Greece, June 6-8, 2012. [www]

  • Nikola Zahariev and Yasir Naseer Zaki and Thushara Lanka Weerawardane and Xi Li and Carmelita Goerg and Andreas Timm-Giel (2012). Optimized Service Aware LTE MAC Scheduler with Comparison Against Other Well Known Schedulers. 10th International Conference, WWIC 2012, Santorini, Greece, June 6-8, 2012.. 323--331 [www]

  • Ming Li and Liang Zhao and Xi Li and Xiaona Li and Yasir Naseer Zaki and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg (2012). Investigation of Network Virtualization and Load Balancing Techniques in LTE Networks. Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), 2012 IEEE 75th. 1--5 [Abstract] [www]

  • Safdar N. K. Marwat and Yasir Naseer Zaki and Thushara Lanka Weerawardane and Carmelita Goerg and Andreas Timm-Giel (2012). Performance of Bandwidth and QoS Aware LTE Uplink Scheduler Towards Delay Sensitive Traffic. 17. ITG Fachtagung Mobilkommunikation. [www]

  • T. Pötsch and K. Kuladinithi and M. Becker and P. Trenkamp and C. Goerg (2012). Performance Evaluation of CoAP Using RPL and LPL in TinyOS. 5th International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS) 1-5 [doi]

  • Umar Toseef and Thushara Lanka Weerawardane and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg (2012). LTE System Performance Optimization by RED Based PDCP Buffer Management. 17. ITG Fachtagung Mobilkommunikation. [www]

  • Umar Toseef and Yasir Naseer Zaki and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg (2012). Optimized Flow Management using Linear Programming in Integrated Heterogeneous Networks. ICSNC 2012, 7th International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications (Best paper award). [www]

  • Umar Toseef and Yasir Naseer Zaki and Liang Zhao and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg (2012). QoS Aware Multi-homing in Integrated 3GPP and non-3GPP Future Networks. ICSNC 2012, 7th International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications. [www]

  • Liang Zhao and Xi Li and Thushara Lanka Weerawardane and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg (2012). Joint Load Balancing of Radio and Transport Networks in the LTE Systems. Springer Wireless Personal Communications Journal. 67. (1), 5--24 [Abstract] [www]

  • Umar Toseef and Carmelita Goerg and Andreas Timm-Giel (2012). Optimized Flow Management using Linear Programming in Future Wireless Networks. ICSNC 2012, 7th International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications (Best paper award). [www]

  • Umar Toseef and Yasir Naseer Zaki and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg (2012). Development of Simulation Environment for Multi-homed Devices in Integrated 3GPP and non-3GPP Networks. 10th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access, MobiWac 2012. [www]

  • Xi Li and Ming Li and Umar Toseef and Dominik Dulas and Michal Nowacki and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg and Radoslaw Ruchala (2012). Dimensioning of the Shared Transport Network for Collocated Multiradio:LTE and HSDPA. Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob). 308--315 [Abstract] [www]

  • Marcio Melo and Jorge Carapinha and Susana Sargento and Ulrich Killat and Andreas Timm-Giel (2012). A Re-optimization Approach for Virtual Network Embedding. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management (MONAMI 2012) Springer Berlin Heidelberg: Hamburg, Germany 271--283 [Abstract] [www]

  • Umar Toseef and Yasir Naseer Zaki and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg (2012). Uplink QoS Aware Multi-homing in Integrated 3GPP and non-3GPP Future Networks. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management (MONAMI 2012) Hamburg, Germany [www]

  • Chunlei An and Yunqi Luo and Andreas Timm-Giel (2012). Switching of Routing Algorithms in Wireless Networks for Fire Fighting. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management (MONAMI 2012) Hamburg, Germany 258--270 [www]

  • Asanga Udugama and Yasir Naseer Zaki and Carmelita Goerg and Andreas Timm-Giel (2012). Prototype: OConS Multi-path Content Delivery with NetIn. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management (MONAMI 2012) [www]


  • Yasir Naseer Zaki and Liang Zhao and Carmelita Goerg and Andreas Timm-Giel (2011). LTE Mobile Network Virtualization - Exploiting Multiplexing and Multi-User Diversity Gain. Mobile Networks and Applications. 1--9 [www]

  • Xi Li and Thushara Lanka Weerawardane and Yasir Zaki and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Görg (2011). Shared Transport for Different Radio Broadband Mobile Technologies (Chapter 9). Recent Advances in Broadband Integrated Network Operations and Services Management IGI Global Publishing: 135--139

  • Xi Li and Wojciech Bigos and Dominik Dulas and Yi Chen and Umar Toseef and Carmelita Görg and Andreas Timm{-}Giel and Andreas Klug (2011). Dimensioning of the LTE Access Network for the Transport Network Delay QoS. Proceedings of the 73rd {IEEE} Vehicular Technology Conference, {VTC} Spring 2011, 15-18 May 2011, Budapest, Hungary 1--7 [doi] [www]

  • Daniele Munaretto and Chunlei An and Joerg Widmer and Andreas Timm-Giel (2011). Resilient data gathering and communication algorithms for emergency scenarios. Telecommunication Systems. 48. (3-4), 317--327 [www]

  • Xi Li and Umar Toseef and Dominik Dulas and Wojciech Bigos and Carmelita Goerg and Andreas Timm-Giel and Andreas Klug (2011). Dimensioning of the LTE Access Network. Telecommunication Systems, Springer Netherlands.. 1--18 [www]

  • Gulshanara Singh and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg (2011). Clustering and Routing Model for Transport Logistics using Software Agents. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management. 10. (2), 180--191 [Abstract] [www]

  • Jairo Alfonso Garcia Luna and Maciej Muehleisen and Kay Henzel (2011). Performance of a Heuristic Uplink Radio Resource Assignment Algorithm for LTE-Advanced. ITG-Fachbericht-Mobilkommunikation 2011. [Abstract] [www]

  • K. Kuladinithi, O. Bergmann, T. Pötsch, M. Becker, and C. Görg (2011). Implementation of CoAP and its Application in Transport Logistics. in Proc. of ’Extending the Internet to Low power and Lossy Networks’ (IP+SN 2011) 1-6

  • Yasir Zaki and Liang Zhao and Carmelita Görg and Andreas Timm-Giel (2011). LTE Mobile Network Virtualization - Exploiting Multiplexing and Multi-User Diversity Gain. Mobile Networks and Applications. 1--9

  • Maciej Muehleisen and Daniel Bueltmann and Rainer Schoenen and Bernhard Walke (2011). Analytical Evaluation of an IMT-Advanced Compliant LTE System Level Simulator. Proceedings of European Wireless 2011. 5 [Abstract] [www]

  • Yasir Naseer Zaki and Thushara Lanka Weerawardane and Carmelita Goerg and Andreas Timm-Giel (2011). Long Term Evolution (LTE) Models Development within OPNET Simulation Environment. OPNET Workshop 2011. [www]

  • Yasir Naseer Zaki and Liang Zhao and Carmelita Goerg and Andreas Timm-Giel (2011). LTE Mobile Network Virtualization - Exploiting Multiplexing and Multi-User Diversity Gain. Mobile Networks and Applications. 16. (4), 424--432 [Abstract] [www]

  • Yasir Naseer Zaki and Nikola Zahariev and Thushara Lanka Weerawardane and Carmelita Goerg and Andreas Timm-Giel (2011). Optimized Service Aware LTE MAC Scheduler: Design, Implementation and Performance Evaluation. OPNET Workshop 2011. [www]

  • Umar Toseef and Thushara Lanka Weerawardane and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg (2011). LTE System Performance Optimization by Discard Timer Based PDCP Buffer Management. High Capacity Optical Networks and Enabling Technologies (HONET). 116--121 [www]

  • Umar Toseef and Ming Li and Andras Balazs and Xi Li and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg (2011). Investigating the Impacts of IP Transport Impairments on VoIP service in LTE Networks. 16. VDE/ITG Fachtagung Mobilkommunikation. [www]

  • G. Tsirtsis, H. Soliman, N. Montavont, G. Giaretta, K. Kuladinithi (2011). Flow Bindings in Mobile IPv6 and Network Mobility (NEMO) Basic Support.

  • Liang Zhao and Xi Li and Thushara Lanka Weerawardane and Andres Timm-Giel and Carmelita Görg (2011). Joint Load Balancing of Radio and Transport Networks in LTE System. Third International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN 2011) Dallian, China

  • Xi Li and Thushara Weerawardane and Yasir Naseer Zaki and Carmelita Goerg and Andreas Timm-Giel (2011). Shared Transport for Different Radio Broadband Mobile Technologies (Chapter 9). Recent Advances in Broadband Integrated Network Operations and Services Management IGI Global Publishing: 135--139 [www]

  • Umar Toseef and Ming Li and Andras Balazs and Xi Li and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg (2011). Investigating the Impacts of IP Transport Impairments on VoIP service in LTE Networks. 16. VDE/ITG Fachtagung Mobilkommunikation Osnabrück, Germany

  • Yasir Zaki and Thushara Weerawardane and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Görg (2011). Multi-QoS-aware Fair Scheduling for LTE. 2011 IEEE 73rdVehicular Technology Conference: VTC2011-Spring Budapest, Hungary

  • Yasir Naseer Zaki and Thushara Lanka Weerawardane and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg (2011). Multi-QoS-aware Fair Scheduling for LTE. 2011 IEEE 73rdVehicular Technology Conference: VTC2011-Spring. [www]

  • Ming Li and Umar Toseef and Xi Li and Andras Balazs and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg (2011). Investigating the Impacts of IP Transport Impairments on Data Services in LTE Networks. The First European Teletraffic Seminar. [Abstract] [www]

  • Umar Toseef and M. A. Khan and Carmelita Goerg and Andreas Timm-Giel (2011). User Satisfaction Based Resource Allocation in Future Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. Ninth Annual Communication Networks and Services Research Conference (CNSR). 217--223 [www]

  • Liang Zhao and Yasir Naseer Zaki and Asanga Udugama and Umar Toseef and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg (2011). Open Connectivity Services for Future Networks. The 8th International Conference \& Expo on Emerging Technologies for a Smarter World (CEWIT 2011). [www]

  • Umar Toseef and Thushara Lanka Weerawardane and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg (2011). Performance Comparison of PDCP Buffer Management Schemes in LTE system. Wireless Days (WD). [www]

  • M. Becker, K. Kuladinithi, and C. Görg (2011). Modelling and Simulating the Trickle Algorithm. in Proc. of ’Mobile Networks and Management’ (MONAMI 2011) 1-6

  • M. Pätzold and F. Laue (2011). Generalized Rice processes and generalized Suzuki processes for modeling of frequency-nonselective mobile radio channels. Mobile Radio Channels. Second Edition. [www]

  • Amanpreet Singh and Christoph Nass and Andreas Timm-Giel and Peter Schefczik and Horst Roessler and Michael Scharf (2011). Generic Connectivity Architecture for Mobility and Multipath Flow Management in the Future Internet. Generic Connectivity Architecture for Mobility and Multipath Flow Management in the Future Internet. 68. 1--13 [Abstract] [www]

  • R. Agüero, L. Caeiro, L. Correia, L. Ferreira, M. Garcia-Arranz, L. Suciu, A. Timm-Giel (2011). OConS: Towards Open Connectivity Services in the Future Internet. Third International ICST Conference on Mobile Networks & Management MONAMI 2011

  • Bernd-Ludwig Wenning and Henning Rekersbrink and Andreas Timm-Giel (2011). Weighted multiplicative parameter aggregation for distributed routing in transport logistics. Dynamics in Logistics. 117--124 [www]

  • Marcio Melo and Jorge Carapinha and Susana Sargento and Luis Torres and Phuong Nga Tran and Ulrich Killat and Andreas Timm-Giel (2011). Virtual Network Mapping - An Optimization Problem. Proceedings of the 3rdth International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management (MONAMI 2011) Aveiro, Portugal [Abstract] [www]

  • Maciej Muehleisen and Bernhard Walke (2011). Analytical Evaluation of LTE Uplink Performance in the IMT-Advanced Indoor Hotspot Scenario. Proceedings of PIMRC 2011. 6 [Abstract] [www]

  • Liang Zhao and Ming Li and Yasir Naseer Zaki and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg (2011). LTE Virtualization: From Theoretical Gain to Practical Solution. Teletraffic Congress (ITC), 2011 23rdInternational. 71--78 [Abstract] [www]

  • Chunlei An and Andreas Timm-Giel (2011). Applying Wireless Sensor Networks in Fire Fighting. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management (MONAMI 2011) Aveiro, Portugal 386--395 [www]

  • Yunqi Luo and Jonas Eymann and Angrishi Kishore and Andreas Timm-Giel (2011). Mobility Support for Content Centric Networking: Case Study. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management (MONAMI 2011) Aveiro, Portugal [Abstract] [www]

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  • Li, X. and Zaki, Y. and Weerawardane, T. and Timm-Giel, A. and Görg, C. and Ciro Malafronte, G. (2010). Use of Traffic Separation Techniques for the Transport of HSPA and R99 Traffic in the Radio Access Network with Differentiated Quality of Service (Chapter 56). Networking and Telecommunications: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications IGI Global Publishing: 863--878

  • Becker, Markus and Wenning, Bernd-Ludwig and G\"{o}rg, Carmelita and Jedermann, Reiner and Timm-Giel, Andreas (2010). Logistic Applications with Wireless Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Hot Topics in Embedded Networked Sensors ACM: New York, NY, USA 6:1--6:5 [doi] [www]

  • Christof Breckenfelder and Damian Mrugala and Chunlei An and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Görg and Otthein Herzog and Walter Lang (2010). A Cognitive Glove Sensor Network for Fire Fighters. Intelligent Environments (Workshops). 158--169 [www]

  • Daniel Bueltmann and Maciej Muehleisen and Sebastian Max (2010). openWNS. In Klaus Wehrle and Mesut Guenes and James Gross (Eds.) Modeling and Tools for Network Simulation Springer: Heidelberg, Germany 69--81 [Abstract] [www]

  • Daniel Bueltmann and Maciej Muehleisen and Sebastian Max and Karsten Klagges and Marc Schinnenburg and Bernhard Walke (2010). openWNS - A Simulation Platform for IMT-Advanced Systems. European Transactions on Telecommunications. 21. (8), 760--769 [Abstract] [www]

  • Scharf, Michael and Banniza, Thommas-Rolf and Singh, Amanpreet and Schefczik, Peter and Timm-Giel, Andreas (2010). Evaluation and Prototyping of Multipath Protocol Mechanisms.

  • Phuong Nga Tran and Ulrich Killat (2010). Distributed Approach for Traffic-based Logical Topology Reconfiguration in WDM Networks. Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation. 33. (2), 96--104 [Abstract] [www]

  • Mohammad Siddique and Bernd-Ludwig Wenning and Carmelita Goerg and Maciej Muehleisen (2010). An Adaptive Resource Sharing Method for IEEE 802.16 and IEEE 802.11 based Wireless Networks. ITG-Fachbericht-Mobilkommunikation. 223. [Abstract] [www]

  • Maciej Muehleisen and Ralf Jennen and Michael Kirsche (2010). Wireless Networking Use Case. In Klaus Wehrle and Mesut Guenes and James Gross (Eds.) Modeling and Tools for Network Simulation Springer: Heidelberg, Germany 305--325 [Abstract] [www]

  • Maciej Muehleisen and Daniel Bueltmann and Karsten Klagges and Marc Schinnenburg (2010). Link Layer Modeling. In Klaus Wehrle and Mesut Guenes and James Gross (Eds.) Modeling and Tools for Network Simulation Springer: Heidelberg, Germany 173--190 [Abstract] [www]

  • Xi Li and Yasir Naseer Zaki and Thushara Lanka Weerawardane and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg and Gennaro Ciro Malafronte (2010). Use of Traffic Separation Techniques for the Transport of HSPA and R99 Traffic in the Radio Access Network with Differentiated Quality of Service (Chapter 56). Networking and Telecommunications: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. 5. (2), 863--878 [Abstract] [www]

  • M. M. Siddique and B. Wenning and A. Timm-Giel and C. Görg and M. Mühleisen (2010). Generic Spectrum Sharing Method Applied to IEEE 802.11e WLANs. 2010 Sixth Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications 57-63 [doi]

  • Benedikt Wolz and Maciej Muehleisen and Karsten Klagges and Michael Einhaus (2010). Region Coordination Across Space Division Multiple Access Enhanced Base Stations in IEEE 802.16m Systems. 2010 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops Proceedings. 7 [Abstract] [www]

  • Singh, Amanpreet and Goleva, Mariya and Bauer, Markus and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2010). Enhanced AODV Routing Protocol with Paging in Heterogeneous IP-based Networks. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2010 Sydney, Australia

  • Udugama, Asanga and Görg, Carmelita and Timm-Giel, Andreas (2010). Tutorial: Future Internet with Information Centric Networks. 5th International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAfS) Colombo, Sri Lanka

  • Kuladinithi, K. and Udugama, Asanga and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2010). 802.11 Handover Optimization to Improve Communications of Mobile Workers. 5th International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAfS) Colombo, Sri Lanka 156--162

  • Becker, M. and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Das, Samir R. and Görg, Carmelita (2010). TOSSDR: TinyOS on any Physical Layer implemented in Software Defined Radio. In Marusic, S. and Pinto, P. and Sa Silva, J. and Boavida, F. and Krishnamachari, B. and Pereira, J. (Eds.) 7th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks 2010, EWSN 2010 University of Coimbra, Portugal 21--23

  • Bernd-Ludwig Wenning and Dirk Pesch and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg (2010). Environmental monitoring aware routing: making environmental sensor networks more robust. Telecommunication Systems. 43. (1-2), 3--11 [Abstract] [www]

  • T. Weerawardane, A. Timm-Giel, G. Malafronte, C. Görg (2010). Effect of TNL congestion control. IEEE VTC Vehicular Technology Magazine

  • Yasir Naseer Zaki and Thushara Lanka Weerawardane and Xi Li and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg and Gennaro Ciro Malafronte (2010). Performance Enhancement due to the TNL Congestion Control on the Simultaneous Deployment of both HSDPA and HSUPA. Journal of Networks. 5. (7), 773--781 [Abstract] [www]

  • Mohammad Siddique and Maciej Muehleisen and Bernd-Ludwig Wenning and Carmelita Goerg (2010). Spectrum Sharing between IEEE 802.16 and IEEE 802.11 based Wireless Networks. IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), 2010 IEEE. [Abstract] [www]

  • Mohammad Siddique and Maciej Muehleisen and Bernd-Ludwig Wenning and Carmelita Goerg (2010). Generic Coexistence Method between IEEE 802.16 and IEEE 802.11 based Wireless Networks. 2010 Sixth Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications (AICT). 193--202 [Abstract] [www]

  • Gulshanara Singh and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg (2010). Clustering and Routing Model for Transport Logistics using Software Agents. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management. 37--44 [www]

  • Singh, Gulshanara and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2010). Clustering and Routing Model for Transport Logistics using Software Agents. International Conference on Industrial Logistics - {"}Logistics and Sustainability{"} (ICIL' 10) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 37--44

  • Kuladinithi, K. and Görg, Carmelita and Timm-Giel, Andreas (2010). Application of Multi-path Routing for Communications in Firefighting. VDE/ITG Fachtagung Mobilkommunikation Osnabr{\"{u}}ck

  • Yasir Naseer Zaki and Liang Zhao and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg (2010). LTE Wireless Virtualization and Spectrum Management. WMNC2010. [www]

  • Xi Li and Umar Toseef and Thushara Lanka Weerawardane and Wojciech Bigos and Dominik Dulas and Carmelita Goerg and Andreas Timm-Giel and Andreas Klug (2010). Dimensioning of the LTE Access Transport Network for Elastic Internet Traffic. Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob), 2010 IEEE 6th International Conference on. 346--354 [Abstract] [www]

  • Zaki, Yasir Naseer and Zhao, Liang and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2010). LTE Wireless Virtualization and Spectrum Management. Third Joint IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC) Budapest, Hungary

  • Son, V. Q. and Wenning, Bernd-Ludwig and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2010). WiSeCoMaSys: a Tool for Data Collection and Management of Wireless Sensor Networks. International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communication (ATC2010) Ho Chi Min City, Vietnam 43--48

  • Maciej Muehleisen and Daniel Bueltmann and Bernhard Walke (2010). Uplink Capacity Analysis of OFDMA Based Cellular Networks with Reuse-1. Proceedings of the 3rdIFIP Wireless Days Conference 2010. 1--6 [Abstract] [www]

  • Li, X. and Toseef, Umar and Weerawardane, Thushara Lanka and Bigos, Wojciech and Dulas, D. and Görg, Carmelita and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Klug, A. (2010). Dimensioning of the LTE S1 Interface. 3rdJoint IFIP Wireless Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC'2010) Budapest, Hungary

  • Li, X. and Toseef, Umar and Weerawardane, Thushara Lanka and Bigos, Wojciech and Dulas, D. and Görg, Carmelita and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Klug, A. (2010). Dimensioning of the LTE Access Transport Network for Elastic Internet Traffic. 6th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2010) Niagara Falls, Canada

  • Son, V. Q. and Wenning, Bernd-Ludwig and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2010). Enhanced Intelligence of Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks in logistics by applications of context. International Conference on Logistics and Maritime System (LOGMS2010) Busan, Korea 563--571

  • Udugama, Asanga and Zhao, Liang and Zaki, Yasir Naseer and Görg, Carmelita and Timm-Giel, Andreas (2010). End-to-end Performance Evaluation of Virtual Networks using Prototype. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management (MONAMI 2010) Santander, Spain

  • Singh, Amanpreet and Nass, Christoph and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Schefczik, Peter and Roessler, Horst and Scharf, Michael (2010). Generic Connectivity Architecture for Mobility and Multipath Flow Management in the Future Internet. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management (MONAMI 2010) Santander, Spain

  • Yasir Naseer Zaki and Liang Zhao and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg (2010). A Novel LTE Wireless Virtualization Framework. Mobile Networks and Management. (CD pu. 245--257 [www]

  • Zaki, Yasir Naseer and Zhao, Liang and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2010). A Novel LTE Wireless Virtualization Framework. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management (MONAMI 2010) Santander, Spain 1--13

  • Asanga Udugama and Liang Zhao and Yasir Naseer Zaki and Carmelita Goerg and Andreas Timm-Giel (2010). End-to-End Performance Evaluation of Virtual Networks Using a Prototype Implementation. Mobile Networks and Management. 68. 38--49 [Abstract] [www]


  • Zaki, Yasir Naseer and Weerawardane, Thushara Lanka and Li, Xi and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita and Malafronte, Gennaro Ciro (2009). Performance Enhancement due to the TNL Congestion Control on the Simultaneous Deployment of both HSDPA and HSUPA. Selected papers of the Mosharaka International Conference on Communications, Computers and Applications (MIC-CCA 2008), special issue of JNW journal. [www]

  • Weerawardane, Thushara Lanka and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita and Malafronte, Gennaro Ciro and Hauth, S. (2009). Effect of TNL flow control schemes for the HSDPA network performance. special issues-2 of Journal of Communications 2009, Academy Publisher, Finland.

  • Thushara Lanka Weerawardane and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg and Gennaro Ciro Malafronte and Stephan Hauth (2009). Effect of TNL flow control schemes for the HSDPA network performance. special issues-2 of Journal of Communications 2009, Academy Publisher, Finland. [www]

  • Son, V. Q. and Wenning, Bernd-Ludwig and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2009). Localization using opportunistic routing in wireless sensor networks for logistics. 20th national conference of the Australian society for operations research Surfers Paradise, Australia

  • Phuong Nga Tran and Ulrich Killat (2009). Distributed algorithm for dynamic logical topology reconfiguration in IP over WDM networks.. in Proceedings of 14th IEEE International Conference in Computer Communications (ISCC'09). [Abstract] [www]

  • Becker, M. and Yuan, S. and Jedermann, Reiner and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Lang, Walter and Görg, Carmelita (2009). Challenges of Applying Wireless Sensor Networks in Logistics. CEWIT 2009 New York, Stony Brook

  • Wenning, Bernd-Ludwig and Pesch, Dirk and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2009). Environmental monitoring-aware routing: Making environmental sensor networks more robust. Telecommunication systems. 43. 3--11

  • Li, Xi and Zaki, Yasir Naseer and Weerawardane, Thushara Lanka and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita and Malafronte, Gennaro Ciro (2009). Use of Traffic Separation Techniques for the Transport of HSPA and R99 Traffic in the Radio Access Network with Differentiated Quality of Service. special issue of International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking (IJBDCN). 5. (2), 84--100 [www]

  • Chen, Yi and Li, Xi and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2009). Impacts of air interface admission control and user mobility on UTRAN transport simulations. Special issue of Journal Telecommunication Systems. 43. (1), 121--132

  • Bernd-Ludwig Wenning and Dirk Pesch and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg (2009). Environmental monitoring-aware routing: Making environmental sensor networks more robust. Telecommunication systems. 43. 3--11 [www]

  • Yi Chen and Xi Li and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg (2009). Impacts of air interface admission control and user mobility on UTRAN transport simulations. Special issue of Journal Telecommunication Systems. 43. (1), 121--132 [www]

  • H. Izumikawa and D. Kutscher and A. Timm-Giel and C. Bormann (2009). RACING: Rate Control for Enhancing Intermittent Networking Performance for Mobile Users. GLOBECOM 2009 - 2009 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference 1-6 [doi]

  • Weerawardane, Thushara Lanka and Zaki, Yasir Naseer and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita and Malafronte, Gennaro Ciro and Hauth, S. (2009). Effect of the TNL congestion control for the HSUPA performance. IEEE International VTC Spring Barcelona, Spain

  • Timm-Giel, Andreas (2009). Kommunikation und Indoor-Lokalisierung mit wearable computern. wearit@work Workshop

  • Bernd-Ludwig Wenning and Henning Rekersbrink and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg (2009). Weighted multiplicative decision function for distributed routing in transport logistics. Dynamics in Logistics. 117--124 [www]

  • Wenning, Bernd-Ludwig and Rekersbrink, Henning and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2009). Weighted multiplicative decision function for distributed routing in transport logistics. LDIC2009 Universität Bremen

  • Son, V. Q. and Wenning, Bernd-Ludwig and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2009). A Model of Wireless Sensor Networks using Opportunistic Routing in Logistic Harbor Scenarios. Dynamics in Logistics Universität Bremen

  • Weerawardane, Thushara Lanka and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita and Malafronte, Gennaro Ciro and Hauth, S. (2009). Effect of TNL Congestion Control Schemes on the HSDPA Network Performance. IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine. IEEE Volume 4. (4), 54--63

  • Thushara Lanka Weerawardane and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg and Gennaro Ciro Malafronte and Stephan Hauth (2009). Effect of TNL Congestion Control Schemes on the HSDPA Network Performance. IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine. 4. (4), 54--63 [Abstract] [www]

  • Siddique, Mohammad and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2009). Cooperative Spectrum Sharing through Regular Channel Access. ItG FG 5.2.4 Workshop Aachen, Germany

  • Islam, Md. S. and Könsgen, Andreas and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2009). Performance Analysis of Packet Agregation in WLANs with Simultaneous User Access. NETWORKING 2009 Muscat, Oman

  • Sivanthi, T. and Laue, F. and M{\"{u}}ller., T. (2009). Performance Analysis of Inflight Entertainment Service over IEEE 802.11 WLAN.. International Workshop on Aircraft System Technologies Hamburg, Germany

  • Thushara Lanka Weerawardane and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg and Gennaro Ciro Malafronte and Stephan Hauth (2009). Effect of TNL flow control schemes for the HSDPA network performance. Journal of Communications. 4. (2), 78--88 [Abstract] [www]

  • Maciej Muehleisen and Ralf Jennen and Mohammad Siddique and Carmelita Goerg (2009). IEEE 802.16 Coexistence through Regular Channel Occupation. 15th European Wireless Conference 2009 Electronic Proceedings. 211--215 [Abstract] [www]

  • Könsgen, Andreas and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita and Böhnke, R. (2009). Impact of the Transmission Scheme on the Performance in Wireless LANs. Mobile Lightweight Wireless Systems Athens, Greece

  • Wenning, Bernd-Ludwig and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2009). A generic framework for context-aware routing and its implementation in wireless sensor networks. Mobilkommunikation - Technologien und Anwendungen. Vorträge der 14. ITG-Fachtagung, 2009 Osnabrück

  • Könsgen, Andreas and Islam, Md. S. and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2009). Impact of the Transmission Scheme on the Performance in Wireless LANs. IFIP Networking 2009 Aachen, Germany

  • Daniel Bueltmann and Maciej Muehleisen and Karsten Klagges and Marc Schinnenburg (2009). openWNS - open Wireless Network Simulator. 15th European Wireless Conference 2009 Electronic Proceedings. 205--210 [Abstract] [www]

  • Timm-Giel, Andreas (2009). Virtual, Mobile and Wireless. Rutgers University WINLAB Seminar

  • Koojana Kuladinithi and Chunlei An and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg (2009). Performance Evaluation of Radio Disjoint Multipath Routing. European Transactions on Telecommunications. 20. (7), 668--678 [Abstract] [www]

  • Son, V. Q. and Wenning, Bernd-Ludwig and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2009). A model of wireless sensor networks using context-awareness in logistic applications. 9th international conference on ITS telecommunications Lille, France 2--7

  • Kuladinithi, Koojana and An, Chunlei and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2009). Performance evaluation of radio disjoint multipath routing. European Transactions on Telecommunications. European Transactions on Telecommunications. 20 (7). (7), 668--678 [www]

  • Koojana Kuladinithi and Chunlei An and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg (2009). Performance evaluation of radio disjoint multipath routing. European Transactions on Telecommunications. Special Issue on the 5th Polish-German Teletraffic Symposium (PGTS 2008). 20 (7). 668--678 [www]

  • An, Chunlei and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2009). Virtual Sensor Network Lifeline for Communications in Fire Fighting Rescue Scenarios. 2009 IEEE 70th Vehicular Technology Conference Fall Anchorage, Alaska

  • Tran, P. Nga and Killat, U. (2009). Distributed Algorithm for Dynamic Logical Topology Reconfiguration in IP over WDM Networks. Proceedings of MMBnet09 Hamburg, Germany

  • Maciej Muehleisen and Ralf Jennen and Mohammad Siddique and Carmelita Goerg (2009). Analysis of a TDMA Coexistence Approach for IEEE 802.16 Systems. In Bernd Wolfinger and Klaus-Dieter Heidtmann (Eds.) Leistungs-, Zuverlässigkeits- und Verlässlichkeitsbewertung von Kommunikationsnetzen und Verteilten Systemen 5. GI/ITG-Workshop MMBNet 2009 Universitaet Hamburg, Department Informatik: Hamburg 65--69 [Abstract] [www]

  • Maciej Muehleisen and Benedikt Wolz and Mohammad Siddique and Carmelita Goerg (2009). Capacity Analysis and Improvement for Coexisting IEEE 802.16 Systems in Unlicensed Spectrum. 20th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications 2009. 5 [Abstract] [www]

  • Li, Xi and Chen, W. and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita and Bigos, Wojciech and Klug, Andreas (2009). Dimensioning of the IP-based UTRAN with Multiple Node Bs for Elastic Traffic using DiffServ QoS. 2009 IEEE 70th Vehicular Technology Conference Fall Anchorage, Alaska

  • D. Munaretto and Chunlei An and J. Widmer and Andreas Timm-Giel (2009). Efficient Sensor Data Gathering and Resilient Communication for Rescue Scenarios. Wireless and Mobile Networking. [www]

  • Benedikt Wolz and Maciej Muehleisen and Karsten Klagges (2009). Coordination Across Base Stations for Effective Control of Space Division Multiple Access Enhanced IEEE 802.16m Systems. Proceeddings of The 20th IEEE International Symposium on Personal,Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications 2009. 5 [Abstract] [www]

  • Munaretto, D. and An, Chunlei and Widmer, J. and Timm-Giel, Andreas (2009). Efficient Sensor Data Gathering and Resilient Communication for Rescue Scenarios. Wireless and Mobile Networking Gdansk, Poland

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  • Zhao, Liang and Koonert, Michael and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2008). Highly Efficient Simulation Approach for the Network Planning of HSUPA in UMTS. IEEE VTC Spring 2008

  • Weerawardane, Thushara Lanka and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Malafronte, Gennaro Ciro and Gianluca, D. and Hauth, S. and Görg, Carmelita (2008). Preventive and Reactive based TNL Congestion Control Impact on the HSDPA Performance. IEEE VTC Spring 2008

  • Chen, Yi and Li, Xi and Schelb, Richard and Görg, Carmelita and Timm-Giel, Andreas (2008). Impacts of Air Interface Call Admission Control on UTRAN Transport Simulations. In Mammeri, Zoubir (Eds.) Wireless and Mobile Networking Springer US: Boston, MA 235--246 [Abstract]

  • Tran, P. Nga and Killat, U. (2008). Resource Efficient Logical Topology Design for IP over WDM Backbone Networks. Computer Communications, Elsevier. 31. (16), 3771--3777 [www]

  • Phuong Nga Tran and Ulrich Killat (2008). An Exact ILP Formulation for Optimal Wavelength Converter Usage and Placement in WDM Networks. in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM 2008. [Abstract] [www]

  • Phuong Nga Tran and Ulrich Killat (2008). Dynamic reconfiguration of logical topology for WDM networks under traffic changes. In Proceedings of IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS'08). [Abstract] [www]

  • Li, Xi and Zeng, Yongzi and Kracker, B. and Schelb, Richard and Görg, Carmelita and Timm-Giel, Andreas (2008). Carrier Ethernet for Transport in UMTS Radio Access Network: Ethernet Backhaul Evolution. IEEE VTC Spring 2008 (accepted for publication) Singapore

  • Liang Zhao and Michael Koonert and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg (2008). Highly Efficient Simulation Approach for the Network Planning of HSUPA in UMTS. VTC Spring 2008 - IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference. [www]

  • Andreas Koensgen and Mohammad Siddique and Carmelita Goerg and Guido Hiertz and Stefan Mangold and Sebastian Max and Maciej Muehleisen (2008). Coexistence and Radio Resource Optimization of Wireless Networking Technologies. In Bernhard Walke (Eds.) ComNets - Sonderband zur Eröffnung des ComNets-Gebäudes Mainz Verlag: [Abstract] [www]

  • T. Weerawardane and R. Perera and A. Timm-Giel and C. Gorg (2008). A Markovian Model for HSDPA TNL Congestion Control Performance Analysis. 2008 IEEE 68th Vehicular Technology Conference 1-6 [doi]

  • Tran, P. Nga and Killat, U. (2008). Dynamic Reconfiguration of Logical Topology for WDM Networks under Traffic Changes. Proceedings of the 11th IEEE/IFIP Network Operation and Management Symposium (NOMS'08) Salvador de Bahia, Brazil

  • Mushtaq, Q. and Kuladinithi, Koojana and An, Chunlei and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2008). QoS Aware Routing for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. Second Baltic Conference ?Advanced Topics in Telecommunica-tion? Tartu, Estland 19--31

  • Zaki, Yasir Naseer and Weerawardane, Thushara Lanka and Li, Xi and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Malafronte, Gennaro Ciro and Görg, Carmelita (2008). Effect of the RLC and TNL Congestion Control on the HSUPA Network Performance. Mosharaka International Conference on Communications, Computers and Applications MIC-CCA 2008 Amman/Jordanien

  • Yasir Naseer Zaki and Thushara Lanka Weerawardane and Xi Li and Andreas Timm-Giel and Gennaro Ciro Malafronte and Carmelita Goerg (2008). Effect of the RLC and TNL Congestion Control on the HSUPA Network Performance. Mosharaka International Conference on Communications, Computers and Applications. [www]

  • A. Mitseva and N. Prasad and P. Todorova and R. Aguero and A. Garcia Armada and C. Panayioto and Andreas Timm-Giel and L. Maccari (2008). CRUISE research activities towards Ubiquitous Intelligent Sensing Environments. IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine. 15. (4), 52--60 [www]

  • Mitseva, A. and Prasad, N. and Todorova, P. and Aguero, R. and Garcia Armada, A. and Panayioto, C. and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Maccari, L. (2008). CRUISE research activities towards Ubiquitous Intelligent Sensing Environments. IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine. 15. (4), 52--60

  • Tran, P. Nga and Killat, U. (2008). An Exact ILP Formulation for Optimal Wavelength Converter Usage and Placement in WDM Network. Proceedings of Globecom'08 New Orleans, USA

  • Eger, K. and Killat, U. (2008). Bandwidth Trading in BitTorrent-like P2P Networks for Content Distribution. Computer Communications, Elsevier. 31. (2), 201--211 [doi]

  • Sivanthi, T. and Killat, U. (2008). Valuing the Design Flexibility of a Distributed Real-time Embedded System. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems Montpellier, France

  • Weerawardane, Thushara Lanka and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Hauth, S. and Malafronte, Gennaro Ciro and Gianluca, D. (2008). Effective IuB Congestion Control for the HSDPA Performance. ICT Mobile Summit 2008 Stockholm, Sweden

  • Becker, Markus and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Murray, Ken and Lynch, Ciaran and Görg, Carmelita and Pesch, Dirk (2008). Comparative Simulations of WSN. In Cunningham, P. and Cunningham, M. (Eds.) ICT Mobile Summit 2008 Paul Cunningham and Miriam Cunningham (Eds) IIMC International Information Management Corporation: Stockholm [Abstract]

  • Wenning, Bernd-Ludwig and Lukosius, Arturas and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita and Tomic, S. (2008). Opportunistic Distance-aware Routing in Multi-Sink Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks. ICT-MobileSummit 2008 Conference Proceedings Stockholm

  • Angrishi, K. and Killat, U. (2008). Analysis of a Real-Time Network using Statistical Network Calculus with Effective Bandwidth and Effective Capacity. 14th GI/ITG Konferenz Messung, Modellierung und Bewertung von Rechen- und Kommunikationssystemen (MMB 2008) Dortmund , Germany

  • T. Ernst, N. Montavont, R. Wakikawa, C. Ng, K. Kuladinithi (2008). Motivations and Scenarios for Using Multiple Interfaces and Global Addresses. [www]

  • Maciej Muehleisen and Daniel Bueltmann and Ralf Jennen and Sebastian Max and Jelena Mirkovic and Ralf Pabst and Marc Schinnenburg (2008). openWNS: Open Source Wireless Network Simulator. In Bernhard Walke (Eds.) ComNets - Sonderband zur Eröffnung des ComNets-Gebäudes Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz: Aachen 121--140 [Abstract] [www]

  • Kuladinithi, Koojana and An, Chunlei and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2008). Performance Evaluation of Radio Disjoint Multipath Routing. The PGTS '08, the Fifth Polish-German Teletraffic Symposium Berlin 171--184

  • Becker, Markus and Jedermann, Reiner and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2008). Sensing and Communication Services for Food Transport Logistics. CEWIT 2008 Stony Brook, NY, USA 21 [www]

  • Phuong Nga Tran and Ulrich Killat (2008). Resource efficient logical topology design for IP-over-WDM backbone networks. Journal Computer Communications. 31. (16), 3771--3777 [Abstract] [www]

  • Li, Xi and Zaki, Yasir Naseer and Weerawardane, Thushara Lanka and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2008). HSUPA Backhaul Bandwidth Dimensioning. 2008 IEEE 19th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications Cannes France

  • Li, Xi and Schelb, Richard and Görg, Carmelita and Timm-Giel, Andreas (2008). {UMTS HSPA and R99 Traffic Separation}. MWCN Toulouse, France

  • Könsgen, Andreas and Islam, S. and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2008). Optimization of a QoS Aware Cross-Layer Scheduler by Packet Aggregation. MWCN 2008 Toulouse, France

  • Wenning, Bernd-Ludwig and Pesch, Dirk and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2008). {Environmental Monitoring Aware Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks}. Wireless and Mobile Networking, Proceedings of the IFIP Joint Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communications Networks (MWCN 2008) and Personal Wireless Communications (PWC 2008) Toulouse, France 5--16


  • A. Udugama and K. Kuladinithi and C. Görg and F. Pittmann and L. Tionardi (2007). NetCAPE: Enabling Seamless IMS Service Delivery across Heterogeneous Mobile Networks. IEEE Communications Magazine. 45. (7), 84-91

  • Koltsidas, Georgios and Pavlidou, Fotini-Niovi and Kuladinithi, Koojana and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2007). Investigating the Performance of a Multipath DYMO Protocol for Ad-Hoc Networks. PIMRC 2007 [Abstract]

  • Wenning, Bernd-Ludwig and Rekersbrink, Henning and Becker, Markus and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita and Scholz-Reiter, Bernd (2007). Dynamic transport reference scenarios. In Hülsmann, Michael and Windt, Katja (Eds.) Understanding Autonomous Cooperation \textbackslash& Control in Logistics - The Impact on Management, Information and Communication and Material Flow. Springer, Berlin 337--350

  • Wenning, Bernd-Ludwig and Görg, Carmelita and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Schönberger, Jörn and Kopfer, Herbert (2007). Investigations on Object-Centered Routing in Dynamic Environments: Algorithmic Framework and Initial Numerical Results. 9th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. Funchal, Madeira, Portugal 225--230

  • Timm, Ingo J. and Knirsch, Peter and Kreowski, Hans-Jörg and Timm-Giel, Andreas (2007). Autonomy in Software Systems. In Hülsmann, Michael and Windt, Katja (Eds.) Understanding Autonomous Cooperation & Control in Logistics. The Impact on Management, Information and Communication and Material Flow Springer: Berlin 255--273 [doi] [www]

  • Timm-Giel, Andreas and Wenning, Bernd-Ludwig and Lukosius, Arturas and Görg, Carmelita (2007). ODEUR - Opportunistic Distance-Aware Unicast Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks.

  • Timm-Giel, Andreas and Becker, Markus and Wenning, Bernd-Ludwig and Görg, Carmelita and Lynch, Ciaran and Pesch, Dirk (2007). Simulation and Modelling of Wireless Sensor Networks.

  • Singh, Gulshanara and Wenning, Bernd-Ludwig and Becker, Markus and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2007). Agent-based Clustering Approach to Transport Logistics. Proceedings of 2007 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, Philadelphia, USA 466--471

  • Phuong Nga Tran and Ulrich Killat (2007). Efficient Logical Topology Design for IP over WDM Backbone Networks: MILP and Heuristic Approach. in Proceedings of International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS 2007). [Abstract] [www]

  • Phuong Nga Tran and Ulrich Killat (2007). Design of logical topology for IP over WDM networks: network performance vs. resource utilization. in Proceedings of International Network Optimisation Conference (INOC). [www]

  • Philipp Hofmann and Chunlei An and Luis Loyola and Imad Aad (2007). Analysis of UDP, TCP and Voice Performance in IEEE 802.11b Multihop Networks. The 13th European Wireless Conference. [www]

  • Markus Becker and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg (2007). Self-Organization Concepts for the Information- and Communication Layer. Springer. 207--213 [www]

  • Kraaier, J. and Killat, U. (2007). Controlling the Stationary Distribution of Mobile Users in Wireless Network Simulations. Proceedings of the 66th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Fall 2007 (VTC2007-Fall) Baltimore, USA

  • Kraaier, J. and Killat, U. (2007). Random Direction or Random Waypoint? A Comparison of Mobility Models for Urban Environments. (accepted for publication by) European Transactions on Telecommunications.

  • Li, Xi and Wang, Linna and Schelb, Richard and Winter, Thomas and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2007). Optimization of Bit Rate Adaptation in UMTS Radio Access Network. 2007 IEEE 65th Vehicular Technology Conference VTC2007-Spring, April 2007, Dublin, Ireland [Abstract]

  • Wenning, Bernd-Ludwig and Rekersbrink, Henning and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita and Scholz-Reiter, Bernd (2007). Autonomous Control by Means of Distributed Routing. In Hülsmann, Michael and Windt, Katja (Eds.) Understanding Autonomous Cooperation \textbackslash& Control in Logistics - The Impact on Management, Information and Communication and Material Flow. Springer, Berlin 325--335

  • Becker, Markus and Kuladinithi, Koojana and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2007). {Historical Development of the Idea of Self-Organization in Information and Communication Technology}. In H{\"{u}}lsmann, Michael and Windt, Katja (Eds.) Understanding Autonomous Cooperation in Logistics - The Impact on Management, Information and Communication and Material Flow. Springer 45--56

  • Burmeister, C. and Killat, U. and Bachmann, J. (2007). Performance of a Rate Adaptive Wireless LAN. Elsevier International Journal of Electronics and Communication ({AE{ "U}}). 61. 493--503

  • Bernd-Ludwig Wenning and Henning Rekersbrink and Markus Becker and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg and Bernd Scholz-Reiter (2007). Dynamic transport reference scenarios. Understanding Autonomous Cooperation and Control in Logistics. 337--350 [www]

  • Bernd-Ludwig Wenning and Henning Rekersbrink and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg and Bernd Scholz-Reiter (2007). Autonomous Control by Means of Distributed Routing. Understanding Autonomous Cooperation and Control in Logistics. 325--335 [www]

  • Eger, K. and Killat, U. (2007). Resource Pricing in {P}eer-to-{P}eer Networks. {IEEE} Communications Letters. 11. (1), 82--84 [www]

  • Becker, Markus and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2007). Self-Organization Concepts for the Information- and Communication Layer. In H{\"{u}}lsmann, Michael and Windt, Katja (Eds.) Understanding Autonomous Cooperation in Logistics - The Impact on Management, Information and Communication and Material Flow. Springer 207--213

  • Könsgen, Andreas and Herdt, W. and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Wang, H. and Görg, Carmelita (2007). An Enhanced Crosslayer Two-Stage Scheduler for Wireless LANs. 18th Annual IEEE Int. Symposium on Personal and Indoor Wireless Communications Athens

  • Eger, K. and Killat, U. (2007). Fair resource allocation in peer-to-peer networks (extended version). Computer Communications, Special Issue: Advances in Communication Networking, Elsevier. 30. (16), 3046--3054 [doi]

  • Tran, P. Nga and Killat, U. (2007). Design of Logical Topology for IP over WDM Networks: Network Performance vs. Resource Utilization. Proceedings of the 3rdInternational Network Optimization Conference (INOC'07) Spa, Belgium

  • Li, Xi and Cheng, Weiyan and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita and Schelb, Richard and Kracker, B. (2007). Modeling IP-based UTRAN for UMTS in OPNET. Opnetwork 2007 Washington

  • Kuladinithi, Koojana and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita and Li, Xi (2007). Implementation and Analysis of Radio Disjoint Multi-path Routing over DYMO in OPNET. Opnetwork 2007 241--255

  • Mitseva, A. and Todorova, P. and Aguero, R. and Armada, A. Garcia and Panayioto, C. and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Maccari, L. and Prasad, N. (2007). CRUISE research activities towards Ubiquitous Intelligent Sensing Environments, Special Issue on Wireless Sensor Networking. IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine. [www]

  • Kunzmann, G. and Nagel, R. and Hoßfeld, T. and Binzenhöfer, A. and Eger, K. (2007). Efficient Simulation of Large-Scale P2P Networks: Modeling Network Transmission Times. Workshop on Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Peer-to-peer environments ({MSOP}2P) Naples, Italy

  • Binzenhöfer, A. and Hoßfeld, T. and Kunzmann, G. and Eger, K. (2007). Efficient Simulation of Large-Scale P2P Networks: Compact Data Structures. Workshop on Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Peer-to-peer environments ({MSOP}2P) Naples, Italy

  • Timm-Giel, Andreas and Subramanian, A. and Dhanasekaran, K. and Navda, V. and Das, Samir R. (2007). Improving Connectivity to Road Side Communication Units Using Steerable Directional Antennas in Vehicular Applications. CEWIT Conference, Stony Brook New York

  • Tran, P. Nga and Killat, U. (2007). Efficient Logical Topology Design for IP over WDM Backbone Networks: MILP and Heuristic Approach. Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS'07) San Diego, USA

  • Könsgen, Andreas and Herdt, W. and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2007). A Crosslayer Two-Stage Scheduler for Wireless LANs. IST Mobile Summit 2007 Budapest

  • V. Navda and A. Subramanian and K. Dhanasekaran and Andreas Timm-Giel and Samir R. Das (2007). MobiSteer: Using Directional Antenna Beam Steering to Improve Performance of Vehicular Internet Access. Proceeding MobiSys '07 Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Mobile systems, applications and services. 192--205 [Abstract] [www]

  • Eger, K. and Hoßfeld, T. and Binzenhöfer, A. and Kunzmann, G. (2007). Efficient Simulation of Large-Scale P2P Networks: Packet-level vs. Flow-level Simulations. 2ndWorkshop on the Use of P2P, GRID and Agents for the Development of Content Networks ({UPGRADE-CN'07}) Monterey Bay, USA 9--16

  • Navda, V. and Subramanian, A. and Dhanasekaran, K. and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Das, Samir R. (2007). MobiSteer: Using Directional Antenna Beam Steering to Improve Performance of Vehicular Internet Access. Mobisys 2007 San Juan, Puerto Rico

  • Burmeister, C. and Killat, U. and Weniger, K. (2007). Power Control and Rate Adaptation in Multi-Hop Access Networks - Is it Worth the Effort?. Proceedings of the 20th International Teletraffic Congress ({ITC20}) Ottawa, Canada

  • Eger, K. and Killat, U. (2007). {TCPeer}: Rate Control in P2P over IP Networks. In Mason, L. and Drwiega, T. and Yan, J. (Eds.) LNCS 4516, 20th International Teletraffic Congress ({ITC}20) Ottawa, Canada 618--629

  • Sivanthi, T. and Zhang, S. and Killat, U. (2007). A Holistic Framework for Optimal Avionic System Resource Planning.. International Workshop on Aircraft System Technologies Hamburg, Germany

  • Angrishi, K. and Killat, U. (2007). Analysis of a Real-Time Network using Statistical Network Calculus with Approximate Invariance of Effective Bandwidth. 15th ITG/GI - Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS 2007) Bern, Switzerland

  • Könsgen, Andreas and Herdt, W. and Wang, H. and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2007). Adaptive Communication in Wireless LANs Using Cross-Layer Scheduling. 12. VDE/ITG Mobilfunktagung Osnabr{\"{u}}ck

  • Timm-Giel, Andreas and Murray, Ken and Becker, Markus and Guo, Cheng and Sokullu, Radosveta and Marandin, Dimitri (2007). Application Framework and Network Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks. Globecom 2007

  • Paul Lukowicz and Andreas Timm-Giel and Michael Lawo and Otthein Herzog (2007). WearIT@work: Toward Real-World Industrial Wearable Computing. IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine. 6. (4), 8--13 [Abstract] [www]

  • Lukowicz, Paul and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Lawo, Michael and Herzog, Otthein (2007). WearIT@work: Toward Real-World Industrial Wearable Computing. IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine. Vol. 7. 8--13 [www]

  • Sivanthi, T. and Killat, U. (2007). Reliable Scheduling of a Distributed Real-time Embedded Application Considering Common Cause Failures. IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation Patras, Greece

  • Koensgen, A. J. and Herdt, W. and Wang, H. and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Böhnke, R. and Görg, Carmelita (2007). A Two-Stage QoS Aware Scheduler for Wireless LANs Based on MIMO-OFDMA-SDMA Transmission. 2007 International Workshop on Cross Layer Design

Eintrag 1-78 von 78


  • Abendroth, D. and Eckel, M. and Killat, U. (2006). Solving the trade-off between fairness and throughput: token bucket based Weighted Fair Queueing scheduler. AEU- International Journal of Electronics and Communications.

  • Li, Xi and Schelb, Richard and Görg, Carmelita and Timm-Giel, Andreas (2006). Dimensioning of UTRAN Iub Links for Elastic Internet Traffic with Multiple Radio Bearers. 13th GI/ITG Conference Measuring, Modelling and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems, N{\"{u}}rnberg, March 2006

  • Wenning, Bernd-Ludwig and Pesch, Dirk and Timm-Giel, Andreas (2006). A Distributed Routing Approach for Vehicle Routing in Logistic Networks. IEEE 64th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), September 25 - 28, 2006, Montreal, Canada

  • Weerawardane, Thushara Lanka and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita and Reim, Thomas (2006). Impact of the Transport Network Layer Flow Control for HSDPA Performance. IEE conference 2006, Sri Lanka

  • Weerawardane, Thushara Lanka and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita and Reim, Thomas (2006). UMTS Transport Network Layer: Modeling and Optimization of HSDPA Traffic Flows. IEE conference 2006, Sri Lanka

  • Weerawardane, Thushara Lanka and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita and Reim, Thomas (2006). Performance Analysis of the Iub Interface in UMTS Networks for HSDPA. Mobifunk Technologien und Anwendungen, Vorträge der 10th ITG-Factagung von 1. bis 2. Juni 2005 in Osnabrück

  • Weerawardane, Thushara Lanka and Li, Xi and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2006). Modeling and Simulation of UMTS HSDPA in OPNET. OPNETWORK 2006, September, 2006, Washington DC, USA

  • van Megen, Friedel and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Salmre, I. and Görg, Carmelita (2006). Smart Networking Request: Supporting Application Development Relying on Network Connectivity for Wearable Computers. In Proc. Intern. Forum on Applied Wearable Computing (IFAWC), Bremen, Germany, March 15-16, 2006 133--139

  • Timm-Giel, Andreas and Kuladinithi, Koojana and Hofmann, Philipp and Görg, Carmelita (2006). Wireless and Ad Hoc Communications Supporting the Firefighter. 15th IST Mobile Summit, Myconos, Greece, June 4-8, 2006

  • Timm-Giel, Andreas and Kotsis, G. and Pesch, Dirk and Prasad, N. (2006). Visions and Challenges of Wireless Sensor Networks.

  • Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2006). Self-Configuring Communication Service Module Supporting Autonomous Control of Logistic Goods. 3rdInternational Workshop on Managing Ubiquitous Communications And Services (MUCS 2006), Cork (IRL)

  • Timm-Giel, Andreas (2006). Visions and Challenges of Wireless Sensor Networks.

  • Malik, S. and Killat, U. (2006). Lighter and Faster Simulations of High Speed IP Networks. (accepted for publication), International Journal of Electronics and Communications. [www]

  • Becker, Markus and Jedermann, Reiner and Sklorz, Adam and Behrens, Christian and Westphal, Detmar and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita and Lang, Walter and Laur, Rainer (2006). {Sensoren und RFIDs f{\"{u}}r selbststeuernde logistische Objekte und deren mobile Vernetzung}.

  • Malik, S. and Killat, U. (2006). Impact of Burst Aggregation Time on Performance in Optical Burst Switching Networks. (accepted for publication), Optical Switching and Networking.

  • Li, Xi and Li, Su and Schelb, Richard and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2006). Delay in UMTS Radio Access Networks: Analytical Study and Validation. EUNICE Summer School 2006, September 2006, Stuttgurt

  • Hofmann, Philipp and Kuladinithi, Koojana and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2006). Performance of IEEE 802.11 Wireless Technologies in Airplane Maintenance. In Proc. Intern. Forum on Applied Wearable Computing (IFAWC), Bremen, Germany, March 15-16 125--130

  • Becker, Markus and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2006). {Vergleich von Simulationswerkzeugen f{\"{u}}r die Simulation von drahtlosen Sensornetzen}.

  • Becker, Markus and Wenning, Bernd-Ludwig and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2006). Usage of Mobile Radio Services in Future Logistic Applications. Mobilfunk Technologien und Anwendungen. 11. ITG-Fachtagung, 17. - 18. Mai 2006, Osnabr{\"{u}}ck 137--141

  • Li, Xi and Li, Su and Schelb, Richard and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2006). Delay in UMTS Radio Access Networks: Analytical Study and Validation. Australian Telecommunication Networks and applications conference (ATNAC), December 2006, Melbourne Australia

  • Zhao, Liang and Weerawardane, Thushara Lanka and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita and Türke, Ulrich and Koonert, Michael (2006). Overview on UMTS HSDPA and Enhanced Uplink (HSUPA). Mobilfunk Technologien und Anwendungen, Vorträge der 11th ITG-Fachtagung von 17. bis 18. May 2006 in Osnabrück

  • Hofmann, Philipp and Kuladinithi, Koojana and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita and Bettstetter, Christian and Capman, F. and Toulsaly, C. (2006). Are IEEE 802 Wireless Technologies Suited for Fire Fighters?. In Proc. 12th European Wireless Conference 2006, Athens, Greece, April 2-5

  • Killat, U. and Laue, F. and Vogeley, H. (2006). Stowage Planning of Container Ships. Complexity Management in Supply Chains. 121--139

  • Li, Xi and Li, Su and Görg, Carmelita and Timm-Giel, Andreas (2006). Traffic Modeling and Characterization for UTRAN. 4th International Conference on Wired/Wireless Internet Communications, May 2006, Bern switzerland

  • Zhang, S. and Kreft, L. and Killat, U. (2006). A Novel Linear-Programming Based Methodology for the Planning of Real Time Communication Groups in a Network with SCED Schedulers. The 4th International Workshop on Internet Performance, Simulation, Monitoring and Measurements (IPS-MoMe 2006) Salzburg, Austria 254--263

  • Chennu, S. and Habel, K. and Langner, K. (2006). QoS-aware Traffic Protection for Access Rings. Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications July 2006 Berlin, Germany

  • Eger, K. and Killat, U. (2006). Fair Resource Allocation in {P}eer-to-{P}eer Networks. Proc. 2006 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS'06) Calgary, Canada

  • Kraaier, J. and Killat, U. (2006). The Influence of User Mobility on Vehicular Internet Access via {IEEE} 802.11 Access Points. Proceedings of the 2nd{IEEE} International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications ({WiMob} 2006) Montreal, Canada

  • Eger, K. and Killat, U. (2006). Die { "U}berlastpreisgestaltung als ein einheitlicher Ansatz zur Ratenregelung und Wegfindung. 13th GI/ITG Conference on Measurement, Modeling, and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (MMB 2006) N{\"{u}}rnberg, Germany

  • Zhang, S. and Kreft, L. and Killat, U. (2006). Traffic Engineering for Real Time Communication Groups Using Network Calculus Based Schedulability Analyses. The 13th GI/ITG Conference on Measuring Modelling and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (MMB2006) N{\"{u}}rnberg, Germany 335--348

  • Xi Li and Su Li and Carmelita Goerg and Andreas Timm-Giel (2006). Traffic Modeling and Characterization for UTRAN. Wired/Wireless Internet Communications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 3970. 190--201 [Abstract] [www]

  • Sivanthi, T. and Killat, U. (2006). A Satisficing MOMIP Framework for Reliable Real-time Application Scheduling.. IEEE International Symposium on Dependable Autonomic and Secure Computing Indianapolis, USA 187--194

  • Erik Weiss and Maciej Muehleisen and Carl-Herbert Rokitansky and Bernhard Walke and Laura Georgi (2006). Architecture of an Always Best Connected Vehicular Communication Gateway. Proceedings of the 64th IEEE Vehicular Technology conference. 6 [Abstract] [www]

  • Eger, K. and Killat, U. (2006). Bandwidth Trading in Unstructured {P2P} Content Distribution Networks. Proc. Sixth IEEE International Conference on {P}eer-to-{P}eer Computing (P2P2006) Cambridge, UK

  • Zhang, S. and Angrishi, K. and Killat, U. (2006). An Attempt to Offer Differentiated Services in an Industrial Core Network. The 4th Polish-German Teletraffic Symposium (PGTS06) Wroclaw, Poland


  • Abendroth, D. and Killat, U. (2005). Effective bandwidth shaping: a framework for resource dimensioning - extended version. Journal on Computer Communications, Elsevier. 28, special issue 15. 1703--1710 [www]

  • Li, Xi and Schelb, Richard and Görg, Carmelita and Timm-Giel, Andreas (2005). Dimensioning of UTRAN Iub Links for Elastic Internet Traffic.

  • Timm-Giel, Andreas and Kuladinithi, Koojana and Hofmann, Philipp and Bettstetter, Christian and Ok, Rifat and Sarilar, Zeynap and Görg, Carmelita (2005). Research in Wireless Communications for Wearable Computing. In Proc. Intern. Forum on Applied Wearable Computing (IFAWC), Zürich, Switzerland, March 17-18, 2005

  • Timm-Giel, Andreas and Kuladinithi, Koojana and Görg, Carmelita (2005). WearIT@work: Communications for the Mobile Worker Equipped with Wearable Computing. 15th IST Mobile Summit, June 22nd- 24th, 2005, Dresden

  • Sebastian Zimmermann (2005). Congestion Pricing as Scalable, Efficient and Stable Congestion Control for Future IP Networks. Hamburg, Germany

  • Abendroth, D. and van den Berg, H. and Mandjes, M. (2005). A multiple time scale model for TCP bandwidth sharing under user heterogeneity. Proceedings NETWORKING 2005 Waterloo Ontario, Canada

  • Malik, S. and Killat, U. (2005). A High Speed Traffic Source for Web Traffic Simulation. 6. ITG-Fachtagung Photonische Netze/Photonic Networks Leipzig, Germany

  • Malik, S. and Killat, U. (2005). An Argument for Reduction of Simulation Complexity. 19th International Teletraffic Congress ITC (ITC19) Beijing, China

  • Markus Becker and Andreas Timm-Giel (2005). Selbststeuerung in der Transportlogistik: Modellierung der mobilen Kommunikation. Industrie Management. 5. 71--74 [Abstract] [www]

  • Hofmann, Philipp and Bettstetter, Christian and Kuladinithi, Koojana and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita and Ok, Rifat and Sarilar, Zeynap (2005). Requirements of Wireless Communication for Wearable Computing at Work. In Proc. Intern. Forum on Applied Wearable Computing (IFAWC), Z{\"{u}}rich, Switzerland, March 17-18, 2005

  • Becker, Markus and Timm-Giel, Andreas (2005). Selbststeuerung in der Transportlogistik: Modellierung der mobilen Kommunikation. Industrie Management 5/2005 71--74 [Abstract] [www]

  • Abendroth, D. and van den Berg, H. and Mandjes, M. (2005). A versatile model for TCP bandwidth sharing in networks with user heterogeneity. Proceedings Korea-Netherlands Joint Conference on Queueing Theory and its Applications to Telecommunication Systems B.D. Choi (ed.): Seoul, South Korea 173--188

  • Abendroth, D. and van den Berg, J. and Mandjes, M. (2005). A versatile model for TCP bandwidth sharing in networks with heterogeneous users. accepted for publication (A04-190), International Journal of Electronics and Communications.

  • Zimmermann, S. and Killat, U. (2005). Control Theoretic Model for Congestion Pricing and Impact of Instability. Int. J. Electron. Commun. AE{ "U}. "59". 421--431

  • Burmeister, C. and Killat, U. and Bachmann, J. (2005). TCP Throughput Optimized Handover Decisions. Proceedings of the 11th European Wireless Conference 2005 Nicosia, Cyprus

  • Mulyana, E. and Zhang, S. and Killat, U. (2005). Internet Traffic Engineering for Partially Uncertain Demands. Proceedings of the 19th International Teletraffic Congress ITC19 Beijing China

  • Mulyana, E. and Stahlke, H. and Killat, U. (2005). Dimensioning of Multi-Class Over-Provisioned IP Networks. Proceedings of the 19th International Teletraffic Congress ITC19 Beijing China

  • Timm-Giel, Andreas and Kuladinithi, Koojana and Görg, Carmelita (2005). Self-configuring Communication Service Module for Wearable Computers. WWRF15 Meeting, Paris 1--7 [Abstract] [www]

  • Malik, S. and Killat, U. (2005). Impact of Burst Aggregation Time on Performance in Optical Burst Switching Networks. Optical Network Design and Modelling (ONDM-2005) Milan, Italy [www]

  • Sivanthi, T. and Killat, U. (2005). Static Scheduling of Periodic Tasks in a Decentralized Real-time Control System Using an ILP. IEEE International Workshop on Distributed, Parallel and Network Applications Fukuoka, Japan

  • Mulyana, E. and Killat, U. (2005). Optimizing IP Networks for Uncertain Demands Using Outbound Traffic Constraints. Proceedings of the 2ndInternational Network Optimization Conference INOC 2005 Lisbon Portugal

  • Mulyana, E. and Killat, U. (2005). Routing Optimization in IP/MPLS Networks under Per-Class Over-Provisioning Constraints. Proceedings of the 2ndInternational Network Optimization Conference INOC 2005 Lisbon Portugal

  • Eger, K. and Killat, U. (2005). Revenue Maximisation in Peer-to-Peer Networks. Workshop "Peer-to-Peer-Systeme und -Anwendungen", 14.GI/ITG-Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS) Kaiserslautern, Germany

  • Zhang, S. and Kreft, L. and Killat, U. (2005). Traffic Engineering for Hard Real Time Multicast Applications Using Genetic Algorithm. The 3rdInternational Workshop on Internet Performance, Simulation, Monitoring and Measurements (IPS-MoMe 2005) Warsaw, Poland 233--239

  • Sivanthi, T. and Killat, U. and Angrishi, K. (2005). An Application of a Formal Approach for Distribution of Real-time Control. IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Solutions in Embedded Systems Hamburg, Germany

  • Mulyana, E. and Killat, U. (2005). Load Balancing in IP Networks by Optimising Link Weights. European Transactions on Telecommunications. 16. (3), 253--261

  • Sivanthi, T. and Chennu, S. and Kreft, L. (2005). Modeling Decentralized Real-time Control by State Space Partition of Timed Automata. IEEE International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications Montreal, Canada

  • Kraaier, J. and Killat, U. (2005). The Random Waypoint City Model - User Distribution in a Street-Based Mobility Model for Wireless Network Simulations. Proceedings of the third ACM International Workshop on Wireless Mobile Applications and Services on WLAN Hotspots (WMASH 2005) Cologne, Germany 100--103

  • Burmeister, C. and Killat, U. and Bachmann, J. (2005). Modeling Rate-Adaptive Wireless LAN with an M/G/1/B Queueing System. Proceedings of the International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (CSN 2005) Benidorm, Spain

  • Burmeister, C. and Killat, U. and Bachmann, J. (2005). An Analytical Model of Rate-Adaptive Wireless LAN and its Simulative Verification. Proceedings of the third ACM International Workshop on Wireless Mobile Applications and Services on WLAN Hotspots (WMASH05) Cologne, Germany

  • Zhang, S. and Kreft, L. and Killat, U. (2005). Traffic Engineering for a Set of Multicast Groups with Respect to Hard Real Time QoS. The 19th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC19) Beijing, China 2127--2136


  • Abendroth, D. and Killat, U. (2004). An advanced traffic engineering approach based on the approximate invariance of effective bandwidths. Telecommunication Systems Journal, Kluwer Publishers. 27 (2-4). 393--411

  • Kai Below and Ulrich Killat (2004). On the Reduction of the Complexity of Realistic Large Scale Network Simulations. AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications. 58. (6), 371 - 381 [Abstract] [doi] [www]

  • Abendroth, D. and Killat, U. (2004). Effective bandwidth shaping in TCP networks. IEEE ICN 2004 Guadeloupe, French Caribbean

  • Kuladinithi, Koojana and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2004). Mobile Ad hoc Communication in AEC Industry. IT-Con Journal on Mobile Computing in Construction, published in April 2004 [Abstract] [www]

  • Kraaier, J. and Killat, U. (2004). Calculating Mobility Parameters for a Predefined Stationary User Distribution. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON 2004) Singapore 41--45

  • Kuladinithi, Koojana and Udugama, Asanga and Fikouras, Nikolaos Albertos and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2004). Experimental Evaluation of AODV Implementations. [www]

  • Görg, Carmelita and Könsgen, Andreas and Körner, Markus and Proetel, Daniel and Timm-Giel, Andreas (2004). Begleitstudie zum Vorhaben UMTS- nach ATM-Gateway-Prototyp der Firma HST, Bremerhaven.

  • Görg, Carmelita and ö, Andreas and Körner, Markus and Proetel, Daniel (2004). Begleitstudie zum Vorhaben UMTS- nach ATM-Gateway-Prototyp der Firma HST. In Timm-Giel, Andreas (Eds.) Bremerhaven, Januar 2004 [www]

  • Fikouras, Nikolaos Albertos and Kuladinithi, Koojana and Görg, Carmelita and Bormann, Carsten and Timm-Giel, Andreas (2004). Multiple Access Interface Management and Flow Mobility. 13th IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit 2004, Lyon, France, June 2004 [Abstract] [www]

  • Dirk Abendroth (2004). Traffic Shaping Concepts for Advanced Traffic Engineering. Hamburg, Germany

  • Timm-Giel, Andreas (2004). UMTS-Einsatzmöglichkeiten in der Logistik.

  • Koojana Kuladinithi and Andreas Timm-Giel and Carmelita Goerg (2004). Mobile Ad hoc Communication in AEC Industry. IT-Con Journal on Mobile Computing in Construction. 9. 313--323 [Abstract] [www]

  • Malik, S. and Killat, U. (2004). A Light Weight Traffic Source for Web Traffic Simulation. GLOBECOM/Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling, Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks (GLOBECOM/CAMAD-2004) Dallas, USA

  • Malik, S. Ahmad S. (2004). Implementation of Optical Burst Switching Framework in Ptolemy Simulator. [www]

  • Malik, S. and Killat, U. (2004). How many sources are enough?. Performance Modelling and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Networks (HET-NETS) Ilkely, UK

  • Malik, S. and Killat, U. (2004). Replacing HTTP-TCP Traffic Sources with Open-Loop UDP Traffic Sources. Proceedings of Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS) San Jose, USA

  • Mulyana, E. and Killat, U. (2004). Optimizing IP Networks in a Hybrid IGP/MPLS Environment. Annals of Telecommunications, Special Issue on Traffic Engineering and Routing. 59. (11), 1373--1388

  • Malik, S. and Killat, U. (2004). Web-Pages Sojourn Times in High Speed Networks. IEEE International Workshop on IP Operations \& Management (IPOM-2004) Beijing, China

  • Burmeister, C. and Killat, U. and Bachmann, J. (2004). Location-Based Services via IEEE 802.11b Hot Spots. Proceedings of the 3rdPolish-German Teletraffic Symposium PGTS 2004 Dresden, Germany

  • Mulyana, E. and Killat, U. (2004). Impact of Partial Demand Increase on the Performance of IP Networks and Re-optimization Approaches. Proceedings of the 3rdPolish-German Teletraffic Symposium PGTS 2004 Dresden Germany

  • Mulyana, E. and Killat, U. (2004). Optimization of IP Networks in Various Hybrid IGP/MPLS Routing Schemes. Proceedings of the 3rdPolish-German Teletraffic Symposium PGTS 2004 Dresden Germany

  • Sivanthi, T. and Killat, U. (2004). Global Scheduling of Periodic Tasks in a Decentralized Real-time Control System. IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems Vienna, Austria

Eintrag 1-88 von 88


  • Abendroth, D. and Killat, U. (2003). Effective Bandwidth Shaping : A Framework for Network Dimensioning. IEEE ICON 2003 Sydney, Australia

  • Below, K. and Killat, U. (2003). Reducing the Complexity of Realistic Large Scale Internet Simulations. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) San Francisco, USA

  • Forgeau, B. and Killat, U. (2003). {Parallelization of a Discrete-Event WAN Simulator based on Ptolemy}. {Proceedings of the Western MultiConference 2003 ({SCS} {WMC}'03)} Orlando, Florida, USA

  • Kai Below (2003). Methodology for Parameterisation of Large Scale Network Simulations. Hamburg, Germany

  • Kuladinithi, Koojana and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2003). Potential Productivity Gains in the Field through Wireless Technologies. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications (CE), Madeira, Portugal, July 2003 [Abstract] [www]

  • Timm-Giel, Andreas and Amadou and Aust, Stefan and Görg, Carmelita and Ehrichs, Lars and Kus, Mehmet and Wischnewski, Manfred B. (2003). UMTS Application Trials: Teleambulance in the IST Project xMOTION. IST Mobile Summit 2003, Aveiro Portugal, June 2003 [Abstract] [www]

  • Forgeau, B. and Killat, U. (2003). {An Empirical Study of Different Strategies for the Parallel Simulation of Large-Scale Communication Networks}. {Accepted for publication at 4th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing with Applications ({PDSECA}'03)} Nice, France

  • Zimmermann, S. (2003). Verfahren zur skalierbaren, effizienten, fairen und Dienstg{\"{u}}te-abhängigen Nutzung von Ressourcen in IP Netzen.

  • Below, K. and Killat, U. (2003). Generating Prescribed Traffic with {HTTP/TCP} Sources for Large Simulation Models. In K.-P. Fähnrich (Eds.) Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen ({KiVS}) Leipzig, Germany 283--294

  • Hashmi, S. S. H. (2003). Congestion Control for Pre-Recorded MPEG Video Streams.

  • An Pham, Q. (2003). Distributed Call Admission Control for Packet-Switched Networks.

  • Kuladinithi, Koojana and Fikouras, Nikolaos Albertos and Könsgen, Andreas and Timm-Giel, Andreas and Görg, Carmelita (2003). Enhanced Terminal Mobility through the Use of Filters for Mobile IP. In Proceedings of the Summit on Mobile and Wireless Communications (IST Summit), Aveiro, Portugal [Abstract] [www]

  • Patchotepong, S. (2003). Validation and Extension of a Control Theoretic Model for {TCP}/{RED} and {S}ingle-{B}it {R}esource {M}arking Strategy ({SBRM}).

  • Mulyana, E. and Killat, U. (2003). An Offline Hybrid IGP/MPLS Traffic Engineering Approach under LSP constraints. Proceedings of the 1stInternational Network Optimization Conference INOC 2003 Evry/Paris France


  • Abendroth, D. and Below, K. and Killat, U. (2002). The Interaction between TCP and Traffic Shapers - Clever Alternatives to the Leaky Bucket. IEEE GLOBECOM 2002 Taipei, Taiwan

  • Abendroth, D. and Killat, U. (2002). A Poissonian Traffic Descriptor. 15th ITC Specialist Seminar 2002 Wuerzburg, Germany

  • Abendroth, D. and Killat, U. (2002). Intelligent Shaping: Well Shaped Throughout the Entire Network ?. IEEE INFOCOM 2002 New York City,New York, USA

  • Zimmermann, S. and Killat, U. (2002). Resource Marking and Fair Rate Allocation. Proc. of the ICC 2002, New York IEEE: 1310--1314

  • Killat, U. and Below, K. (2002). Modellierung der {L}eistungsfähigkeit von {TCP/IP} in ausgedehnten {B}reitbandnetzen. 25. Europäische Congressmesse ONLINE 2002 ONLINE 2002: D{\"{u}}sseldorf {C230}

  • Redenbach, S. (2002). Fairness- und TCP-Friendliness-Verhalten verschiedener TCP-REM-Implementierungen.

  • Below, K. and Killat, U. (2002). On the Configuration of Simulations of Large Network Models with {HTTP/TCP} Sources. In Tran-Gia, P. and Roberts, J. (Eds.) 15th {ITC} Specialist Seminar, Internet Traffic Engineering and Traffic Management W{\"{u}}rzburg 143--149

  • Mulyana, E. and Killat, U. (2002). An Alternative Genetic Algorithm to Optimize OSPF Weights. Internet Traffic Engineering and Traffic Management, 15-th ITC Specialist Seminar Wuerzburg Germany

  • Below, K. and Killat, U. (2002). Internet Traffic Generation for Large Simulations Scenarios with a Target Traffic Matrix. Advances in Communications and Software Technologies ({WSEAS} {ICOSMO} 2002) WSEAS Press: Skiathos, Greece 146--151

  • Below, K. and Killat, U. (2002). Allocation of {HTTP/TCP} Sources for Traffic Generation in Large Network Simulations. 2nd Polish-German Teletraffic Symposium ({PGTS} 2002) Gdansk, Poland 175--182

  • Forgeau, B. and Killat, U. (2002). Optimizing Parallel DE Simulation of WANs. Proceedings of the 2nd{WSEAS} International Conference on Simulation, Modelling and Optimization ({WSEAS} {ICOSMO} 2002) Skiathos, Greece 3641--3645

  • Forgeau, B. and Killat, U. (2002). {Parallel Simulation of WANs using Discrete-Events}. {Proceedings of the 2nd{MMB} Arbeitsgespräch} Hamburg, Germany

  • Mulyana, E. and Killat, U. (2002). A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm Approach for OSPF Weight Setting Problem. Proceedings of the 2ndPolish-German Teletraffic Symposium PGTS 2002 Gdansk Poland


  • Abendroth, D. (2001). Service Separation and Qos in ATM Networks: The RCC+ Multiplexer. KiVS 2001 ITG im VDE: Hamburg, Germany

  • Abendroth, D. and Battaglia, L. and Killat, U. (2001). The RCC+: A Fast and Reliable Scheduler for QoS in ATM Networks through Service Separation. AE{ "U}, International Journal of Electronics and Communications. 55, no.1. 1--8

  • Killat, U. (2001). Netzplanung: {D}er {S}chl{"u}ssel zur {E}ffizienz. 24. Europäische Congressmesse ONLINE 2002 ONLINE 2002: D{\"{u}}sseldorf {C230}

  • Battaglia, L. and Guardado, F. and Killat, U. (2001). PCR Policing: A Comparison of Fuzzy Policers Versus GCRA. KiVS 2001 Hamburg, Germany

  • B{\"{u}}chling, M. (2001). Entwurf und Analyse einer TCP-ECN-Implementierung f{\"{u}}r den Ptolemy-Simulator.

  • Meyer, I. (2001). Objektorientierte Implementierung verschiedener TCP- Versionen f{\"{u}}r Ptolemy und Performanzanalyse.

  • Hamann, T. (2001). Dynamics of Different Congestion Pricing Strategies.

  • Below, K. and Schwill, C. and Killat, U. (2001). {E}rhöhung des {N}utzungsgrades eines {ATM} {N}etzes f{\"{u}}r den {W}issenschaftsbereich ({ERNANI}). [www]

  • Zimmermann, S. and Hamann, T. and Killat, U. (2001). Dynamics of Different Congestion Pricing Strategies. In de Souza, J. M. and da Fonseca, N. L. S. and de Souza e Silva, E. A. (Eds.) Teletraffic Engineering in the Internet Era, Proc. of the International Teletraffic Congress -- ITC-17, Salvador da Bahia, Brazil Elsevier: 1187--1200


  • Andreas Timm-Giel (2000). Simulationsmodelle fuer Breitbandige Indoor-Mobilfunkkanaele. Shaker: Aachen [www]

  • Hoener, P. and Killat, U. (2000). Near Client Caching in Large Scale iVoD Systems. In Delgado, Jaime and Stamoulis, George D. and Mullery, Al and Prevedourou, Didoe and Start, Keith (Eds.) Telecommunications and IT Convergence Towards Service E-volution Springer Berlin Heidelberg: Berlin, Heidelberg 105--116 [Abstract]

  • Asmussen, J. and Killat, U. (2000). Dynamic Channel Assignment Strategies and Respective Bounds in Cellular Networks. Proceedings of the First Polish-German Teletraffic Symposium PGTS 2000 ITG im VDE: Dresden, Germany

  • Timm-Giel, Andreas (2000). Simulationsmodelle für Breitbandige Indoor-Mobilfunkkanäle. Shaker: Aachen

  • Battaglia, L. and Killat, U. (2000). How to Police the PCR of an ATM Stream Passing Through a Fair Queueing Scheduler Before Entering the UNI. 8th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Nashville, Tennessee, USA 500--509

  • Beckmann, D. and Killat, U. (2000). Planning of Survivable ATM Networks based on the Virtual Path Concept. Munich, Germany

  • M. Pätzold and A. Szczepanski and N. Youssef (2000). Methods for modeling of specified and measured multipath power delay profiles. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 51. 978--988 [www]

  • Killat, U. (2000). Gibt es einen Spotmarkt f{\"{u}}r Bandbreite?. 23. Europäische Congressmesse ONLINE 2000 ONLINE 2000: D{\"{u}}sseldorf

  • Beckmann, D. and Killat, U. (2000). Applied Frequency Planning for Cellular Radio Networks. AE{ "U}, Int. Journal of Electronics and Communications. 54. (4), 211--217

  • M. Pätzold and R. Garc '{ i}a and F. Laue (2000). Design of high-speed simulation models for mobile fading channels by using table look-up techniques. IEEE_TVT. 49. (4), 1178--1190

  • Bonin, V. and Cerdan, F. and Casals, O. (2000). A Simulation Study of Differential Fair Buffer Allocation. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing, 3\textsuperscript{rd}. International Conference on ATM (ICAM 2000) Heidelberg, Germany

  • Hamann, T. and Walrand, J. (2000). A New Fair Window Algorithm for ECN Capaple TCP (New-ECN). Proceedings of the Infocom 2000 1528--1536

  • M. Pätzold (2000). Perfect channel modeling and simulation of measured wide-band mobile radio channels. Proc. 1stInternational Conference on 3G Mobile Communication Technologies IEEE 3G2000, London, UK: 288--293

  • M. Pätzold and A. Szczepanski (2000). Methods for modeling of specified and measured multipath power delay profiles. Proc. IEEE 51stVeh. Technol. Conf., VTC2000-Spring Tokyo, Japan: 1828--1834

  • M. Pätzold and A. Szczepanski and S. Buonomo and F. Laue (2000). Modeling and simulation on nonstationary land mobile satellite channels by using extended Suzuki and handover processes. Proc. IEEE 51stVeh. Technol. Conf., VTC2000-Spring Tokyo, Japan: 1787--1792

  • M. Pätzold and F. Laue (2000). The performance of deterministic Rayleigh fading channel simulators with respect to the bit error probability. Proc. IEEE 51st Veh. Technol. Conf., VTC2000-Spring Tokyo, Japan: 1998--2003

  • M. Pätzold and T. Jargstorff and F. Laue (2000). A procedure for the design of deterministic spatial channel models. Proc. 3rdInt. Symp. on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, WPMC'00 Bangkok, Thailand: 452--459


  • Timm, A. and Dreyer, K.-P. (1999). S-UMTS Service Trials.

  • Battaglia, L. and Killat, U. (1999). How to Dimension Two Sets of GCRA Parameters to Fairly Police PCR and SCR of Connections Passing an ATM Multiplexer. AE{ "U}, International Journal of Electronics and Communications. 3. 129--134

  • Battaglia, L. and Killat, U. (1999). Broadband Communications gcOn the PCR Policing of an Arbitrary Stream Passing Through a Private ATM Network Before Reaching the Public UNI. Kluwer Academic Publishers:

  • Timm-Giel, Andreas (1999). The TOMAS inter-trial testbed ? An evaluation platform for S-UMTS services, applications and components. International Journal of Space Communications. 15. (4), 199--207 [Abstract] [www]

  • Beckmann, D. and Killat, U. (1999). Frequency Planning with respect to Interference Minimization in Cellular Radio Networks. Vienna, Austria

  • Sterian, C. E. D. and Laue, F. and Pätzold, M. (1999). Trellis-Coded Quadrature Amplitude Modulation with 2N- Dimensional Constellations for Mobile Radio Channels. {IEEE} Trans. Veh. Technol..

  • M. Pätzold (1999). Mobilfunkkanäle --- Modellierung, Analyse und Simulation. Wiesbaden: Vieweg:

  • Killat, U. (1999). Verteilte multimediale Anwendungen und diensteintegrierende Kommunikationsnetze Neuere Entwicklungen von ATM-Infrastrukturen. Wissenschafts-Akademie f{\"{u}}r Kommunikations- und Informations-Technik:

  • Battaglia, L. and Killat, U. (1999). Qos of IP over ATM: The PCR and ACR Policing Issue. IWS '99 Osaka University Convention Center: Suita, Japan

  • Killat, U. (1999). Die entscheidenden Anwendungen: Transport von IP und Sprache in ATM-Netzen. 22. Europäische Congressmesse ONLINE 99 ONLINE 99: D{\"{u}}sseldorf

  • Beckmann, D. and Killat, U. (1999). A New Strategy for the Application of Genetic Algorithms to the Channel-Assignment Problem. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 48. (4), 1261--1269

  • M. Pätzold and F. Laue (1999). Level-crossing rate and average duration of fades of deterministic simulation models for Rice fading channels. IEEE_TVT. 48. (4), 1121--1129

  • Karachos, G. and Nil, C. and Schubert, A. and Timm, A. (1999). Application Adaptation for UMTS Services. ACTS Mobile Summit 1999 Sorrento (I)

  • Timm, A. and Blaydes, A. and Rijndorp, H. (1999). Results of the TOMAS Satellite-UMTS Service Trials. ACTS Mobile Summit 1999 Sorrento (I)

  • Below, K. and Battaglia, L. and Killat, U. (1999). {RESTART/LRE} Simulation: The Reliability Issue. Second International Workshop on Rare Event Simulation, {RESIM99}, Enschede, The Netherlands University of Twente: 89--98

  • M. Pätzold and A. Szczepanski and F. Laue (1999). Flexible stationäre und nichtstationäre Kanalmodelle f{\"{u}}r den Satellitenmobilfunkkanal und deren Anpassung an die statistischen Eigenschaften von gemessenen Kanälen. Proc. ITG-Diskussionssitzung Me{ ss}verfahren im Mobilfunk G{\"{u}}nzburg, Germany: 59--60

  • M. Pätzold and R. Garc '{ i}a (1999). Design and performance of fast channel simulators for Rayleigh fading channels. Proc. 3rdEuropean Personal Mobile Communications Conference EPMCC'99, Paris, France: 280--285

  • Beckmann, D. and Killat, U. (1999). A Powerful Hybrid Algorithm for the Channel-Assignment Problem based on Evolutionary Optimization. Paris, France

  • Beckmann, D. and Killat, U. (1999). Routing and Wavelength Assignment in Optical Networks using Genetic Algorithms. European Transactions on Telecommunications. 10. (5), 537--544


  • Schmidt, K. and Wichers, M. and Killat, U. (1998). Broadband Communications gcCan Equivalent Capacity CAC Deal with Worst Case Traffic in GCRA-Policed ATM Networks. Paul K{\"{u}}hn, Roya Ulrich:

  • Beckmann, D. and Killat, U. (1998). Minimizing the Number of Fibres in Optical Networks using Genetic Algorithms. Z{\"{u}}rich, Switzerland

  • M. Pätzold (1998). Stochastische und deterministische Modelle zur Modellierung von nichtfrequenzselektiven Mobilfunkkanälen.

  • Battaglia, L. and Bazanowski, Z. and Killat, U. (1998). Dimensioning GCRA Parameters to Fairly Police a CBR Stream Passing an ATM Multiplexer Equipped with a Traffic Shaper. Performance Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks 6th IFIP Workshop: Ilkley, UK

  • Timm, A. (1998). Satellitenkommunikation im zukünftigen Mobilfunknetz UMTS.

  • A. Guntsch and M. Ibnkahla and G. Losquadro and M. Mazzella and D. Roviras and Andreas Timm-Giel (1998). EU's R\&D activities on third generation mobile satellite systems (S-UMTS). IEEE Communications Magazine. 36. (2), 104--110 [Abstract] [www]

  • Guntsch, A. and Ibnkahla, M. and Losquadro, G. and Mazzella, M. and Roviras, D. and Timm-Giel, Andreas (1998). EU?s R&D Activities on Third-Generation Mobile Satellite Systems (S-UMTS). IEEE Communications Magazine. 104--110 [www]

  • Killat, U. (1998). Das magische Dreieck der ATM-Technik. 21. Europäische Congressmesse ONLINE '98 D{\"{u}}sseldorf

  • M. Pätzold and U. Killat and F. Laue and Y. Li (1998). On the statistical properties of deterministic simulation models for mobile fading channels. IEEE_TVT. 47. (1), 254--269

  • M. Pätzold and Y. Li and F. Laue (1998). A study of a land mobile satellite channel model with asymmetrical Doppler power spectrum and lognormally distributed line-of-sight component. IEEE_TVT. 47. (1), 297--310

  • Killat, U. (1998). Die ATM-Technik: Lösungen und Problemfelder. F. Arnold:

  • Bazanowski, Z. and Battaglia, L. and Killat, U. (1998). Yet another View of Idle Periods. ITC sponsored Regional International Teletraffic Seminar St. Petersburg 373--375

  • Timm, A. (1998). The TOMAS Inter-Trial Platform and Joint Trials performed. ACTS Mobile Telecommunications Summit 1998 Rhodes (GR)

  • Marsan, M. Ajmone and Munafo, M. and Killat, U. and Asmussen, J. and Quemada, J. and Robles, T. and Salvachua, J. (1998). The European Teleteaching Experiments of the Acts Bonaparte Project. Conference Proceedings {EDEN} 98 Bologna Italy

  • Beckmann, D. (1998). Wellenlängenzuweisung und Routing in optischen WDM-Netzen mit Hilfe genetischer Algorithmen. Leistungs-, Zuverlässigkeits- und Verlässlichkeitsbewertung von Kommunikationsnetzen und verteilten Systemen Hamburg 81--86

  • M. Pätzold and R. Garc '{ i}a (1998). A new procedure for the design of fast simulation models for Rayleigh fading channels. Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Wireless Communications ISWC'98, Montreal, Quebec, Canada: 28

  • M. Pätzold and U. Killat and F. Laue (1998). An extended Suzuki model for land mobile satellite channels and its statistical properties. IEEE_TVT. 47. (2), 617--630

  • M. Pätzold and F. Laue (1998). Statistical properties of Jakes' fading channel simulator. Proc. IEEE 48th Veh. Technol. Conf., VTC'98 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: 712--718

  • Timm, A. and Schubert, A. (1998). The TOMAS Satellite-UMTS Inter-trial Platform. IEEE PIMRC{\'{}}98 Boston (USA)

  • Timm, A. and Schubert, A. (1998). Inter-Trial Platform and Joint Trials performed. IEEE PIMRC{\'{}}98 Boston (USA)

Eintrag 1-92 von 92


  • Nordloh, H. and Timm, A. (1997). TOMAS Inter-Trial Testbed of Mobile Applications for Satellite Communications - Project Overview.

  • Duque-Anton, M. and R{\"{u}}ber, B. and Killat, U. (1997). Extending Kohonen's Self-Organizing Mapping for Adaptive Resource Management in Cellular Radio Networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 46. (3), 560--568

  • Vogt, R. and Killat, U. (1997). Teletraffic Contributions for the Information Age gc Frame-Mode Versus Cell-Mode Operation In ATM-Based Connectionsless Networks. Ramaswami, V. Wirth, P. E.:

  • Beckmann, D. (1997). Wellenlängenzuweisung und Routing in optischen WDM-Netzen. 2nd IEEE Newcomer Workshop Kommunikationstechnik Hamburg 37--42

  • Killat, U. (1997). Die ATM-Technik: Gelöste und ungelöste Probleme. Europäische Congressmesse ONLINE Hamburg {C210.01}--{C210.21}

  • Killat, U. and Asmussen, J. and Ajmone Marsan, M. and Munafo, M. and Quemada, J. and Salvachua, J. and Robles, T. (1997). A Pan-European ATM-Based Teleteaching Experiment. Proceedings ED-MEDIA and ED-TELECOM Calgary, Canada

  • M. Pätzold and U. Killat and Y. Li and F. Laue (1997). Modeling, analysis, and simulation of nonfrequency-selective mobile radio channels with asymmetrical Doppler power spectral density shapes. IEEE_TVT. 46. (2), 494--507

  • M. Pätzold and F. Laue and U. Killat (1997). A frequency hopping Rayleigh fading channel simulator with given correlation properties. Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ISPACS'97 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: {S8.1.1}--{S8.1.6}

  • Timm, A. (1997). The TOMAS Inter-Trial Testbed and Supported Services. ACTS Mobile Telecommunications Summit 1997 Aalborg (DK)


  • Killat, U. (1996). Access to B-ISDN via PONs. John Wiley and Sons Ltd., Chichester and B. G. Teubner: Stuttgart

  • M. Pätzold and U. Killat and F. Laue and Y. Li (1996). An efficient deterministic simulation model for land mobile satellite channels. Proc. IEEE 46th Veh. Technol. Conf., VTC'96 Atlanta, Georgia, USA: 1028--1032

  • M. Pätzold and U. Killat and Y. Shi and F. Laue (1996). A deterministic method for the derivation of a discrete WSSUS multipath fading channel model. European Trans. Telecommun. and Related Technologies (ETT). 7. (2), 165--175

  • M. Patzold and U. Killat and F. Laue (1996). A deterministic digital simulation model for Suzuki processes with application to a shadowed Rayleigh land mobile radio channel. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 45. (2), 318-331 [doi]

  • Li, Y. and Pätzold, M. and Killat, U. and Laue, F. (1996). An Efficient Deterministic Simulation Model for Land Mobile Satellite Channels. Proc. IEEE 46th Technol. Conf. Atlanta, Georgia, USA 1028--1032

  • M. Pätzold and U. Killat and F. Laue and Y. Li (1996). A new and optimal method for the derivation of deterministic simulation models for mobile radio channels. Proc. IEEE 46th Veh. Technol. Conf., VTC'96 Atlanta, Georgia, USA: 1423--1427

  • Killat, U. (1996). ATM-Technik im Wandel: Die Realitäten melden sich zu Wort. ONLINE '96 Congress, Congressband II Hamburg {C220.02}--{C220.19}

  • Vogt, R. and Killat, U. (1996). End-to-End Performance Evaluation of Datagram Acceptance Control in DQDB-ATM-DQDB CL Network. Proc. 1996 International Z{\"{u}}rich Seminar on Digital Communications 335--346

  • Bazanowski, Z. and Shinozaki, M. and Domerque, A. and Killat, U. (1996). Leaky Bucket: { dots} and what if the arrival process is not a renewal one??. Proc. International Conf. On Informational Networks and Systems Sankt Petersburg, Russland

  • M. Pätzold and U. Killat and F. Laue and Y. Li (1996). On the problems of Monte Carlo method based simulation models for mobile radio channels. Proc. IEEE 4th Int. Symp. on Spread Spectrum Techniques \& Applications, ISSSTA'96 Mayence, Germany: 1214--1220

  • Walle, H. and Killat, U. (1996). Averaging Interference Cancellation for Optical DS-CDMA Systems. Proc. IEEE 4th Int. Symp. on Spread Spectrum Techniques Applications Mainz, Germany 609--613


  • Bazanowski, Z. and Killat, U. (1995). Trade-Offs in VP-based and VC-based Traffic Shaping. Third International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Modelling and Analysis Nashville, Tennessee, USA 78--85

  • Bazanowski, Z. and Killat, U. (1995). The Superposition of Cell Streams with Geometrically Distributed Interarrivals in an ATM Multiplexer. IEEE Transaction on Communications. 43. (2/3/4), 1323--1325

  • Bazanowski, Z. and Killat, U. (1995). Two Methods for Computing the System Occupancy Distribution in ATM Multiplexer Fed by Periodic Traffic. Proc. ITC Sponsored St. Petersburg International Teletraffic Seminar '95 St. Petersburg, Russland 393--403

  • Heister, U. and Killat, U. (1995). Private and Authentic Communication in Passive Optical Networks. International Journal of Network Management. 5. (2), 66--76

  • Schmidt, K. and Killat, U. and Mayer-Lindenberg, F. and Kraft, P. (1995). A Parallel ATM-Network Simulator. Proc. ISS '95 Berlin, Germany 304--308

  • Vogt, R. and Killat, U. (1995). Performance Evaluation of Datagram Acceptance Control in DQDB to ATM Interworking Unit. Proc. ISS '95 Berlin, Germany 82--86

  • Schmidt, K. and Killat, U. (1995). Performance of a Traffic Smoothing Switching Element. ETT European Transactions on Telecommunications. 6. (6), 701--706

  • Walle, H. and Killat, U. (1995). Combinatorial BER Analysis of Synchronous Optical CDMA with Prime Sequences. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 43. (12), 2894--2895

  • Killat, U. (1995). Kopplungen mit ATM-Netzen: Probleme und Lösungen. Online '95 Congress, Congressband II Hamburg {C210.02}--{C210.08}

  • Bazanowski, Z. and Killat, U. (1995). Analysis of The General N*D/D/1-Queueing Model. Proc. The Third International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics Hamburg

  • Bazanowski, Z. and Killat, U. (1995). The Superposition of Virtual Connections with Periodic Traffic in an ATM Multiplexer: Waiting Time. Proc. ITC Sponsored St. Petersburg International Teletraffic Seminar '95 St. Petersburg, Russland 366--382

  • Bazanowski, Z. and Killat, U. (1995). The Superposition of Virtual Connections with Periodic Traffic in an ATM Multiplexer: Idle and Busy Period Distributions. Third International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Modelling and Analysis Nashville, Tennessee, USA 105--112

  • Timm, A. (1995). Asymmetric High Speed Data Satellite Communications. RACE Mobile Telecommunications Summit 1995 Cascais

  • M. Pätzold and U. Killat and F. Laue (1995). Ein erweitertes Suzukimodell f{\"{u}}r den Satellitenmobilfunkkanal. Proc. 40. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium Technische Universität Ilmenau, Ilmenau, Germany: 321--328

  • M. Pätzold and U. Killat and F. Laue (1995). A new deterministic simulation model for WSSUS multipath fading channels. Proc. 2. ITG-Fachtagung Mobile Kommunikation '95 Neu-Ulm, Germany: 301--312


  • Bazanowski, Z. and Killat, U. (1994). The Superposition of Virtual Connections with Periodic Traffic in an ATM Multiplexer. In Bauerfeld, W. and Spaniol, O. and Williams, F. (Eds.) Proc. BROADBAND ISLANDS '94 Connecting with the End-User 233--240

  • Bazanowski, Z. and Killat, U. and Pitts, J. (1994). The N*D/nD/1-Model and Its Application to the Spacing of ATM-Cell. International Conf. on Informational Networks and Systems '94 St. Petersburg 109--118

  • Killat, U. (1994). Connectionless Service in an ATM-Based Network. International Journal of Network Management. 4. (2), 104--112

  • Killat, U. (1994). Was ist ATM-{ "U}berblick {\"{u}}ber die Technologie und ihre Vorteile. Der B{\"{u}}ro-Manager- Kommunikationsberater.

  • Killat, U. (1994). ATM-Netze - die Infrastruktur f{\"{u}}r Multimediakommunikation?. Innovationen bei Rechen- und Kommunikationssystemen. 182--187

  • M. Pätzold and U. Killat and Y. Shi and F. Laue (1994). A discrete simulation model for the WSSUS multipath channel derived from a specified scattering function. Proc. 8. Aachener Kolloquium {\"{u}}ber Mobile Kommunikationssysteme RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany: 347--351

  • Walle, H. and Killat, U. (1994). Capacity Comparison of Incoherent Optical CDMA using Prime Codes and TDMA. ITG-Fachbericht 130 ''Codierung f{\"{u}}r Quelle, Kanal und { "U}bertragung'' ITG- Fachtagung, M{\"{u}}nchen: 393--399

  • M. Pätzold and U. Killat and F. Laue (1994). A deterministic model for a shadowed Rayleigh land mobile radio channel. Proc. 5th IEEE Int. Symp. Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun., PIMRC'94 The Hague, The Netherlands: 1202--1210


  • Shi, Y. and Pätzold, M. (1993). A Self-Sweeping gcSpot-Observing TV Monitoring System Using Bus-Configuration Over Optical Fibers. IEEE Singapore International Conference on Networks and International Conference on Information Engineering Hayatt Regency Singapore: Singapore


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